THE WORLD'S FIRST WEARABLE STOCHASTIC RESONANCE DEVICE is helping me walk better & greatly reducing my pain - amazing!

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THE WORLD'S FIRST WEARABLE STOCHASTIC RESONANCE DEVICE is helping me walk better & greatly reducing my pain - amazing!

Post by ElliotB »

I recently found about this device and just ordered it. Expecting it to arrive in a few days.

It is supposed to help nerve signals travel within the body, and improve walking, etc. The device costs $475 with free delivery. There is a 30 day trial period but there are consumables of about $100 which are non-refundable. If you have issues with your mobility, this device may be worth a try.

I will post my thoughts after I have used it. But regardless of how it works for me, you should try it yourself because your results may vary.

A 'technical explanation' from their website:
"The SR-100 technology is based on the scientific principle of Stochastic Resonance. The device uses a piezoelectric crystal which when activated, it vibrates within a given range of frequencies. The frequencies are random to prevent accommodation by the nervous system. The target of our device is proprioception; not a condition, but a biological system.

Stochastic resonance (SR) can be broadly described as the phenomenon where the
presence of random noise in a nonlinear system results in improved output signal quality compared to the absence of noise When the white noise signal-to-noise ratio, making the original signal more distinguishable. Our device amplifies the proprioceptive signal in the body."

Here is a link to their website:

Here is a link to a video they posted on YouTube which explains thing in simple terms:

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Post by ElliotB »

I received this device yesterday and my first impression is that it is DEFINITELY beneficial. I will be posting a comprehensive review after I have used it for a while, BUT I can already recommend it based on my first experience with it.

It is definitely helping me with my walking as my leg feels less heavy and I can lift it a bit higher than I normally can, and I believe it is also turning down the volume of my nerve pain. I slept a lot better last night, better than I have in a long time.

It is my hope that over time the weakness in my muscles will reverse at least a little bit, hopefully a lot, and finally strengthen. Up until now, no matter what exercises I try, they do not strengthen. I do several hours of exercising daily and have been for many years.

Anyone who has walking issues should definitely try this product. You really have nothing to lose (they give you a 30-day trial/return window and refund all but $100 of the cost (which is to cover the cost of consumables).

The cost of the device with a discount code is $475 delivered, (posted below) and no sales tax (for most).

Aside from improving walking, I believe there are other benefits as well, which I will be researching in the coming weeks.
Last edited by ElliotB on Tue Oct 24, 2023 1:55 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by NHE »

$475 seems like a steep price for a remote control bracelet that vibrates randomly (stochastic is just another word for statistically random). Is there any published data that independently verifies its efficacy?
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Post by tzootsi »

Needless to say, this is extremely interesting. Please keep us posted as to how this is going!
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Post by ElliotB »

I have only had this a couple of days and am so pleased with the results. I will continue to update my progress here.

This is the first device that I have tried EVER that has worked and has given me hope for the future. Not only can I walk a bit better, but it seems to be helping a bit with my pain (lowering the volume, frequency and I am sleeping better as well.

Here is the information for getting the discount.

Enter this on the notes section on page 1 of the shopping cart. You will get $25 off and free shipping:


IMPORTANT: You must also select FREE shipping in the order summary to save the $17 shipping fee.

IF you try this out, please post your results to share with others here. Good luck!
Last edited by ElliotB on Mon Dec 04, 2023 3:39 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by ElliotB »

@ NHE:

"Is there any published data that independently verifies its efficacy?"

I really don't know. All I know is it is working for me. I bought it based on the recommendation of a channel I follow and trust on YouTube. Since it is returnable, I decided to try it out. I am hopeful others will find similar benefits. And since it is returnable for a refund within a month less $100 for consumables, it is IMHO worth trying out.

At $475, this device is a bargain in my opinion. What would I be willing to pay for improved walking and pain relief? Frankly just about anything.

I am 100% certain it is helping me walk a bit better and helping me in other ways as well. In ways I never imagined (pain relief, better sleep).

