Spinal tap?

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Spinal tap?

Post by Jessica200131 »

I posted here about optic neuritus a month or so ago. Well had my appointment with neurologist and got mri results .. Well i got a sentence from him about it " found spots on brain mri." So he asked me if i find any difference in my right and left side. I had optic neuritus in my right eye and now i have noticed that i have other issues with my right leg and my right hand/arm. So he did an exam and said he thinks it is multiple sclerosis and just looked at me waiting for reaction. Lol i just stared at him like I wasnt shocked because i havent stopped reading about it on here and other sites. So i just said ok. But then he also said he cant say for sure until i have a lumbar puncture done which takes a month for results and i need to do another mri as well.... And i will see the neurologist again in 4 months which i am assuming is when he will tell me for sure if i have multiple sclerosis or not?
So now in 2 weeks i have to do the lumbar puncture. Really scared.... I really hope i get put to sleep for that . honestly I have had an epidural before and i also think i had another epidural or something similar for a c section so i am hoping it will feel similar to that.
I have 2 small kids and i am only 29 years old and i hope to god that i am healthy and able to be be a good mom to my kids for a long time yet so i also hope that this is something curable or nothing at all... It just seems so drastic to do a spinal tap to figure it all out.
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Re: Spinal tap?

Post by NHE »

Here's an informative article discussing spinal taps.

Diagnostic Lumbar Puncture, Grand Rounds
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articl ... 3-0093.pdf
  • Diagnostic Lumbar Puncture is one of the most commonly performed invasive tests in clinical medicine. Evaluation of an acute headache and investigation of inflammatory or infectious disease of the nervous system are the most common indications. Serious complications are rare, and correct technique will minimise diagnostic error and maximise patient comfort. We review the technique of diagnostic Lumbar Puncture including anatomy, needle selection, needle insertion, measurement of opening pressure, Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) specimen handling and after care. We also make some quality improvement suggestions for those designing services incorporating diagnostic Lumbar Puncture.
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