Anyone with standing, laying, sitting issues?

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Anyone with standing, laying, sitting issues?

Post by StaryNight »

I seem to have terrible problems with sitting more than 20 mins, trouble laying down for more than maybe an hour and standing I can only tolerate about 15-20 mins. I have pain in my upper legs/hips and knees something terrible. If we are in the grocery store I'm actually leaning over the cart to take pressure off my legs. It's awful. I walk like I'm a stick person like someone with stick legs that won't bed properly. Anyone with MS experience this?
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Re: Anyone with standing, laying, sitting issues?

Post by Froggie »


Have you ever had a lumbar MRI done? I've had some of the same issues and it turns out I have a herniated disc between my L4 and L5 vertebrae. I now sleep with a pillow between my knees so my hips et all are more aligned. It's awkward at first, but I sleep better. When I sit, I also have to get up every half hour or so to move a little as it becomes painful to sit for long periods. As for the kitchen, I have a stool that I sit on as I get worn out very quickly. I used to be able to stand for much longer periods but not anymore! Hope this helps.
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Re: Anyone with standing, laying, sitting issues?

Post by Scott1 »


Can you spell out where it hurts a bit more in each position? There can be a number of different things to look at depending on the detail. The more complete the description the more helpful it will be.

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Re: Anyone with standing, laying, sitting issues?

Post by David1949 »

I had similar problems, not from MS but from a herniated disc. It was the same thing Froggie had except mine was at L5-S1. My doctor sent me for an MRI and physical therapy. The therapy started before we had the MRI results. The therapist thought is was a sciatic nerve problem and started me on exercises for that. Those helped alot and eventually that stopped the pain.

There might be a tendency to blame every problem on MS. One thing to remember is that MS does not make you immune to other disorders.

In my case the herniated disc issue started suddenly. I was using the snowblower in the driveway when I suddenly felt a sharp pain and then my leg went numb starting at the top and then moving down to my foot. Because of that I knew it was something I had done and not MS. But if it had come about gradually I might have blamed it on MS.
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Re: Anyone with standing, laying, sitting issues?

Post by StaryNight »

Hi Everyone. Thanks for the responses.

To: Froggie- Yes, I had that type of MRI. Nothing shows up on that in terms of anything that would cause this. I'm really having a tough time. Cooking has become terrible and I miss being able to stand and cook. I have to take constant breaks or my hubby will take over for me. Within 15 mins I'm unable to stand. I literally would sit on the floor right where I am because once it kicks in I can barely get to a place to sit down. It's awful. Makes just doing the basic shopping ( groceries, etc) such a chore. It's reall starting to get to me in terms of feeling like my freedom is drifting away. I'm going to try the pillow however. That may help with sleeping and such. Thank you Froggie.

To: Scott the pain is this deep bone pain in my knees/hips-upper and I forgot to mention the stiffness in my lower legs that is more like a burning feeling. Mostly its a deep bone pain and it truly hurts. I can take alot of pain. Always had a high pain tolerence. Did my spinal taps without meds just to get them over with as I had the feeling of those meds afterwards but I can tolerate alot of pain before I have to use pain meds but this is unlike that. This pain that has come into play lately actually makes me take my pain meds to take the edge off. It literally brings me to near tears when it hits me. Ive been told to do a round of steriods but after what I went through with them when I was first Dx...I refuse steriods..Have not had them in several years. I have terrible reactions to them

When sitting and having to get up my knees are the worst intially and given I don't have the stength in my legs I'm always fearful of falling backwards

I should mention I took quite a few falls on my knees in the early days of my diagnosis. I would fall so quickly it was terrible. I have managed to not fall in the last few years but wonder if all those other falls just took a toll on my knees..although xrays of the knees don't show much. My knees are very stiff and it hurts down to the bone. It's not muscle pain at all.

My labs this last time were awful in terms of very low iron counts ( I generally require IV Iron over 6 weeks). Maybe the low iron is giving me that horrible bone pain. Not sure.

I have to get in and out of my truck very carefully and we have an SUV that is lower than most that sit higher. I can't even get into bed correctly. It's just awful. Thanks for taking the time to respond.

To: David1949 No disc issues here. We checked. I agree with everything being blamed on MS. Anytime something comes up( and I rarely bug my doctors) they just say "It's the MS". It's frustrating at best. I try not to overthink it and don't want to sound dramatic about it but I'm concerned. I've always had that fear in the back of my head...wheelchair..I just can't end up in one and I fight so hard to take care of myself and do all I can to try and keep this monster at bay but it can be a very unforgiving disease as you all know. It concerns me. I have a wounded warrior husband ( wounded in combat-Afghanistan) I care for, our dogs and lots that keeps me busy and I tend to push the MS off and not let it take over.

Thanks to all for your responses.
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Re: Anyone with standing, laying, sitting issues?

Post by StaryNight »

I responded to everyone in one message. Does that notify everyone or did I do it incorrectly? Thanks
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Re: Anyone with standing, laying, sitting issues?

Post by Music »

Hi Starynight,

I have slept on my back for quite a few years now with two pillows under my knees and one under my feet. I sleep thru the night now without pain.

Have you tried sitting on an air filled cushion? I am in a w/c and this helps immensely.

I have also had deep bone pain in my left upper arm a couple of times and have found stretching really helps.

Take care.
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Re: Anyone with standing, laying, sitting issues?

Post by StaryNight »

Thanks Music

I use heating pads that I rotate from hips. upper legs and then literally sitting on one. For example today...I went to the store real quick. 10 mins into my shopping trip I literally felt that bone/burning pain in my lower legs an knees radiating up to my upper legs. I had to find somewhere to sit or I'm literally walking on my tippy toes to try to allieviate the pain. Craziest thing ever.
I appreciate your time. Thank you so much
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