Within 30 seconds of using it the first time, I realized it was helping me walk a little bit better. It was such an emotional experience for me. My eyes filled with tears of joy! NOTHING I have tried before has offered me any relief or improvement.

I wear a brace to help me with my walking as I have a bit of drop foot and lots of muscle weakness with my left leg, and it is helping me walk a bit better both with and without the brace. NOTHING I have tried before has offered me any relief or improvement.

To be clear, I am not affiliated with the company manufacturing and selling this device in any way. I bought the device and paid for it myself after seeing a YouTube video about it. I have tried many different things to help me over the years. NOTHING has ever worked. Until now.

After just two days of using it, I don't even want to remove it. At the mid-range settings, it seems to last all day. At the highest setting only about 3 hours. I have since learned that as far as this device goes, there is no benefit to a higher setting. I am still testing the various levels to see the results. I am now using it in the lower settings range and getting the same excellent results. More is not better with this device according to the company. At this point, I don't know which setting works best for me. Too early to tell. The battery takes up to 2 hours to recharge.

I have decided to wear this device 24/7 (I don't believe it is waterproof so no baths or showers with it obviously) because I feel it is reducing both the intensity and frequency of my pain (which seems to come and go and is always worse in the evening and through the night). I am definitely sleeping better. I also have mild neuropathy in my feet (mainly burning in my toes) and even that has improved significantly.

More updates to follow...
Last edited by ElliotB on Tue Oct 24, 2023 2:01 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: THE WORLD'S FIRST WEARABLE STOCHASTIC RESONANCE DEVICE is helping me walk better and reducing my pain level

Post by ElliotB »

I wanted to provide a few more details at this time about this device and my experiences with it.

It is a simple device. The device (battery/controller) attaches to something inside the wrap/strap that you wear which vibrates lightly and in simple terms helps amplify the signals travelling along nerve paths to make the original signal more distinguishable to the brain/body. The degradation of nerve signals due to Mylin damage is what we have to deal with and causes our muscle weakness and disabilities. This device effectively does the opposite by helping the body to interpret the nerve signals better. It does not fix the damaged Mylin. It does not amplify the signal back to 'full' strength. The improvement for me is subtle, but at least for me, there is definitely limited improvement. For others the improvement may be much more substantial or less. Only by trying it will you find out.

I have mild drop foot and cannot lift the front of my left foot sufficiently (dorsiflex) when I walk. Also, my left leg is weak overall, and I can't lift it high enough either. Between the two, walking is difficult and pretty much impossible without the use of a brace. (I am currently using an excellent brace called XTERN which is a huge improvement over the traditional plastic and the newer carbon fiber braces.) When I walk, I cannot lift my leg very well or the ball of my foot high enough for the bottom front of my foot to clear the floor. So, the bottom of my foot slides a bit along the floor with each step I take. I am lucky that I am not dragging my toes. Fortunately, my home is tiled throughout which makes things a bit easier for me to move around as my foot slides easily on the tiles. I cannot walk at all on carpet. When using this device, I am able to lift my leg and foot a bit noticeably higher than 'normal' so the bottom of my foot is actually EASILY clearing the floor. The extra amount I can lift my leg is more than enough that the bottom of my foot does not touch the floor when walking. What an amazing improvement!

The device itself is made up of two simple components. The part that vibrates is built into a wrap/strap that you wear which is about 1 1/2 inches wide and has Velcro on one end to secure it to your body and hold the battery in place. When worn around the ankle, the entire circumference of my ankle is covered by the area that vibrates. My ankles are on the small side. The strap is available in two lengths, one is shorter and meant for wearing on the wrist and the other, the one I use, is a bit longer and meant for wearing around the ankle. I believe most adults should get the longer one as recommended by the manufacturer and wear it just above the ankle. Another good spot to wear it for some is on the wrist. I have not yet tried it on my wrist but definitely will at some point. It can be worn at other places along the arms and legs too, although the ankle and wrist seem to be the primary areas where it should be worn for best results.

