Hormone Replacement

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Re: Hormone Replacement

Post by Jaded »

Ok well that's interesting about the armour thyroid meds - it's not available in the UK. We only have the option of the synthetic version. My results are within range but I am so whacked and my TSH is 3.83 (range .3-4.2) and T4 13.4 (range 12-22) but it's the move for both towards the end of the range. In Feb they were 2.36 and 14. I can't see why else I am so tired.

So did you manage to get a script for estriol? I read about it being stronger than estradiol but tbh it is hard enough getting HRT so had no energy to pursue that. But am way older than you so I hope you have manged to get some.

I am curious about melatonin....do you have trouble sleeping or is is in trying to balance hormones? From my understanding the jury is out on melatonin supps but am no expert!!
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Re: Hormone Replacement

Post by jimmylegs »

oh interesting. here, the local lab's range for TSH looks more narrow (0.32-4.00 mIU/L), and for T4 it looks lower (9-19 pmol/L). either way, from here it does look like your TSH is on the high side.
that said, these look interesting:

...estimated normal, low, and high ranges of TSH levels for adults, based on a 2013 study:
https://www.healthline.com/health/tsh-n ... nge-by-age

Interpreting Elevated TSH in Older Adults
"the use of levothyroxine in older adults with mild TSH elevations has begun to be called into question by observations that demonstrate a lack of harm from not treating and a lack of benefit from treating."

have you been able to see anyone about your fatigue and thyroid suspicions? is there anything listed in either of these links, that looks potentially helpful/actionable?

https://www.dispatchhealth.com/blog/com ... n-seniors/
https://www.livestrong.com/article/4717 ... -your-tsh/

i did get an estriol script, but it wasn't and still isn't easy - hopefully things will start to come together in the new year.

for the melatonin, i thought i would try it to get into a better sleep pattern. jury is still out from my perspective as well!
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Re: Hormone Replacement

Post by Jaded »

Thanks JL. It is borderline I agree. It isn't just the readings, more so my symptoms.

Good luck with the Es. I hope it comes together for you.

Dr Andrew Huberman (who does some great podcasts) spoke about non-sleep deep rest & yoga nidra. He then produced a 10 minute video (not a yoga nidra one) which i find very helpful. Here is a link:

I sometimes use it during the day if I am feeling stressed.
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Re: Hormone Replacement

Post by jimmylegs »

ok thx :) on the surface, that sounds like my overnight pattern if not actually sleeping. i will take a look!
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Re: Hormone Replacement

Post by jimmylegs »

welp, this morning's results are starting to come in and TSH flagged low. looks like i'll have a few other things to adjust as well!
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Re: Hormone Replacement

Post by Jaded »

Oh gosh, good luck.

My blood test results also showed v low serum ferritin - so that explains the exhaustion. Back on the ferrous fumarate and will ask docs about thyroid readings...and having to review my diet :(
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Re: Hormone Replacement

Post by jimmylegs »

ack it's always something, right? it sounds like iron is the more reasonable explanation for fatigue than a tendency to subclinical hypothyroidksm. my ferritin has been on a downward trend too. am well below target level.
meanwhile, a couple of years ago, too high. not sure which factors were contributing at that time.
i recently picked up ferrous gluconate over the counter at the local pharmacy. it was all they had. i have been taking it every morning, with 500mg vitamin C to aid absorption.
hopefully we both have success, and you're feeling less fatigued soon!
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Re: Hormone Replacement

Post by Jaded »

You know, I am feeling the same too JL....why and how....??? Had the same thing in 2021.

I have heard how it can be up and down with the thyroid meds. I hope it settles and you feel better soon. And taking iron every day sounds very sensible!

Yes, I am taking it with OJ but may have to swap that to a vitamin C supp. The OJ triggers TN and also am wary of sugar too. But wow, I needed that orange juice the first day I had it with the meds. It was LUSH! Oh well.

Feel like I am running out of hands to juggle everything that needs addressing! Hopefully some level feeling 'ok' will resume soon. One can only hope and pray.
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Re: Hormone Replacement

Post by jimmylegs »

so the latest is that the specialist is not bothered about my below 'normal' TSH. sticking to the established routine works for me :) here's hoping the juggling effort with the extra iron has a measurable effect soon - or at least noticeable, for both of us!
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Re: Hormone Replacement

Post by Jaded »

Well I am pleased that you are pleased! Good luck and thanks - tired of being tired!
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