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Re: THE WORLD'S FIRST WEARABLE STOCHASTIC RESONANCE DEVICE is helping me walk better and reducing my pain - amazing!

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2024 2:50 pm
by Jaded
Thanks for this ElliotB. Please continue to keep us updated


Re: THE WORLD'S FIRST WEARABLE STOCHASTIC RESONANCE DEVICE is helping me walk better and reducing my pain - amazing!

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2024 3:47 am
by ElliotB
Thank you. I definitely will.

I am amazed that I still continue to notice further improvements, although at this point, they are subtle compared to my initial changes because I improved so much so quickly initially. Yet it is so exciting to experience them none-the-less because it gives me a lot of hope for the future, for an excellent future.

I spoke with the manufacturer, and while they state that my results are not unusual, that not everyone improves with the use of this device (most do) and of course the extent of improvement also varies from person to person because the nerve damage from one person to another can be dramatically different. This has truly been the miracle I have been hoping for! It absolutely is a miracle!

Re: THE WORLD'S FIRST WEARABLE STOCHASTIC RESONANCE DEVICE is helping me walk better and reducing my pain - amazing!

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2024 3:48 am
by ElliotB

I called the Accelera company yesterday with a question and we ended up talking about numerous topics about the device and I discovered some important information that could impact usage of the device in some countries outside the USA. Plus the company may not even be able to ship the device to you depending on your location, so if you are interested in this device, contact them first prior to purchasing.

The Accelera device will ONLY function with an iPhone that has their app installed on it. And not all countries outside the USA, Canada and a couple of other countries have the ability to download the app. Just to be 100% clear, the APP is NOT AVAILABLE for non-iPhone devices and the Accelera device will not work without an iPhone.

Depending on your location, there is a chance you will not be able to download the APP to your iPhone. If you have an interest in using the Accelera device, you should try to download the app on your phone prior to making your purchase. Again, the Accelera device will not work without an iPhone that has their app installed on it. The app is available in Apple's APP store.

Here is the link to the APP:

Re: THE WORLD'S FIRST WEARABLE STOCHASTIC RESONANCE DEVICE is helping me walk better and reducing my pain - amazing!

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2024 4:41 pm
by ElliotB
Just wanted to provide another update - thankfully I continue to see improvement. My pain level continues to improve/lower and my leg, ankle and foot muscles continues to get stronger.

BUT, the most impressive improvement I just experienced is that my drop foot has improved dramatically due to the various muscles associated with drop foot (typically the ankle and foot dorsiflexors consisting of the tibialis anterior, extensor digitorum longus, and extensor hallucis longus) finally strengthening thanks to the Accelera device.

I have been wearing a foot brace for the drop foot issues for several years. About 8 months ago, I started using an adult trike for bike riding/exercise. I was not able to pedal without wearing the brace as my foot pointed almost straight downwards when I tried to pedal - the brace was not comfortable to pedal with but after the one attempt I realized I had no choice but to wear it. I have been wearing an Extern drop foot brace for the past few months which made things a bit more comfortable. BUT I decided a few days ago to try riding the trike without the brace. And to my pleasant surprise, I was able to pedal without any issues related to the foot drop I was experiencing. I will continue to use a foot strap on the pedal to hold my foot in place. Hopefully as my muscles strengthen even that won't be necessary.

I can even walk short distances slowly without the brace on while wearing shoes. So, my dorsiflexor muscles have definitely strengthened I am thrilled. The only time I need to wear the brace now is when I take my dog for a walk. Inside my home, I can walk reasonably well without the brace thanks to the device.

Additionally, when I get in and out of my bathtub, I am able to lift my leg noticeably higher now. I obviously don't wear the device for this, so this is a good indication of increased and permanent muscle strength.

The Accelera device has been so helpful to me and has changed/improved my life dramatically!

Re: THE WORLD'S FIRST WEARABLE STOCHASTIC RESONANCE DEVICE is helping me walk better and reducing my pain - amazing!

