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Can’t have MRI test, what other options to test for MS

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 8:39 pm
by AnnCT
Hello all!

I am going through testings to see what is causing my symptoms (which are ms related) but I cant have an MRI because i wear a cochlear implant. The outer device is connected to the wires by a magnet.

Are there any other tests that can be substituted for a MRI?


Re: Can’t have MRI test, what other options to test for MS

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 6:00 am
by ElliotB
Sorry to hear you are ill and welcome to TIMS. Are you seeing a neurologist that specializes in MS?

Re: Can’t have MRI test, what other options to test for MS

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2018 4:12 pm
by jimmylegs
hi and welcome. i have no suggestions that anyone would consider a sub for mri. but i might have other input if you're interested. what are your symptoms?

Re: Can’t have MRI test, what other options to test for MS

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2018 8:24 pm
by AnnCT
Hello... I am seeing a neurologist but i dont know what her specialty is. She’s a dr at a teaching hospital.

My symptoms that might show ms are: balance issues (a new one that just started is losing my balance backwards); pain in my right forearm and right thigh; whole body pins & needles sensations, feeling my legs as weak-feels like i cant move them); buckling knees; torso stiffness, spasms, trembles/shakes; cognitive & memory issues.

I just had a neuropsych memory test a couple of weeks ago and am waiting for the result of that test...

It’s really frustrating because I know we can get to the bottom of this if I could just get a mri done...
