MS and Autism

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MS and Autism

Post by Jlspwk »

My fifteen year old son who has a mild form of autism was just diagnosed with MS. I have MS as well. Curious if any others on this site has an autistic child with MS.
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Re: MS and Autism

Post by NHE »

Jlspwk wrote:My fifteen year old son who has a mild form of autism was just diagnosed with MS. I have MS as well. Curious if any others on this site has an autistic child with MS.
Welcome to ThisIsMS. I'm sorry to hear about your son's diagnosis at a young age.

Sally Pacholok is a coauthor of two books that discuss how vitamin B12 deficiency can mimic the symptoms of several other conditions including MS, autism and dementia. Her books are... ... diagnoses/
  • Could It Be B12? An Epidemic of Misdiagnoses.

  • What's Wrong with My Child? From Neurological and Developmental Disabilities to Autism.
    How to Protect Your Child from B12 Deficiency.
I don't know if you've had your son's B12 levels checked as many doctors today seem to overlook B12 from the perspective that it was just a health care fad from years gone by. However, a true B12 deficiency can be very disabling which is unfortunate as it's very easy to treat in the early stages of the condition. You may wish to read these books and possibly have your son's B12, homocysteine, methylmalonic acid (MMA) and red blood cell (RBC) folate levels tested.

You may also be interested in watching the following documentary available on youtube.
  • "Everything You Want Your Doctor to Know about Vitamin B12"

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Re: MS and Autism

Post by ElliotB »

Does your son follow a gluten free diet?
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Re: MS and Autism

Post by lyndacarol »

In view of the following articles, perhaps children with autism should also be tested for a possible vitamin D deficiency:

Autism (2018)
Vitamin D Council, Dr. John Cannell ... ns/autism/

Vitamin D and autism, what's new? (2017)
John Jacob Cannell ... 017-9409-0


An increasing amount of evidence points to the possibility that gestational and early childhood vitamin D deficiency [25(OH)D < 40 ng/ml] cause some cases of autism. Vitamin D is metabolized into a seco-steroid hormone that regulates about 3% of the 26,000 genes in the coding human genome. It is also a neurosteroid that is active in brain development, having effects on cellular proliferation, differentiation, calcium signaling, neurotrophic and neuroprotective actions; it also appears to have an effect on neurotransmission and synaptic plasticity. Children who are, or who are destined to become, autistic have lower 25(OH)D levels at 3 months of gestation, at birth and at age 8 compared to their unaffected siblings. Two open label trials found high dose vitamin D improves the core symptoms of autism in about 75% of autistic children. A few of the improvements were remarkable. The vitamin D doses used in these children were 300 IU/KG/day up to a maximum of 5000 IU/day (highest final 25(OH)D level reached was 45 ng/ml). The other study used 150,000 IU/month IM as well as 400 IU/day [highest final 25(OH)D level was 52 ng/ml]. These two open label trials were recently confirmed with a randomized controlled trial (RCT) using 300 IU/kg/day with a maximum of 5000 IU/day and resulted in effects similar to the two open label studies. In terms of prevention, a recent small study showed vitamin D supplementation during pregnancy (5000 IU/day) and during infancy and early childhood (1000 IU/day) significantly reduced the expected incidence of autism in mothers who already had one autistic child from 20% to 5%. Vitamin D is safe; for example, over the last 15 years, Poison Control reports there have been approximately 15,000 cases of vitamin D overdose. However only three of these 15,000 people developed clinical toxicity and no one died. Given those facts, practitioners might consider treating autism with 300 IU/kg/day, and seek to prevent autism by supplementing pregnant and lactating women (5000 IU/day) and infants and young children (150 IU/kg/day) checking 25(OH)D levels every 3 months. These doses will increase 25(OH)D blood levels to those recommended by the Endocrine Society. As the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends vitamin D supplementation during infancy and childhood, pediatricians and family practitioners should evaluate the current evidence on autism and vitamin D and act accordingly.

Vitamin D deficiency could be a cause of autism, October 13, 2010

"A new Danish study published in the journal Pediatrics has identified a link between neonatal jaundice and autism. Babies born with jaundice have a significantly increased risk of developing both general psychological problems and autism, and researchers believe a vitamin D deficiency is to blame."
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