It is lightweight and comfortable; I don't even feel it when I am wearing it. The vibration itself is subtle and can be adjusted as needed. It can be set from an intensity level from 0 to 100. More is not necessarily better with this device. You just want to feel the vibration mildly Even at the highest setting, the feeling is somewhat subtle and there is absolutely no discomfort. At the higher levels, it makes a slight sound that is barely audible, kind of a gurgling sound. And at high levels, the battery is used up much faster. You are supposed to adjust the intensity level until the sensation is subtle only and then begin using it at that level. After some experimentation over the past couple of days, I am using the device at a setting of about 40 during the day and 30 at night. Seems to work fine at these levels and battery usage is reasonable too at these levels. It should have enough power to use all day at these settings.

The other component to the system is the battery/controller. The controller is controlled by a very simple app that you operate from your phone and is available for either Android or iOS. You must have one or the other to use the device.

The small all-in-one battery/controller that powers and controls the device is compact and lightweight. It fits into a 'pocket' located on the strap that holds it securely in place. The connector that connects the battery/controller to the device is magnetic and is easy to attach and detach. The battery charges wirelessly with the included charger which is basically the same principle as cell phone wireless chargers. It takes about 1 1/2 hours to 2 hours to charge it from about 20% remaining charge level (charge time depends on the amount of charge remaining in the battery when you place it on the charger). If the battery has minimal charge remaining, it could take a bit longer to recharge it. The charging system is a 'smart' one and the last 5% of charging takes a while to complete as it is done at a slow rate to help preserve optimal battery condition.

The device works only when wearing it and only when it is turned on. The improvement occurs the instant I turn it on. And when I turn it off, the improvement immediately ends. What I did initially was turn it on, take a few steps, and then turn it off, and take another few steps. The improvement was soooooooo obvious. I was shocked how much improvement I was getting (any would have been good of course).

More about my experience to follow in the near future. So far, I am extremely pleased with the results I am getting - it has been extremely positive with numerous unexpected benefits including PAIN REDUCTION! WOW! 
Last edited by ElliotB on Tue Oct 24, 2023 2:10 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: THE WORLD'S FIRST WEARABLE STOCHASTIC RESONANCE DEVICE is helping me walk better and reducing my pain level

Post by tzootsi »

Elliot, thanks for your continuing updates.
Question - A cell phone (or Ipad?) is required to operate this, correct? Does the cell phone need to be left on and near the device once it's on to keep it operational?
I suspect this next question is not one you can answer yet - if it is used for a prolonged period, and then not used, will the symptoms get worse than before starting to use the device?
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Re: THE WORLD'S FIRST WEARABLE STOCHASTIC RESONANCE DEVICE is helping me walk better and reducing my pain level

Post by ElliotB »

Once the device is on, it stays on at the settings you used even if the cell phone is off or not in range of the device.

The symptoms are only improved while using the device with it turned on. As soon as you turn it off or remove it, you revert back to the way you were prior to using it.

I am hopeful this device will allow my muscles to strengthen a bit over time but there is no information about this happening on their website. Time will tell. I will ask the rep I have been dealing with and when I get her reply, I will post her response.

All I can tell you is at this point, I don't want to walk without it!
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Re: THE WORLD'S FIRST WEARABLE STOCHASTIC RESONANCE DEVICE is helping me walk better and reducing my pain level

Post by ElliotB »

I received a reply from the manufacturer with regards to muscle strengthening. Here is their response:
"It would not be directly doing that but in a way it could indirectly. What I mean by that is that the SR-100 is not directly activating the motor nerve (like e-stim), but rather improving the sensory signals so the brain will tell the motor nerve to fire when it should. If you are now doing more activities where the muscle moves at the right time, it could build strength just like going to the gym and using a muscle more would build strength."
This makes sense. This is not a tens unit that encourages muscle strengthening. It will take a while for me to know if I notice any difference in overall muscle strength. I am hopeful my muscles will indeed get stronger over time. Up until this point, no matter how much exercise I do, the muscle strength has not improved and over the past few years has continued to decline in spite of 2-4 hours of exercise on a daily basis. Perhaps things will be different now. I certainly hope so.

