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justi5's antibiotic log

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2023 2:25 am
by justi5
In February, I began to notice symptoms of reactive arthritis, such as knee pain, pain in the spine. According to PCR tests, for antibodies, Elispot everything is clear. According to MRI, bilateral sacroiliitis. In April started treatment according to the Carter scheme Rifampicin 450 mg + doxycycline 200 mg. and at the same time set the appointment in the clinic Alviasana (Lyme desease and chronic infections practice) in Germany. The appointment was scheduled for May. While waiting for the appointment, I started to notice symptoms of multiple sclerosis, such as spasms on my legs, headaches, double vision. There is no doubt that chlamydia trachomatis is to blame for everything. After the first call with the clinic, I received a list for tests at Armin Labs (Germany), which includes borelliosis, both of chlamydia, yersiniosis, shigella, cytomegalovirus, Epstein Barr virus, CD57+ and a general blood test. The second call was scheduled for 2 weeks later. I donated blood at a collection point in Moscow. I received tests, everything is clean, but CD57+ is lowered, which indicates the presence of a chronic infection, which was confirmed at the clinic during the second call.
Treatment program
Started 05.06.2023 treatment for the next 8 weeks
Cotrim 960 mg 1-0-1 after meals
Rifampicin 600 mg 1-0-0 before meals
Doxycycline 200 mg 1-0-0 after meals
To my question that I had previously taken rif and doxy with little success and possible resistance, the clinic told me to trust them. But I believe my feelings, and given the seriousness of MS and the fact that it is necessary to stop progress as soon as possible, I added from Wheldon's scheme:
Roxithromycin 300 mg 0-0-1 after meals
Tinidazole 400 mg 1-1-1 after meals
Metronidazole 500 mg 1-1-1 pulses
Plus a bunch of supplements, everything is almost like in the Wheldon protocol:
Artemisinin 2-0-2
Myc-P 20 drops 1-1-0
Phytobox 5 1-0-1
Phytobox 4 1-0-1
Omegaform 300 0-0-4
ATP 360 2-1-0
Alphalipoform 200+ 1-1-1
Biodisrupt 1-1-0
Mental in form 1-0-1
Basoform 0-0-1
Supplements can be ordered on the website
The reaction from the whole list was only to the Metro, it was felt by an increase in pain in the knees and in the spine. When asked about the herx reaction, received an answer from a German clinic that it does not occur at all, and manifests itself in different ways.
From the symptoms that I have now, I am not worried about arthritis at all, as much as I am worried about MS.
I will periodically post updates.

Re: justi5's antibiotic log

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2023 3:46 pm
by Scott1

If your worried about MS, it would best to see a neurologist and have the appropriate tests. Early MS symptoms are common to a number of illnesses. You can't use them to self-diagnose. You're obviously trying to be thorough. I'd see a neurologist to be certain you are not heading in the wrong direction.
