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Testosterone Affects MS Outcomes in Men

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 8:55 am
A higher testosterone level was associated with less disability and better cognitive outcomes in patients with recent-onset relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis, researchers reported here.

Male MS patients had a significant negative association between testosterone levels and leptin (R=-0.22, P=0.029), as well as between androgen index and vitamin D (R=-0.248, P=0.012), according to Riley Bove, MD, of Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, Mass., and colleagues..... Read More -

Re: Testosterone Affects MS Outcomes in Men

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 3:42 pm
by MomJ
So why aren't all men with MS taking testosterone? Is there anything negative?

Re: Testosterone Affects MS Outcomes in Men

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 9:34 pm
by plethora
After a couple of weeks of taking it, your body stops producing its own testosterone (same reason they advise against steroid abuse). You become dependent on the testosterone supplement. A guy would have to weigh the benefits vs. the costs. If a higher testosterone level helps with MS, it might be worth the life long supplementation.

Re: Testosterone Affects MS Outcomes in Men

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 12:09 am
by Leonard
read this thread from pg 23 onwards ... 8-330.html
this puts testosterone in context, as part of a much bigger picture of metabolism/hormonal disregulation.
to note as well that testosterone is just one hormone out of many...

but I think as well that testoterone supplementation could help PwMS.
as regards the dependency on supplementation, how is this for top-sporters?
Lance Armstrong looks pretty healthy to me apart from the recent demarches against him where I would find it hard to believe he has a life-long dependency on supplementation?

in any event I am happy to see a shift to the hormonal balances in the general discussion.
the article that you find under the link to the testosterone article on MS-UK on Can hormone help treat MS long-term demonstrates the shift...
But it also demonstrates that it is still predominantly a $ game ..