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Biomarkers: Two epitopes predict ON evolution to MS

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2021 10:55 am
by frodo
You can see what a "epitope" is at wikipedia:

Identification of two highly antigenic epitope markers predicting multiple sclerosis in optic neuritis patients ... 6421000049


Optic neuritis (ON) can occur as an isolated episode or will develop to multiple sclerosis (MS) a chronic autoimmune disease. What predicts ON progression to MS remains poorly understood.


We characterised the antibody epitope repertoire in three independent clinical cohorts (discovery (n = 62), validation (n = 20) and external cohort (n = 421)) using mimotope variation analysis (MVA), a next generation phage display technology to identify epitopes that associate with prognosis of ON.


We observed distinct epitope profiles for ON, MS and the controls, whereas epitope repertoires of sera and CSF were highly similar. Two unique and highly immunogenic epitopes A and B were detected in subjects with ON progressing to MS. These epitopes A and B were strongly associated with herpesviral antigens (VCA p18 of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV); gB of Cytomegalovirus (CMV)). ROC addressed 75% of MS subjects with ON onset correctly (at 75% sensitivity and 74.22% specificity) based on the two-epitope biomarker analysis.


This is the first report on epitope diagnostics for MS employing the unbiased strategy of MVA for identification of novel immunological features of disease.