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2024 6:53 pm
by tzootsi
Elliot, so glad to hear this is helping you. My wife tried this device for 6 weeks, wearing it religiously for about 8 hours a day - unfortunately, it did nothing to help her weak right leg or her balance. We had several phone conversations with Accelera, and tried different settings, to no avail. The device is quite easy to use and has no negative side effects, but apparently it doesn't work for everyone. Accelera was very good about taking it back, and giving a partial refund.

Re: THE WORLD'S FIRST WEARABLE STOCHASTIC RESONANCE DEVICE is helping me walk better and reducing my pain - amazing!

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2024 4:42 pm
by ElliotB
My younger brother, who has had MS since he was in his early 20s (is now 59) has weakness in both legs and has balance issues (uses 'ski poles' for support/balance and has difficulty walking when he walks without them) just ordered two Accelera devices and will be wearing them on both legs. I will be documenting his experience here in addition to mine. He should be trying them for the first time tomorrow, they were just delivered today. I am optimistic that the devices will help him in a similar manner to how I have been helped.

Accelera recommends wearing the device all day except when sleeping although it is obviously ok to wear the device while sleeping, I do. Which only makes sense. Since I had such good results immediately, I wore my device all day instinctively, as I posted initially "After just two days of using it, I don't even want to remove it."

And of course, as I also mentioned, I purchased a 2nd device so I could basically wear the device all the time basically without interuption including at night when I sleep. The battery lasts most of the day and takes about 1 1/2 hours to recharge but it has been so effective for me including controlling my pain that I didn't want to go without wearing it for even short periods of time - the only time I don't wear it is when I am in the shower or bathtub since it is not waterproof (it is water resistant though).

I spoke with the rep at Accelera and she says that most Accelera users do have a really great experience with the device, and she confirmed that it should be worn at all times except when sleeping for best results.

Re: THE WORLD'S FIRST WEARABLE STOCHASTIC RESONANCE DEVICE is helping me walk better and reducing my pain - amazing!

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2024 10:50 am
by ElliotB
My brother has just started wearing his Accelera devices, and he is having excellent results, IMMEDIATELY. HUGE improvements in numerous ways, walking much better, able to lift his legs higher and even cross one leg over the other.

And I keep noticing even further improvements for myself, for example I am able to lift my leg higher now than just weeks ago, sleeping better (getting 1-2 hours more sleep), my favorite improvement is EVEN LESS PAIN and EVEN LESS FREQUENT PAIN) which I have been noticing over the past few weeks as well and new improvements I keep discovering, ways I have been improving and had not yet noticed, for example it has been pretty much impossible for me to cross my left leg over my right knee (I could do it occasionally) yet now I can do it (it is not always easy) pretty much all the time.

I spoke to a rep at Accelera about my pain reduction. She stated that although they don't promote it for pain reduction, many users do report experiencing reductions in pain from using the Accelera device. Better than EXCELLENT NEWS! I have been dealing with pain since I had a major attack about 10 years ago. This attack led to my diagnosis. I have tried many ways to reduce my pain with minimal success. UNTIL now with the Accelera!

INTERESTINGLY, I had my brother test the effectiveness of the device using methods of testing I had discovered myself. And the most telling one is that he was able to immediately cross his weaker leg (which like me is his left leg too) onto the knee of his stronger leg, which is his right leg. Without the device, he was not able to at all but with the device on, he was able to do it. He was, needless to say, impressed and very pleased! I happened to take a video of him doing this and will be posting it online at some point. He then turned the device off and was immediately NOT able to cross his leg. H repeated this test several times and each time had the same results.

TO BE CLEAR on how the device works, when it is powered on and you are wearing it, it is working and when you are not wearing it or it is powered off, there would be no improvement. YET, for me, because my muscles are now/finally, after many years of slow but persistent decline, getting stronger, so I do notice some nice improvement even when not wearing the device (which I only do for very short periods of time or to test my progress). BUT I get the most improvement when I am wearing the device, of course.

Re: THE WORLD'S FIRST WEARABLE STOCHASTIC RESONANCE DEVICE is helping me walk better and reducing my pain - amazing!