For the past 3 or so months, I have added bike riding to my routine. I ride an electric assist trike for over an hour 5-6 days a week and pedal 98% of the time. Yet have not noticed any improvement in my leg strength. So, it will certainly be interesting if I notice any improvement over the coming months which if it does occur would be a direct result of the use of this device. I will be using this device while I ride. 
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Re: THE WORLD'S FIRST WEARABLE STOCHASTIC RESONANCE DEVICE is helping me walk better and reducing my pain - amazing!

Post by ElliotB »

As I approach the 1st complete week of using this device, I wanted to share an additional update.

I continue to be extremely happy with the results I am getting. And thrilled to be getting results in a way that I never expected.

The primary disability I have is extreme weakness in my left leg and foot. I first noticed this issue about 5 years ago when I first started limping a bit as I walked. And I have just gotten progressively worse. At this point, it is very difficult for me to walk without a brace and assistance like a cane or the equivalent of a walker or using walls and counters in my home for support. I am now achieving noticeable improvement with both areas by using this simple device. Let me explain. Here are several examples that illustrate some of the improvements I am enjoying. From a standing position, without Accelera's Stochastic Resonance Device turned on (I wear it just above my left ankle), I can barely lift my leg/foot up maybe 3", and this is with difficulty. But the instant I turn it on, like magic, I can lift my leg/foot up about 8"-10" without much difficulty. When seated, if I try to swing my left foot upwards to place it on the top of my right leg above the knee to effectively cross my legs, I can barely swing it upwards 6". When I turn the device on, I can position it on top of my right leg without having to use my hand to manually lift it up. I have not been able to do this for almost two years. As I mentioned previously, my walking is improved to the point that the ball of my foot is not dragging on the floor when I take a step. I can lift my leg/ankle up at least a couple of inches higher as I take a step. My dorsiflexion has improved noticeably. Also, I can get in and out of my bathtub much easier, able to lift my leg over the rim of the tub without having to use my hand to lift my leg over the rim manually. The device is not waterproof, so I obviously don't wear it when using the shower or bathtub. So, what I am also noticing are minor improvements even when not wearing the device. So, it is my belief that my muscles in my leg are getting stronger after many years of only getting weaker - this is very exciting news for me! This is likely due to the phenomenon as detailed in my previous post per the comments of the manufacturer. This is the first time I have noticed any strengthening in my left leg in years, in spite of hours of daily exercise. One last simple example, when lying in bed on my back, if I try to do a leg lift, with the device turned off, I can lift it with a lot of difficulty only a few inches. But when turned on, I can lift if well over 10" without much difficulty.

Last night, I was able to walk a very short distance, maybe 20-30 feet wearing my shoes without the brace I normally wear. I did have to walk slowly and very carefully, but I was able to do it none-the-less. This would be absolutely impossible for me to do without using the device.

The 'bonus' improvements I am noticing is a huge reduction in pain, something I never expected. The manufacture's website makes no mention of this possibility. I did contact the rep I have been dealing with at the company to discuss this, and she did mention that some other users are experiencing reduced pain as well.

I have mild neuropathy in my feet, and it is almost gone. I also have mild to strong pain in my right hand, arm, shoulder and face that comes and goes throughout the day, can last for hours and is noticeably worse at night. The frequency of my pain episodes has been reduced, and my pain level has decreased dramatically. I would have to say the volume of my pain has been lowered by 2/3rds or more. I am sleeping better as well since the pain is not as bad at night.

I did try wearing the device on my right wrist and doing so actually made my pain worse, so I am just going to continue wearing it just above my left ankle. 

