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Dr. Berkoff on why UCC might work as a CCSVI treatment

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 5:27 am
by Cece
Greg Berkoff, DC…one chiropractic Perspective
Upper cervical spine manipulation…is it a viable treatment option?
If upper cervical spine manipulation does help with ms then CCSVI might give a reason for why it works.
thereS a network of veins in, and around the 1st cervical vertebra. The vertebral plexus works selectively when we are upright
verterbral system is just as important as the internal jugular system.
All the veterbral veins develop in the upper cervical vertabra
Manual traction which can be sustained can provide decompression.
Looked at 1 pt and 4 normals to see if traction can increase flow. Traction applied before, MR venogram, and after venogram
Flow increases after traction
Pt with MS…flow -7.02 ,after traction -9.24 almost a 30% increase of flow(below 8 is abnormal)
Tractioning of the cervical spine may be a viable treatment for ccsvi

Re: Dr. Berkoff on why UCC might work as a CCSVI treatment

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 1:15 am
by 1eye
I believe I read E.B.White had a device for manual head self-traction which consisted of a helmet-like affair with a rope attached to it, which you could throw over a barn rafter. Sounds like a reason to be careful; you'd in all probability have enough rope to hang yourself.

Hanging as CCSVI treatment

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 4:52 am
by MarkW
1eye wrote:I believe I read E.B.White had a device for manual head self-traction which consisted of a helmet-like affair with a rope attached to it, which you could throw over a barn rafter. Sounds like a reason to be careful; you'd in all probability have enough rope to hang yourself.
1eye this type of comment is a dis-service to CCSVI. You are going in the same direction as the neuros who said de-stenosis was life threatening. Traction by an expert may help pwMS, not sure myself but dismissing it now is wrong.