I'm looking for people interest to be interviewed for my Research Paper about MS Caregivers

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I'm looking for people interest to be interviewed for my Research Paper about MS Caregivers

Post by NeusFunollet »

Good morning,
I’m a student from Spain and I’m doing my Research Project, a compulsory paper. The topic of my Research Project is Multiple Sclerosis CAREGIVERS - focused on the psychological and emotional aspects – because my father was diagnosed with MS when I was little, and it changed the lives of the whole family (mom, dad, and me). I want to know more about his disease.

I have decided to do this by interviewing the caregivers or family of the affected people with MS, given the fact that nobody knows better what happens daily than those who live with them.
The interviews will be via Zoom and the information will be treated anonymously and will be confidential. The results of the interviews will be exclusively for my paper.

The profile I am looking for is caregivers whom people affected with MS have been diagnosed with MS at least 8 years ago.

I am willing to listen to your stories and how it is for you to live with a person affected by this disease. I will be really grateful for your participation in my paper.
For me it would be of big help they were the sooner as possible.

My contact is neus.funollet@insbaixmontseny.cat

Thank you
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Re: I'm looking for people interest to be interviewed for my Research Paper about MS Caregivers

Post by ElliotB »

My father had MS when I was young. Nobody in our family really understood what he was going through, especially my mother. There is no way that anyone without MS can understand it, in my opinion. I only came to realize this well after my diagnosis. It is amazing how many healthy people state "Here is what I would do IF I had MS". This statement is a sure sign they they don't have a clear understanding of the situation.

Good luck with your research. Please post the results of your paper once it is completed.
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