Hungry Hippo

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Hungry Hippo

Post by ArthurJ »

An interesting factoid: Zambia is thought to have more hippos that anywhere else in Africa. Most of them are found in South Luangwa National Park. Hippopotamuses are the third largest land mammals, and with an aggressive, unpredictable nature, they kill more people each year than lions, elephants, leopards, buffalo and rhinos combined. Wow!

I guess it's not so funny when you're the one being trampled or chomped on by a 1500 kg animal that can run at speeds up to 30 km/h over short distances!
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Re: Hungry Hippo

Post by ElliotB »

They are always portrayed as being quite docile (and cute), who would have thought!

I live in South Florida and there are gators here in the fresh water drainage lakes and fresh/brackish water canals. They seem to behave in a similar way - they lie around quite most of the time and are cute to look at (in their own special way). But they are capable of running at speeds up to 50 kph for short bursts/distances, and their jaws are extremely powerful as well. Many animals and a few people are attacked every year.

Years ago I used to go gator watching and in hindsight I was likely much too close.
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