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How many of you have Amalgam fillings

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 3:00 pm
by skinnyscarecrow
and how many?

I read studies that Amalgam can contribute to MS or any other brain disease. I also read that there was a study done of 20,000 adults with amalgam fillings and only 7 had MS.

I can't find a number indicating how many people in the world have amalgam fillings but I'd be curious to know.

Re: How many of you have Amalgam fillings

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 7:32 am
by want2bike
Of coarse amalgam contribute to MS and other neurological diseases. Mercury is toxic to the body. Everyone knows that. Some people get the mercury fillings and they get better. Just because you remove the fillings does not mean the mercury leaves the body. You have to get the mercury which has accumulated in the body out before you get better. They make detox programs to do this. The article posted explains it very well.

Re: How many of you have Amalgam fillings

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 9:29 am
by DrGeoff
want2bike wrote:Of coarse amalgam contribute to MS and other neurological diseases. ...
Which just goes to show that fanaticism can override common sense.

I have never had a filling of any sort. None. Not ever. But I do have MS. So if I use Wanna's logic (logic?) MS cannot be caused by amalgam fillings - which may or may not be true. But I still have never had a filling, and I still have MS.
And that statement IS true.


Re: How many of you have Amalgam fillings

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 9:53 am
by Kronk
want2bike wrote:Of coarse amalgam contribute to MS and other neurological diseases.
Utter nonsense.

Remember the principle that the dose makes the poison. Only then will you understand how toxic the myths about amalgams are.
Mercury is a naturally occurring heavy metal, found throughout the environment. There are several different chemical forms of mercury: elemental mercury, inorganic mercury, and methylmercury. The form of mercury associated with dental amalgam is elemental mercury, which releases mercury vapor. The form of mercury found in fish is methylmercury, a type of organic mercury. Mercury vapor is mainly absorbed by the lungs while Methylmercury is mainly absorbed through the digestive tract. The body processes these forms of mercury differently and has different levels of tolerance for mercury vapor and methylmercury. Methylmercury is much more toxic than mercury vapor. The mercury vapors emitted from fillings are incredibly minor, and go through the lungs not the gut. You would breath more mercury taking a deep breath in a big city than you would with a mouth full of fillings in an oxygen chamber. If you are afraid of mercury then don't eat fish, or fish supplements, and you better inspect the soil that your fruit and vegetables grow in and the fields that the meat you eat graze on... or you could use common sense and realize that natural encounters with Mercury are not going to harm you. Industrial exposure is another subject.

Re: How many of you have Amalgam fillings

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 10:34 am
by ElliotB
I have done a fair amount of research on the subject as there are numerous sources that suggest it could be a problem and probably just as many that state it is not. But what is certain is that there is no conclusive evidence one way or the other. There are many people like Dr. Geoff who have never had an amalgam filling and yet have still developed MS.

I have 6 amalgams and have had two root canals that a mercury removal dentist/specialist recommends I 'correct'. My regular dentist says it is probably not absolutely necessary. I am not doing the work, at least not at this time.

Many major organizations have commented on the subject: ... others-say

They could all be wrong. My point is simply that there is no conclusive evidence.

Re: How many of you have Amalgam fillings

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 12:17 pm
by want2bike
If mercury fillings do not contribute to MS you need to explain the people who get better when they have them removed. Do you think these people are lying and if so what is their reason? Mercury fillings are but one cause. Vaccines are another causes. If you live next to a metal smelter plant emitting metallic vapors that could be a cause. Anything which has been shown to effect the nervous system can be a cause. If amalgams are not a cause you have to explain why some people get better when they have them removed. For sure anyone with amalgams should consider the possibility of the cause. I can tell you for a fact when I address the poison I had in my mouth the symptoms of MS went away. I have no reason to lie. Why would the people on the 60 minute interview lie to us? Why would Linda Brocato lie to us? Do you think the study done in Germany showing 85% people recover from MS when their bad teeth are removed is a lie? Lot of people lying to us. ... _jyXcJ0zIU

Re: How many of you have Amalgam fillings

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 1:23 pm
by ElliotB
"If amalgams are not a cause you have to explain why some people get better when they have them removed."

My point was simply that not everyone who has the amalgams removed gets better. And not everyone that has amalgams gets MS or other disease. There is just no conclusive evidence one way or the other. And I am truly glad you improved!

Perhaps you can explain why individuals who do not and have never had amalgams have acquired MS? And why others who do not have the amalgams removed also get better?

Re: How many of you have Amalgam fillings

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 2:20 pm
by HarryZ
want2bike wrote:If mercury fillings do not contribute to MS you need to explain the people who get better when they have them removed.
I know of people who have MS and had their mercury fillings removed and nothing changed. I know of people who have taken an approved MS drug and become better. I know of MS patients who have tried alternative medications and got better as well as those who have tried the same medication and there was no change. I've read about MS people who have tried diet to treat the disease and improved and also those where diet made no difference whatsoever. Bottom line can't take any one incident when it comes to MS and say that's why a person got better. That's why they have trials to test medications and ideas with MS to try and determine if what was done has any meaningful effect on the disease. And of the hundreds of different treatments tried over the years, they help some a lot, some a little and some not at all. Pretty much the course when it comes to MS.

