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Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 5:16 pm
by sandonpoint
I dont honestly know what the fuss is about, Chris is living proof ( plus many others ) that the treatmeant works.

I aint no scientist, but if you read the journal articles , there are so many statements like ( I paraphrase below )

"no patient progressed " and "stopped progression".

Chris, I think it is a natural human attribute to want to help others through your own experiences.

I personally admire what you have done in trying to help others



Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 5:28 pm
by Jamie
People argue that not enough people post about this as if that is a sign of doom.

I think an enormous percentage of people blog or post on here or other forums about this treatment, considering only 29 have been done since the internet became ubiquitous.

I can think of what 5, 6 people? Maybe more. All with overwhelmingly positive tales to tell.

Speaks for itself really.

But I have no axe to grind or hidden agenda, I just think it's amazing how much better Mel is (granted, only 4 months out) and I want to tell everyone.

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 5:58 pm
by Lyon

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 6:10 pm
by Jamie
Well put.

It'll be refined and perhaps in 10 years, scoffed at as a hammer to smash a peanut.

I really really hope so.

There'll be post treatments too, perhaps like Copaxone or maybe even a single shot 'vaccine'.

It's clumsy and early but the theory seems sound, and at least it's something (although chronologically old) new.

And best of all it seems to work, even for a little while.

2 years is what we wanted, two years of relief. If that happens I'll be happy.

Anything else is just gravy.

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 7:17 pm
by chrishasms
I agree...but call me greedy but the great philosopher said and I quote-

"MMMMM gravy aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!"
