at my wit's end

Tell us what you are using to treat your MS-- and how you are doing.
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Post by LR1234 »

I am interested in both the antiviral and abx route. I am waiting to hear back on my tests to see if I have bacterial and/or viral issues so hopefully that will shed some light.

I wonder if both can be undertaken at the same time but I worry this could overload the system. I am seeing a dr at the end of the week to discuss.
Last edited by LR1234 on Wed Mar 18, 2009 12:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Scott1 »


I'm not a doctor and wouldn't pretend to be but a very clever doctor did put me on the acyclovir. When I tried it, the major application was for genital herpes so the dose was really high and the course was short. I take a low dose of one tablet morning and night. I've followed this regime for over 10 years. In that time I have not been aware of any contraindication with other medications. I imagine if it is doing it's job you could get an uncomfortable reaction whilst it attacks the herpes family virus initially. A good doctor should check for contraindications. I found it very helpful but only in conjunction with something that modulates the immune system. I doubt you will gain meaningful benefit if you take it on it's own. Antivirals work differently to antibacterials. In my experience I haven't heard of a major problem using acyclovir in conjunction with other medications nor have I heard of a dangerous dose. Please check with your doctor in case I am ill informed.
On doctors in general, always this question - "can he help me?". If the answer is "no" or "I don't think so" then go and look for another doctor. They are out there but the politics of medicine is all about conformity and not getting sued.

Good luck
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Post by DIM »

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Post by LR1234 »

Thanks guys, much appreciated (my apologies to donushka for hijacking board)

I have found this virologist/bacterial specialist and I hope that no stone will be left unturned.

When you talk about modulating the immune system, copaxone and Avonex work differently don't they? I was going to go with copaxone but that probably wouldn't prevent or help with the inflammation caused by viruses/bacteria die offs (which maybe avonex will) I wonder what effect the avonex would have alongside abx and/or antivirals.

lots of things to discuss with this Dr, I will keep you all posted on the plan once I know what it is!

L x
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Post by Scott1 »

I honestly don't know the answers to those questions and I suspect nobody really does. What I do works for me but maybe something else is better for you. My simple assumption is we have MS because something in our makeup makes us less able to handle a viral trigger than the rest of the population. All I'm trying to do is remylinate faster than I demylinate and limit the spread of the viral trigger. I don't assume I'm cured. There is no magic bullet if you don't know what to aim it at. My combination has worked for me for over a decade and I stay well. Maybe a variation is better but the persistence has paid off for me.
Good luck for the future.
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