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Post by MS60years »

I am a 63 year old married man who was diagnosed with MS about five years ago even though I realize now that I have experienced the symptoms and have actually had the disease since very early in my life. After three brain MRIs, the lesions are not changing and no more are developing and that is good news for me. The brain damage that has been done is not likely to become worse for me. Cognitive problems have always been my main problems that affect personal relationships and math ability as examples. This has held me back from achieving my dreams in life, simply put. On a positive note, I have done much research to find answers that most doctors either will not or cannot provide, the root causes of the disease for example. Most doctors say that they think something in the environment causes MS but they just can't put their finger on what it is. My father-in-law also suffered from MS and died from complications. He was an electrical engineer that said many times that he believed mercury was the root cause of his having the disease multiple sclerosis. Long before I was diagnosed, at the approximate age of 35, I had all mercury amalgam fillings removed from my teeth, ten or more of them. I did that because of the knowledge that deadly toxic mercury does migrate out of amalgam tooth fillings into the air stream moving into our lungs and into our blood stream. It migrates through our mucous membranes into the blood stream and can follow our olfactory nerves into the brain. It affects many other areas of our bodies as well in very negative ways. Placing mercury amalgam into our teeth is a barbaric act because mercury is so poisonous. Mercury is the most toxic element that is not radioactive, it is neurotoxic, it destroys enzymes that make our lives possible, it destroys our kidneys plus it has many other deadly effects on our bodies. The effect mercury has in binding to certain sulfur containing amino acids that make-up the myelin sheath around our nerves is the salient point that appears to tie it to MS. When mercury binds to sulfhydryl or thiol groups that are part of the myelin sheath, the individual myelin structures that make-up the sheath can no longer bind to each other and so they fall apart or disintegrate leaving the nerve fiber inside bare and it dies. When the nerve fibers die they can form tangled masses of dying or dead tissue that we call scleroses. It seems that in looking back on my experiences that after some time after removing mercury from my teeth that progression of my MS disease was essentially halted and that no worsening of symptoms occurred. I will always have brain damage, that cannot be corrected. One major thing I have done that has made my symptoms recede is to chelate heavy metals out of my body. I encourage anyone suffering the debilitating disease MS to look into removing mercury and heavy toxic metals from their body. Chelation is a slow process and it takes time and effort to bring lasting results but I can tell you that it is very much worth the effort. So, I will not say positively that mercury causes MS but there seems to be a very strong link. Doctors and dentists may not like what I am saying because of their fear of lawsuits from their placing deadly mercury into people's mouths and by injecting deadly mercury into people's bodies through vaccines. I understand that this is reported to be an open, inviting forum and that good intentioned people will not be unfairly treated here or banned for expressing their honest thoughts about their disease symptoms and experiences.
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Re: Hello Everyone

Post by jimmylegs »

welcome to the forum :)

these are the kinds of studies that influence my thinking along the lines you describe above

Organic Selenium Supplementation Increases Mercury Excretion and Decreases Oxidative Damage in Long-Term Mercury-Exposed Residents from Wanshan, China

Dietary habits and selenium, glutathione peroxidase and total antioxidant status in the serum of patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis.
Serum Se concentration and GSH-Px activity in the serum of patients with MS ... were significantly decreased ... compared with control group ...
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Re: Hello Everyone

Post by MS60years »

Thank you Jimmylegs! Glutathione is so important Jimmylegs, I agree. I have used NAC to help boost glutathione production and also have used liposomal glutathione and liposomal r-alpha lipoic acid as well. There are other good supplements to help move mercury and other toxics out of the body for better quality of life. Exercise is important for those who are able to tolerate it. My bicycle is a good friend. :-D
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Re: Hello Everyone

Post by jimmylegs »

no problem :)
i personally prefer basic essential nutrients to optimize basic functions (including glutathione production) and biosynthesis, before other supplements that might help bypass, without repairing, existing biosynthetic pathways.
for example, i'm glad i achieved healthy optimal serum uric acid levels (rather than my long term recalcitrant 'ms normal' uric acid levels) by restoring essential zinc to my broken kreb's cycle, rather than supplementing with the non-essential uric acid precursor inosine.
i gave my bicycle away ages ago, to a friend who'd had his driver's license revoked due to epilepsy and who has passed away long since. i am definitely overdue to invest in a decent replacement!
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Re: Hello Everyone

Post by ElliotB »

My age and MS experience is very, very similar to yours. Interestingly, I have always had cognitive problems too but virtually all of them have improved or I no longer suffer from them except for one, I have tremendous trouble socializing that obviously greatly affects my personal relationships

"So, I will not say positively that mercury causes MS"

There are so many theories about what causes MS and allegedly 'curses' it, and they all have issues to discount them, as is the case here. There are many people who have MS and do not have Amalgams, And of course, there are many, many people with Amalgams that do not have MS. But of course there are other ways to ingest mercury.

I have not formed an opinion on this matter one way or the other, and at one time considered having my Amalgams removed. I also have had two root canals and considered having those extracted as well. But I decided the procedures to remove them may do more harm than good, so I opted not to do them. The high cost also helped me make my decisions.

There is plenty of info on the web that goes both ways on the subject. So ultimately at this time, no one really knows.

And finally, many with MS and Amalgams are found to have low mercury levels, lower than average. FWIW, I had blood work done a few years ago to test for heavy metals including mercury and was found to be OK. I do 'detox' as preventative care.

Here is a link to an intetesting article titled "MS Inc.: The Myth About Multiple Sclerosis and Mercury":
https://www.everydayhealth.com/columns/ ... d-mercury/

There are many similar articles on this subject.
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Re: Hello Everyone

Post by MS60years »

The best book I have found on this topic is, "Solving the MS Mystery, Help, Hope and Recovery" by Hal A. Huggins. Some of us have robust detoxification systems in place in our bodies to remove toxins and some of us have impaired detoxification systems and that is my case. Everyone is different. Mercury does cause myelin to disintegrate from it's place protecting nerve tendrils, that fact cannot be debunked.
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Re: Hello Everyone

Post by jimmylegs »

i tend to read studies and avoid books. i like the idea of providing weak detox systems with the nutritional essentials they need to have their best chance at working properly!
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Re: Hello Everyone

Post by MS60years »

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