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2024 10:09 pm
by Scott1
Hi Elliot,
I'm glad you're finding the device of use.
May I ask a couple of questions about how you were before you started using this?
Prior to using this-
Were your toes curling under at all?
Could you reach your own toes to cut the nails ?
When you put a sock on, did the foot lift off the floor or was it 'glued' to the floor making it hard to slide the sock on?
If you leaned forward to put a shoe or sock on did you feel a painful stretch anywhere in your leg, buttock or back?
As it sounds like your problem was predominately the left leg, did you have back pain or pain on the right side of your torso?
Did you walk with a straight leg, or did it break naturally at the knee when walking?
Did your left leg cross your midline as part of walking?
I'm just trying to get a sense of where you were, in non technical terms.

Re: THE WORLD'S FIRST WEARABLE STOCHASTIC RESONANCE DEVICE is helping me walk better and reducing my pain - amazing!

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2024 4:55 am
by ElliotB

Prior to using this- were your toes curling under at all?

No, but I was not able to lift them up off the ground at all, zero. Yet, now I can without much difficulty. A skill I just rediscovered that I can now do again.

Could you reach your own toes to cut the nails ?

Yes, but my left foot toes are not easy to do. But I can get them done. Takes me a while and a lot of effort.

When you put a sock on, did the foot lift off the floor or was it 'glued' to the floor making it hard to slide the sock on?

I actually have had a lot of difficulty with socks, especially walking with socks. So, in my home, which is completely tiled (I cannot walk on carpet although I have not tried to recently), I walk barefoot.

I could not slide my socks on if my foot was on the floor, I always cross my left leg onto my knee to put a sock on.

BUT I did try some exercises which used the motion you mentioned wearing socks, and it was very difficult to complete the exercises. And I gave up on them. I would not have trouble at this point in time, in fact, I am going to start doing those at this time.

If you leaned forward to put a shoe or sock on did you feel a painful stretch anywhere in your leg, buttock or back?

No, I do a lot of exercise and stretching daily and have been for years, so these issues have not been ones I have had to deal with.

As it sounds like your problem was predominately the left leg, did you have back pain or pain on the right side of your torso?

No pain on the right, but my left hip muscles do 'complain' to me a bit because they are finally being used.

Did you walk with a straight leg, or did it break naturally at the knee when walking?

I used to but not anymore thankfully.

Did your left leg cross your midline as part of walking?

Yes, but not the same as my right. Doing a lot better now with this.

Hope this information helps you.

Re: THE WORLD'S FIRST WEARABLE STOCHASTIC RESONANCE DEVICE is helping me walk better and reducing my pain - amazing!

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2024 4:39 pm
by ElliotB
I wanted to share another update.

My brother continues to be impressed with the improvements he is experiencing. He has weakness in both legs, his left being the weaker of the two. He ended up ordering two Accelera devices, one for each leg. He noticed something interesting, when wearing the device only on his left leg, he has minimal improvement but when he wears the 2nd Accelera device on his right leg at the same time as when he wears one on his left leg, he notices a huge improvement in the strength of his left leg. Our nervous system is very complicated.

I called the Accelera rep I have been communicating with and asked if they have done any studies on individuals wearing two or more Accelera devices at the same time, she said no. But she added that numerous people are using two at the same time and reporting positive experiences over using just wearing one.

So, I decided to try wearing two at the same time since I already had a 2nd one, to see what happens. And I am glad I made this decision. I didn't notice any difference or additional improvement in my left leg, but to my most pleasant surprise, my pain level dropped dramatically. I was shocked! And sooooo happy! I am still evaluating my experience and will probably order another Accelera device because I have noticed that on many occasions when I remove the Accelera off my right leg to charge it, my pain level starts to increase within about 10-15 minutes. And once I start wearing the device again, the pain subsides within about 15-20 minutes. I am obviously hopeful that at some point I will be pain free And that this is a direct result of the Accelera device. I believe it is but I also know it is too soon so know for sure.

I am now getting closer and closer to being totally pain free, andI am thrilled with my current pain level being so low now, finally. And I do seem to be having periods of time when I am extremely low in pain, and perhaps some periods of time when I am pain free (I forgot what living without pain is like). Truly a MIRACLE!

