Started David Wheldon Treatment today!!

A forum for the discussion of antibiotics as a potential therapy for MS
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Re: Started David Wheldon Treatment today!!

Post by Truckerx »

So after the dust settled and she could no longer use her legs at all we got busy to keep her life in order- about six months later I noticed I was having problems using my leg and going to the bathroom, within days I was in big trouble, my faced drooped on one side and I felt like someone shot novacaine into my tounge? I had been tested for Lyme twice earlier in the year but was negative on all tick Bourne illnesses. My Primaryy Physician Qickly dispensed Doxycycline and said he would send a prescription- he didn’t and later ask him to include some Clarromythicin for my horrible sinus infection as a favor- he was kind enough to do so,Between 6 to ten days my symptoms began to disappear! Only 2 or 3 day before I could feel and use my bowels and bladder- Obviously something had attack my nervous system and luckily Doxycycline was solving the problem-when I told my girlfriend who had lost use of her legs about my bladder and bowel issues being back to normal she shared that MS had done the same to her and had been one of here greatest discomforts of the disease- after some careful thought I offered her some f my Doxycycline to see if it would help her-all precautions were taken and she gradually got up to a full 500 milligram dose at the end of the week-PAY ATTENTION!!!!!-I had requested Claromythecin because my heart had been so crushed that she had lost her legs to a therapy we had hoped would set her free from this horrible disease-instead she was basically paralyzed from the waist down after only 4 months of therapy from Vanderbilt and Yale-Claromythicin was very slowly basically buy scrapings from a razor to check for allergy’s or adverse reaction- none were observed- I cut her doxy down to 250 mg and brought up the Claromythicn to 250 one ore two days later she peed so loudly I ran to shut off th faucet to find her with a huge smile and sparkly eyes! I settled on only twice a week so not to tax her frail heath and she began to have completely normal poops too! Three times a week! Her color and street and vitality came roaring back! Wow! We really did this!
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Re: Started David Wheldon Treatment today!!

Post by Truckerx »

I DONT BLAME VANDERBUILT NOR DR WHELDONS PROTOCOL FOR HER LOSS OF LEGS BUT RATHER TOO MUCH BACLOFEN VALUIM AND CYCLOBEZAPHRRINE TO CALM HER SPAMS-WHEN I got a chance to use Dr wheldons suggestion of Doxycycline and Azithromycyn and two of the three components of his CAP i knew win advance that Claromythycin was in the same family of drugs as Azithromycin but newer and stronger - only when used together with great caution and a slow approach did we have great success- there’s more to the story but you get the idea!
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Re: Started David Wheldon Treatment today!!

Post by Truckerx »

Love you all and together we can beat this!
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Re: Started David Wheldon Treatment today!!

Post by Truckerx »

Apron 3 years has passed since then and we only had about 6 weeks of the 2 antibiotics-i asked my primary care physician for refills to continue or great success , we asked Yale and even Mark Zuckerburg for help- finally we gave up- after about a year or so she slowly slid back to her previous condition, without refills there wasn’t much we could do? Then about a month ago i fell hard and fast to the flu and developed pneumonia in both lungs, Alison told me she wanted to start Ocrevus? But she tested plosives for JC Virus and i research the issue and wa very concerned about her safety 3 days before she was scheduled to start taking it i was able to convince my doctor to try Claromythecin for my phnemonia, i got a full bottle and bet everything my condition was viral and not bacterial- the whole bottlle went to try to help Alison, also my Rottweiler had been stricken by some horrible disease about the time i lost my feeling and paralysis, i got my vet to try doxycycline to cure my dog or horrible pain and parilysis even though all her test were negative- Gues what? It worked! Just like it had for me 3 years earlier- half of that bottle is all we had to help Alison regain her recovery and it s working very well but we only have another 2 weeks worth of the comibined treatment- so if any of you how or who can help us it would be the most wonderful thing you could do - 860-268-0273 God bless and i wish all of you the best!
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Re: Started David Wheldon Treatment today!!

Post by Truckerx »

One final note is that Alison has begun to have use of both legs! It slowly coming back but its all the way down to both legs and she can even move her feet in a spiral motion and stand with assistance -this is alll very new and exciting- she finally listened and got off the valuim and cut way back on the backlofen too! 1/4 as much as she had been on originally! Good night!
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Re: Started David Wheldon Treatment today!!

Post by ElliotB »

That is great news!!! Hope she continues to improve...
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Re: Started David Wheldon Treatment today!!

Post by orphansparrow »

Thank you for your updates @Truckerx This is very helpful to me and my husband - who wants to start this in a few months.
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