I am so pleased with my progress and decision to try this device. I highly recommend it. More updates to come in the coming weeks and months...
Last edited by ElliotB on Sun Nov 05, 2023 2:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: THE WORLD'S FIRST WEARABLE STOCHASTIC RESONANCE DEVICE is helping me walk better and reducing my pain - amazing!

Post by ElliotB »

It is now two weeks since I began wearing this device. I am happy to say that I am still thrilled with the results I am getting.

My pain level continues to remain low - my pain is not gone but the 'volume' has been lowered tremendously. For those of you who have nerve pain, I am sure you can understand the significance of this improvement. The manufacturer does not list pain relief as a benefit from this device. But if they did and I purchased it for this benefit alone, I would have been pleased with the results, obviously! YET, I am also getting the other benefits they do promote as well. I am definitely walking better while using the device. And I am definitely walking better when I am NOT wearing the device. Let me explain, I have notice increased strength in my left leg when I am NOT wearing the device. My muscles are definitely getting stronger due to the use of this device. There are certain specific movements which I have not been able to do for a year or two and I can now do them again.

Something else interesting that I noticed, is that my left hip muscles (hip flexors), which appear to be the root cause of most of my leg/walking issues, something that I only became aware of/figured out earlier this year, are getting stronger.
This is significant. The hip flexors are extremely important muscles for walking. Per a Google search, the hip flexors are a group of muscles that help you move your lower body. They include the iliacus, pectineus, psoas major, rectus femoris, and sartorius muscles. They allow you to lift your knee toward your chest, bend forward at the hip, and swivel your hips from side to side. Hip flexors are essential in movement, stability, and posture.

The strength of my hip flexors has been declining for years very slowly due to nerve damage that I suffered from a major attack I had about 10 years ago. I have been limping for about 5 years and the limping has gotten progressively worse over time. Now, thanks to this device, the signals from the brain seem to be getting through the nerves to the muscles and they are actually strengthening. In fact, they are sometimes a bit uncomfortable due to mild muscle strain/pain which is confirmation that they are being positively impacted by the interaction of this device on my nerves. I am optimistic that perhaps I may be able to substantially walk a lot better in the future. This is the first glimmer of hope I have had to be able to walk better. I couldn't be much happier! My foot doesn't feel like I am walking with a BRICK strapped onto my foot! Time will tell if the improvements continue.
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Re: THE WORLD'S FIRST WEARABLE STOCHASTIC RESONANCE DEVICE is helping me walk better and reducing my pain - amazing!

Post by ElliotB »

I still continue to have great results with this device, both while wearing it and since my muscles in my leg seem to be stronger and continuing to be strengthening, I am quite pleased. Simple things have become easier to do with regard to my weak left leg. I am walking better and farther too.

I can now lift my left leg into my car without having to use my hand/arm to assist. It has been several years since I have been able to do this. I did this for the first time since getting this device about a week ago. I was pleasantly surprised and frankly a bit shocked! I don't drive a lot, and yesterday I was able to do this again.

When I get in and out of my bathtub, I am able to lift my leg even higher now than just a couple of weeks ago.

My pain level continues to be lower than it was, significantly lower, than it was prior to starting to use this device.

This is the 'miracle' I have been wishing for! I have only been using it for about a month and am hopeful that I will continue to improve even more in the future
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Re: THE WORLD'S FIRST WEARABLE STOCHASTIC RESONANCE DEVICE is helping me walk better and reducing my pain - amazing!

Post by ElliotB »

I had another interesting success that I attribute to this device that greatly surprised me.