AND as a direct result of having less pain and dramatically less frequent episodes of pain, I am sleeping much better. Last night I slept nearly 5 hours straight, which for me is amazing as I am typically woken up every 1 1/2 to 3 hours with a pain episode. Sometimes it has been every hour. And I have been dealing with this terrible routine for 6+ years. Frankly, I don't know how I have survived it! I hope this is my new 'normal' - too early to tell at this point.

Re: THE WORLD'S FIRST WEARABLE STOCHASTIC RESONANCE DEVICE is helping me walk better & greatly reducing my pain - amazin

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2024 5:50 pm
by Brainteaser
Just to clarify and I mean no disrespect, at this stage Elliot is getting good results from this device. Are there any others ? Bob the physical therapist says it helps (but maybe we should consider that they promote products). There was a video somewhere of two women said to be wearing it and improving. With the women, we don't know who they are or other possible explanations for their improvements ? Knowing these things, we don't know if their improvement was from something else ? I'm considering this item but it would be nice to get broader support for it. The usual call is for a study but as we know from the last few years, studies can be unreliable. I thank Elliot for his great reports but I am just looking for something to convince me that it is worth purchasing. Any ideas ?

Re: THE WORLD'S FIRST WEARABLE STOCHASTIC RESONANCE DEVICE is helping me walk better & greatly reducing my pain - amazin

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2024 9:22 am
by ElliotB
I agree with you that studies can be unreliable for many, many reasons. I find many if not most studies are biased towards the organization funding them - no surprise there.

But in my opinion, it is worth trying the device because there is a VERY GOOD chance it will help you. It is reasonably priced and affordable to most. There is no downside to it. No dangers in using it whatsoever and no side effect. PLUS because they will give a 30 trial and refund the amount paid minus $100 for the wrap as mentioned in one of my earlier posts. You will know immediately if it is working for you. The wrap is what you that you wear which has electronics in it in addition to being the strap that holds the battery/controller in place. They obviously cannot resell something that has been worn by another person. This seems fair to me. FWIW, according to the rep I spoke with, they have very few returns.

I will also repeat that this device has been the miracle I have been hoping for over the last 10 or so years since my diagnosis. In the past couple of days, I have had another miraculous improvement, and I will post info about it in about two weeks after I feel that the change is permanent and not just a coincidence.

Re: THE WORLD'S FIRST WEARABLE STOCHASTIC RESONANCE DEVICE is helping me walk better & greatly reducing my pain - amazin

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2024 4:44 pm
by Brainteaser
Thanks Elliot, very much appreciate your thoughts and assistance. Your analysis seems a reasonable way of going forward on the matter, with only a modest downside.

Re: THE WORLD'S FIRST WEARABLE STOCHASTIC RESONANCE DEVICE is helping me walk better & greatly reducing my pain - amazin

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2024 5:25 pm
by ElliotB
Contact the manufacturer prior to purchasing because of your location. As I posted previously, they can't ship everywhere due to legal restrictions and there are additional restrictions as far as downloading the APP in certain countries, PLUS the device only works with the iPhone.

Here is their contact info:
Accelera, Inc.

I have been communicating with Angela and her email is

Hope it helps you!

Re: THE WORLD'S FIRST WEARABLE STOCHASTIC RESONANCE DEVICE is helping me walk better & greatly reducing my pain - amazin

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2024 4:49 am
by ElliotB
My brother is doing fantastic with his Accelera devices. He is extremely happy with them and is considering getting a couple more to wear on his wrists with the hope he will achieve even better results.

Interestingly he visited a (non-blood) relative who also has MS and like me experiences chronic pan. He is 85 years old, has lived with MS for a long time and unfortunately uses a wheelchair full time now and has been for a number of years. He tried on my brother's Accelera devices, one on each leg, and he noticed that his pain level dropped as described from him from a 6/10 to 3/10. An outstanding event! Pretty similar to what I am experiencing although my pain levels are a bit lower.

To be clear, Accelera does not promote the device for pain reduction, but it apparently excels in relieving pain - many users have reported significant relief.