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CBD for helping with MS.

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 10:45 am
by rsarrett

Felt that this was a very informative site for anyone considering CBD or cannabis as a way to treat or relieve pain for their MS. There are studies discussed in a few articles that indicate it relieves pain, tension and spasticity.

I'm curious what it can do. CBD in particular. I live where it is available legally.
Has anyone given it a try or know anything else about CBD for MS?

Re: CBD for helping with MS.

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 4:22 pm
by ElliotB
Like all treatments, it seems to help some but not all - I had been taking THC for the past two months - my doctor feels CBD might be more beneficial for my pain and I started on 'real' CBD two days ago. I am hoping for some relief... I had used Charlotte's Web CBD from Stanley Brothers in Colorado for about 1 1/2 years and frankly I don't know if it was beneficial or not.

Re: CBD for helping with MS.

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2017 5:13 pm
by tzootsi
CBD can be quite effective for nerve pain.

Re: CBD for helping with MS.

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2017 5:13 pm
by ElliotB
tzootsi, are you using CBD?

Re: CBD for helping with MS.

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2017 9:38 am
by eduardo147

CBD is one of the more than 100 compounds found in cannabis. It has more relaxing properties and can reduce pain. On the other hand, THC is the one that gives the psychotropic effects to this plant. With this we can conclude that if you want to use this plant or derivatives look for those that have CBD.
Source: What is the CBD?

Re: CBD for helping with MS.

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2017 11:35 am
by ElliotB
'Some' say that CBD helps reduce pain - Others that it is the THC. And others say you need both CBD and THC together for best results. Personal trial and error is really the only way to know for sure as different people seem to get different results from the same strains.

There are many, many different strains of THC and all seem to have slightly different attributes as to what they do best, again trial and error is really the only way to know for sure which will work best. For THC strains, Indica strains seemed to be more helpful with pain. REMedy seems to be a popular CBD strain, which some say is excellent for pain and also the reduction of inflammation.

From what I have read,in general CBD seems to be more for reduction of inflammation and THC products is more for pain reduction, BUT some claim CBD is also effective for pain, so it makes sense to try both individually and together. There are so many options as there are so many strains, especially of THC. But not all THC strains best are considered best for pain reduction.

The main/common CBD strains seem to be REMedy and Haleigh’s Hope (HHO).

LEAFY.COM is a pretty good site for doing research on the attributes of the various strains. Yet there are other sites and strain attributes vary a bit from site to site and person to person - trial and error is really the only way to know for sure which will work best for your issues.

This site also had a lot of info about the various strains available:

This article titled "THC vs. CBD: Which is better for pain?" may be of interest:

Re: CBD for helping with MS.

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2018 6:04 am
by JanetD
Searching for a strain that works for you is the hardest thing to do. I, like ElliotB, use to check the information out first as they tend to have lot's of info from users on the effects, both positive and negative. Not as comprehensive a collection but I also look at the strain reviews on as they include a write up too.

Another good thing to look at is a trusted CBD oil provider which is transparent and are happy to give out their testing information publicly. As it stands there are a lot of CBD Oil producers that are just pressing hemp seed, which has little to no value as a medicine, rather than performing a full plant extraction process on the flower like the Stanley Brothers in Colorado do. I have tended to refer to Green Roads as they have the lab testing reports available on site, it can be quite expensive though so I normally go and get a coupon code first from somewhere like this ... ads-world/. Whichever route you take it is all about what suits you most.

Re: CBD for helping with MS.

Posted: Fri May 04, 2018 11:06 pm
by zen2010
rsarrett wrote: Has anyone given it a try or know anything else about CBD for MS?

I am taking CBD oil with less than 0.2% of THC. Aim is to improve quality of sleep.
CBD oil contains all molecules from cannabis exept THC
Where I live, medical cannabis is not allowed, but you can get CBD oil easily.

CBD oil is the fuel for your endocannabinoid system

The most important things when taking CBD is to get the best quality and to have a good follow up (you need to understand the product + how your body deals with it).

Indeed, people may think big quantity consumed leads to better results. That's wrong.
If you take CBD oil for exemple, you need to start with 2 drops during 3-4 days, then 3d/3-4days ...5d/1 week and so on...
Until you find the right dosage.
If you go staight to 6 drops/day, your body won't get used to it and will not react well.