I have had mild numbness in the lower part of my left leg, shin area, basically from around the top of my ankle to about 2/3s the way up my leg a bit below my knee. The directions for this device tell you to set it to a power level to where you slightly feel the vibration. Well, because of the numbness, I have never felt the vibration before. So I had to 'guess' based on trial and error. I started using the device at a power level in the 60s. The power level can be set from 1 to 100. I have slowly been reducing the power level over the past few weeks. Higher levels do not give you any additional benefits and the down side of using higher setting is that the battery does not last as long so more frequent charging is necessary. I have been using the device at power level 26 for the past week or so. Unlike most devices we use, more is not better with this one. Again, the advantage of using a lower power level is longer battery life. Since I have chosen to wear this device as much as possible, this is an important consideration. I am wearing the device basically all day and all night except when I need to charge the battery, or when I take a shower or use the bathtub. And I attribute my numerous successes partially to this.

Last night when I went to bed, I could noticeably feel the vibration, even though it is subtle. I thought that perhaps I had been feeling it vibrate a bit over the past few days, but wasn't really sure. But last night I absoluely was Interestingly, I had to lower the power setting even lower, down to 15, a level where I can still feel it just a bit, but it is very, very subtle. So today I am going to leave it at level 15 and see how I do. At this point, I am not noticing any difference. And my numbness is gone.

While I did not buy this device for pain reduction and pain reduction is not a benefit they even list on their website, I found out from the company that other users have apparently achieved lower pain levels as well.

I continue to see improvement in my leg strength and lifting my leg a bit higher than just a couple of weeks ago has become easier. I continue to be extremely pleased with all the numerous and amazing benefits I am enjoying so far and other continued improvements I am just now discovering. The almost complete elimination of numbness in my leg was totally unexpected! My gate is improving, slowly, but it is definitely improving. Undoing many years of muscle atrophy is going to take more than a short period of time, obviously. I am keeping my fingers crossed that my progress continues...
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Re: THE WORLD'S FIRST WEARABLE STOCHASTIC RESONANCE DEVICE is helping me walk better and reducing my pain - amazing!

Post by ElliotB »

I continue to experience numerous unexpected benefits with this device.

I am sleeping better, about 30% more every night, and more importantly getting into a deep sleep, REM sleep, every time I go to sleep, even after bathroom breaks and being woken up by pain (which is becoming less and less frequent). I have had to endure many years of absolutely terrible sleep, woken up every couple of hours because of pain. And NEVER got into a deep/REM sleep. I am now dreaming again and having vivid dreams every time I sleep. And because my pain level is lower, I am often able to fall back asleep within minutes. While I have a couple of ways to reduce the pain, they take about a half hour to do, and lately I am able to get back to sleep without employing these pain-relieving techniques - as those with nerve pain know, pain relievers simply do not work.

My pain level has dropped even more, more so than previously mentioned, and the frequency of my pain episodes (my pain comes and goes) has also been reduced dramatically. I am finally encouraged to believe I may be pain free at some time - perhaps just wishful thinking but I am hopeful.

Additionally, my weak leg (left) is getting stronger. Noticeably stronger. The improvement is strength has been slow but slow is good! I certainly hope the improvement in leg strength continues. I still have a long way to go obviously as I have had years of disability with the weakness being progressive. And I continue to have muscle pain in my left leg thigh and hip muscles, which is truly amazing! This confirms my muscles than had been affected by nerve damage are now being used again frequently and are strengthening. And are 'complaining'. I am so happy about this! The bottom line is I am having to relearn how to walk again and in doing so I hope to be able to walk normally again thanks to this advice. I am walking so much better than a couple of months ago prior to having this device.

I have mild drop foot for a few years and even that has improved. Because I am walking better, my muscles are being used more, are strengthening and being stretched out as well. I am pretty sure this issue will be fully resolved in the near future too.

I wear my device all day and all night. The only time I don't wear it is when I am in the shower/bathtub. Because of the pain reduction aspect, I decided to buy a 2nd one. Although it doesn't take long to charge, about 1 1/2 hours from a very low battery level, to ensure my pain level remains low, I purchased a 2nd one to wear while charging. So, I am wearing it about 22-23 hours a day. I am not taking any chances as I do not want my pain level to rise.

This device has had a tremendously positive impact on my life!
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