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The People's Pharmacy discusses Lyme Disease

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2017 6:12 am
by NHE
The People's Pharmacy discusses...

"What you need to know about Lyme disease." ... e-disease/

Download the mp3 directly from the link below. ... 81Lyme.mp3
Lyme Disease Stories:

Both of our guests on today’s show are physicians, and both have suffered with Lyme disease that went undiagnosed and untreated for many years. In Dr. Spector’s case, the primary symptoms were heart rhythm abnormalities as the infection destroyed his heart. He eventually needed a heart transplant.

Dr. Rawls also had cardiac symptoms, in addition to fatigue and many other problems. When he finally figured out what was happening to him, he developed a multi-modal treatment plan incorporating herbs to modulate his immune reaction. He also wrote a book, Unlocking Lyme.

Diagnosing Lyme:

While a bulls-eye rash is usually thought of as the signal of Lyme disease, not all target-shaped rashes are the result of Lyme, and quite a few people with Lyme disease never notice a rash. Indeed, some are unaware of having been bitten by a tick.

Lyme disease diagnosis is not as straightforward as the diagnosis for certain other diseases. The laboratory tests need to be interpreted by a clinician who is experienced in the use of two-tiered testing.

Taking Control:

When patients feel they need to take control for themselves, one resource is ILADS: The International Lyme and Associate Diseases Society.

There is also more information on this website about other tick-borne infections. We discussed Lyme disease, Bartonellosis and alpha-gal allergy in Show 1003. Show 907 covered Bartonella infections in detail.

This Week’s Guests:

Neil Spector, MD, is an associate professor of medicine as well as pharmacology and cancer biology at Duke University Medical Center. He holds the Sandra Coates chair in breast cancer research. Dr. Spector co-directs the experimental therapeutics program for the Duke Cancer Institute and is a Komen Scholar. His book is Gone in a Heartbeat: A Physician’s Search for True Healing.

Bill Rawls, MD, is board certified in Obstetrics and Gynecology. He has written about Lyme disease, fibromyalgia and chronic immune system dysfunction. His books include Unlocking Lyme: Myths, Truths and Practical Solutions and Suffered Long Enough. His website is

Re: The People's Pharmacy discusses Lyme Disease

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2017 12:46 am
by NHE
Dr. Bill Rawls, one of the doctors interviewed by the People's Pharmacy, has a good write-up on Lyme. It's a little on the long side, but worth reading.

He also has a good write-up on Bartonella. ... bartonella