Dr. Coimbra Protocol

A forum to discuss the Coimbra Protocol which uses high-dose vitamin D3 to treat multiple sclerosis.
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Re: Dr. Coimbra Protocol

Post by Kittie »

Everything is going well. Nearly two weeks on 50,000iu D3 . A week ago I changed to 40K Life Extension D3 and 10K Biotech D3 and it felt much better. I can now take Menaquin Gold K2 by Medikor Labs. One morning and one at dinner. These should bring my calcium levels down too. I couldn't take them before because of palpitations within the hour. No problem now.
I feel like doing things now and getting on with it whereas before I had the inclination to do things but didn't do them. My legs aren't any better but it took a long time to get where I am now so we live in hope. What I have noticed is blood that is rising to the surface when I use my electronic stimulus machine. A sign of more blood flow. Before there was no reaction at all. Now on two of my pads.

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Re: Dr. Coimbra Protocol

Post by Kittie »

Still feeling good but slight palitations again at night, when I first go to bed, so I am lowering my D3 again. I tried 45,000iu yesterday and I found my walking a little better. Palpitations less last night so I have tried 40,000iu today. I am definately feeling good at the moment. We are all so different and what works for some doesn't work for others. We have to listen to our own body and take it from there. What also happens is that your body changes and what worked on one occasion won't work on another. Maybe we are actually healing from the inside and I don't need as much D3 now............

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Re: Dr. Coimbra Protocol

Post by Kittie »

I had a week away in Southern Spain. The weather was wonderful and I only needed 20 to 30K of D3. I got a healthy tan with no peeling. I stayed in the sun for 10 to 20 mins at a time and sat in the shade for the rest. Maybe five or six times a day. No sun tan cream at all!! I listened to my body! Temperature was around 21/23 degrees and cooler in the shade so when I felt cool I sat in the sun, when it got hot I got out! Makes a change from coming home and everything peeling and I look a healthy colour.
The only problem I had was I caught my little toe of my bad leg twice on a slab that was sticking up just a little proud. Bruised toe! I came back Saturday and on Monday morning I was leaning down to my clothes dryer and landed on my injured toe which was painful which then dropped me to the floor by both legs. That's the thing with MS, you never know what is going to happen! I have spent the last three days with my feet up but it is getting better now. I also fell on my big toe of my good leg which has bruised it quite a lot. Hey ho on we go!!!!
Apart from that I feel well on 50K again. 40K Life Extension and 10K Biotin. I will lower if I need to.My right hand still quite relaxed and in fact I realised the other day that I was lifting things up to my face with my bad hand. I wasn't able to do this at the beginning. I definately think this is working from the inside out and who knows what will happen at the end of the year.

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Re: Dr. Coimbra Protocol

Post by Kittie »

Today back to 40K. Again getting slight palpitations when I first go to bed. 30K Life Extension drops and 10K Biotech capsules. I think I will book a blood test again soon to check on my calcium levels. Just in case.

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Re: Dr. Coimbra Protocol

Post by ElliotB »

When your take your daily dosage of D3, do you take the entire dosage at one time or split it up through the day, and what time(s) during the day do you take it?
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Re: Dr. Coimbra Protocol

Post by Kittie »

I take D3 once a day, in the morning after breakfast.
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Re: Dr. Coimbra Protocol

Post by ElliotB »

Have you ever tried splitting you daily dose into two, talking half in the morning and the other half in the evening?
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Re: Dr. Coimbra Protocol

Post by NHE »

ElliotB wrote: Mon May 13, 2019 10:17 am Have you ever tried splitting you daily dose into two, talking half in the morning and the other half in the evening?
Taking D3 at night can interfere with your sleep since it's been found to reduce melatonin production.

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Re: Dr. Coimbra Protocol

Post by ElliotB »

If this becomes an issue, the 2nd dosage can be taken mid or late afternoon. I have never had any issues that I know of taking half my daily dose in the evening but I do take Melatonin (3mg) at night and have been doing this for several years.
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Re: Dr. Coimbra Protocol

Post by Kittie »

I have tried twice a day. I was told it didn't make any difference whether I took it all at once or split it during the day. Not to take it at night though. I am trying a few different things at the moment. Today I have taken only 25,000iu D3. Not much difference at the moment. I have been to Thi chi today too.

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Re: Dr. Coimbra Protocol

Post by Kittie »

Hi again, blood test yesterday so I will know in a week what the results are. Hopefully calcium levels are okay now.
I have been on 30,000iu Life Extension and 10,000iu Biotech now for about two weeks and I seem settled on this at the moment. My head is clear and if I was working from a sitting position I would be okay.
I started taking one Ion-mag every day to see if I could accept it again but my two thumbs and first fingers started to get numb again. Michael Cawley says it is interacting with toxic heavy metals. I am to try another detox.
I do not feel as strong as when I was on the higher D3.

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Re: Dr. Coimbra Protocol

Post by Kittie »

The last four days have been really good and my legs much stronger. Not sure why, but I added one Solgar Biotin 5000mcg every day. I have been feeling great and I hope this continues. I stopped this when I had the blood tests and forgot to add it back in. I stopped the Biotin two weeks before I had the tests so quite a while without. I stopped Biotin on 1st March, 2019. That's nearly 3 months! The Biotin affects the blood test results. I don't think I will need any more blood tests now for 3 months. I will try to see if my blood test results are back in tomorrow afternoon.

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Re: Dr. Coimbra Protocol

Post by Kittie »

Blood test results showed high serum calcium over normal again. Why? I haven't got a clue. I have cut the D3 down a lot from 80/90K to 40K and less during my weeks holiday!
Now no D3 again and I was really feeling well, consistently! I have to do two weeks no D3 and then try 20K per day for a week and then blood test. My own Doctor has ordered a full Bone Profile which includes ionised calcium levels which will be more accurate.
This is the reason you need someone with you who knows what he is doing.

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Re: Dr. Coimbra Protocol

Post by ElliotB »

My D3 increased unexpectedly over the past few months even though I had not changed my daily intake recently. My D3 level had been somewhat consistent for several years and has changed as expected as I 'tweaked' my intake based on my regular blood work to get to the level I wanted. I had a regularly scheduled blood test about 6 months ago (I test my D3 every three months and have been for several years since I started taking higher doses of D), and had cut my intake of D3 by 75% after getting the results. Yet a couple of months later even after reducing my intake substantially, my D3 level remained high, higher than I want it to be and basically did not drop by any appreciable amount. I have now discontinued supplementing with D3 temporarily and am having another blood test mid July.

I just did some additional research on D3. As with many nutrients, D is regulated somewhat by our bodies naturally. And eventually the areas of the body where D is stored become 'full/saturated' and the body tries to expel the excess D if necessary, which seems to be the situation I am facing.

As Kittie has often mentioned, you really need to work with someone knowledgeable and have blood work done very regularly if you are following a regimen of higher than 'normal' D or other nutritional supplementation.
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Re: Dr. Coimbra Protocol

Post by Kittie »

I have been thinking the same! Your body needs the extra D initially and takes everything it can get until it reaches a saturation point where it has enough and your levels of D need to go down.
It will be interesting to see the ionised calcium results. Michael Cawley said I can take no D3 till I get the ionised result or try 20K the third week. My D3 levels are at 400 still and didn't go down at all so I think I am not going to take any D3 until I get my results back. My blood test is for full Bone Profile and Vitamin D. The rest of my blood tests were within normal range.

Thank you for replying, it is quite encouraging to know someone has similar results. Has it affected your calcium levels?

Onwards and upwards,
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