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The ONE and ONLY Health Benefit of SUGAR You May Have Never Heard Of

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2024 3:41 am
by ElliotB
NHE posted recently about the topic of sugar, and the importance of avoiding the consumption of sugar. Avoiding ALL forms of sugar is so important to good health.

Yet there is one extremely beneficial use of sugar - for creating probiotic beverages. You have likely never even heard of this.

I have been making and consuming water kefir (actually pronounced as KAFEAR) for many years. Water kefir is a high probiotic beverage prepared with kefir grains (a culture that ferments the water), sugar and water (I of course only used filtered water). The sugar 'feeds' the kefir grains which converts the sugar water into water high in beneficial probiotics.

Interestingly, the kefir grains thrive on the sugar and last for years. I have been using the same kefir grains for over 5 years and they should last indefinitely I believe. They LOVE sugar!

When properly fermented, the kefir water is sugar free. And is extremely healthy. I add 5 different types of low sugar berries in dried powder form after the initial fermentation period and continue fermentation for several more days which removes the sugar from the berries as well.

I typically do not drink regular water (other than distilled water when I occasionally run out of the water kefir). I make water kefir in 128 oz batches three times a week and have been for years. And for additional health benefits, about 1/3rd of the water I use is distilled which is the healthiest water.