Do you think these people are lying and if so what is their reason?
That's an interesting comment coming from someone who has accused the vast majority of people in medicine of being liars. If you agree with someone than they aren't lying but if you disagree with someone then they must be lying?!
For sure anyone with amalgams should consider the possibility of the cause. I can tell you for a fact when I address the poison I had in my mouth the symptoms of MS went away.
Well Wanna, you have never been diagnosed with MS. There are many many ailments that give similar symptoms to what MS shows and you are only guessing about what may have happened to you.
I have no reason to lie.
Other than to save face to try and get the readers here to believe you. And you lost that possibility ages ago!
Lot of people lying to us.
Yep, anyone who doesn't agree with you MUST be a liar. Especially the entire world of medicine.

Re: How many of you have Amalgam fillings

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 2:56 pm
by want2bike
Elliot, You are correct not everyone who have their amalgams remove get better. The study done in Germany showed that 16% of those having amalgams replaced and 80% who got their teeth removed got well. There is no guarantee you will get better. Even if you have the amalgams removed you still will have to deal with the mercury which has accumulate in the body. There have been studies done with sheep and monkeys showing how the mercury travels throughout the body. How well you are able to detoxify the body will determine if you get better. In my case I notice a great improvement when following a detox program. I felt like I had gotten better. The reason I had my bad teeth removed is I didn't want to take a chance on it coming back. I had to get rid of the source. Once you get as sick as I was you never want to go there again. The people telling you amalgams are safe are lying. The ADA tell you it is a poison before it goes in you mouth and it is a poison when it comes out. It is safe when it is in your mouth. How can anyone believe something so stupid? How much it will take to make us sick is different for everyone. We are all different so the amount will be different. We need to keep our bodies as pure as we can and putting heavy metals like mercury in them is stupid. There will never be the proof because the FDA does not care what people like Linda Brocato tell them. Everyone should understand mercury is a poison whether it is in an amalgam filling or a vaccine. For sure mercury is not the only poison causing MS.

Re: How many of you have Amalgam fillings

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2014 5:02 am
by HarryZ
How can anyone believe something so stupid?
Well Wanna, you have tried to get the readers here to believe a lot of what you say!

Re: How many of you have Amalgam fillings

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2014 7:38 am
by ElliotB
Want2bike, it sounds like you may have must had an issue with mercury and not MS. Since you were never diagnosed with MS and your symptoms went away after you 'detoxed', you perhaps just had mercury poisoning. Symptoms from mercury poisoning and MS are to some extent similar.

Re: How many of you have Amalgam fillings

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2014 10:44 am
by want2bike
I had a urine test to check the mercury but it was within the limits so they never considered that to be a problem. I had hair analysis done and the mercury didn't seem to be a problem. They never put a name on what I had but I believe it was the root canals. Root canals are really good at breeding bad bacteria. Bacteria cause disease. None of that is a problem for me anymore. I have heard stories of people having a root canal and then coming down with MS. It is important to listen to your body. It you have a root canal and couple months later you have MS there could be a connection. Whether you remove the tooth or not that is your decision. To some people their teeth are more important and they can live with MS. Following a healthy lifestyle can help you deal with the problem. ... l-dangers/

Re: How many of you have Amalgam fillings

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 3:07 am
by ElliotB
I am scheduled to have my mercury levels tested in about 2 weeks. I am keeping my fingers crossed.

I each wild caught fish regularly and I am concerned about the mercury levels in the fish I eat as well and may make some minor diet changes in that regard.

Re: How many of you have Amalgam fillings

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 7:01 am
by want2bike
I like to eat fish for the health aspects but the only fish I eat is wild caught salmon. I believe it is among the lowest in mercury contamination and best with the Omega 3. I wish you the best in your mercury testing but I do not have a lot of faith in the testing. My test showed I was OK but that just shows the mercury in my urine. The problem we have is with the mercury which has accumulated in the cells of the body. That is what is causing the problem. I think the best thing that helped me was the detox program I did. I followed Tom McQuire's detox plan and I immediately had good results. His plan involved taking many vitamins and supplements which has shown the ability to get the mercury out of your body. Whether it is mercury or something else I believe the vitamins and supplements he recommends will remove the toxins from your body. As I said previously I got my health back after following the detox program. The dental work I had done was just to make sure it didn't come back. I believe anyone with an autoimmune disease should try a detox program before they do anything else. It is the least expensive and will tell you if it is possible to get the toxins out of your body. The number 1 supplement in my opinion is vitamin C. I believe vitamin C is critical for removing toxins from the body. During my detox program I was taking 3 grams of vitamin C and currently I am taking 5 grams of Liposomal vitamin C. You may be able to find a detox program on line but the 19.95 I spent for Tom McGuire's book was worth it. The vitamins and supplements will cost a lot more but not as much as the MS drugs. The important thing to understand if we keep doing what we always did we will keep getting what we always got. We must keep trying different things if we want different results. There are many people who get better when they do the right thing.

Re: How many of you have Amalgam fillings

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 10:46 am
by ElliotB
I have already started a detox program. Thanks for your suggestions.