Why Avoid DMDs

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Why Avoid DMDs

Post by vesta »

Why Avoid DMDs


Disturbing scene from the documentary about MS, "Living Proof

Why is this video « disturbing » ?

Because the renowned MS researcher Dr George Ebers utters the unspeakable truth that he himself would not take the Disease Modifying Drugs (DMDs) They don’t address longterm outcome meaning possible descent into disability, AND they cause serious negative side effects. Matt Embry in his MS Documentary LIVING PROOF agrees with Dr Ebers, listing known side effects from various drugs while providing his own lifestyle change treatment protocols which have controlled his MS.(See 5-8 ‘ on 10 :36’ clip ).

Thisisms Forum posted a research study which actually confirms the toxicity of some of these drugs.
Adverse Events Associated With Disease-Modifying Drugs for Multiple Sclerosis: A Multiregional Population-Based Study
Neurology. 2024 Feb 13;102(3):e208006.

Dr Ebers began his research on the natural evolution of MS in 1972. He was right there in the beginning of DMD research in 1987. At a Neurology conference at Barcelona in 2010 he expressed his opinion that the clinical MS drug trials were basically worthless.

Post by Direct-MS » Mon Nov 01, 2010 3:07 pm on https://www.thisisms.com

"George Ebers is perhaps the #1 MS researcher in the world and is a professor at Oxford in (Ontario, Canada). Notably he is also one of the few MS researchers who is not compromised by major financial ties to the MS drug companies. He recently expressed his well supported views on, why the clinical trials of the MS drugs are basically worthless, in an abstract for his presentation at a neurology conference in Barcelona. He writes

"Clinical trials of multiple sclerosis have been uniform in utilising invalidated outcome measures. This has occurred to a degree to which it is difficult to find parallels in medicine in general.We have recently evaluated the outcomes which have been used for evaluating past trials leading to drug approval and current trials. It is not a pretty sight.

It is quite clear from natural history studies that relapses have very little if anything to do with long term outcome. Similarly, MRI measures have been thoroughly evaluated within large datasets and found to be similarly non-predictive for meaningful outcomes. The measures of disability used in trials certainly don’t measure unremitting disability as investigators and their industry supporters have claimed.

The widespread embracing of dubious and poorly validated outcomes by some MS investigators, often in contexts where there are egregious conflicts of interest, threaten academic credibility not to mention long term professional autonomy."
Post by Direct-MS » Tue Nov 02, 2010 11:53 am
It is available on the website of the "Controversies in Neurology" Conference in Barcelona. http://comtecmed.com/cony/2010/scientific_prog.aspx
While you are there check out the Zamboni (for CCSVI) and Stuve (against CCSVI) abstracts as well as some other useful ones

End Quote

For some reason this lecture did not damage Dr Ebers stellar reputation in the MS research community.
However, when on October 17, 2013 he gave a lecture titled “Critical Review of outcomes used in MS clinical trials” which was posted on You Tube November 4, 2013 by to the European Medicines Agency. www.youtube.com/watch?v=OqY-_K1fYJY, all hell broke loose. Our hero became persona non grata. He lost his association with the prestigious MS research center the Sylvia Lawry center in Munich. Never mind that seven months earlier he had been chosen to receive the National MS Society/American Academy of Neurology’s 2013 John Dystel Prize for Multiple Sclerosis. (Perhaps this speech ‘was condidered a betrayal’by the MS Society ?)

The following quotes outlining Dr Ebers career come from www.nationalmssociety.org site.

"His studies of twins have shown that susceptibility is partly genetic and partly environmental, indicating that MS is a complex genetic disease. These findings contribute to efforts to end MS through prevention. (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U S A 2003;100:12877) This showed linkage to the Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) complex (genes related to the immune system) on chromosome 6. (Lancet 1982;2:88)…
Research is increasingly pointing to reduced levels of vitamin D in the blood as one factor that can increase the risk of developing MS. (Annals of Neurology 2011;70:881)
Delineating the natural history of MS: Dr. Ebers has performed detailed studies tracking over time the “natural history” of MS in London, Ontario, Canada, following more than 1,000 individuals since 1972. Natural history studies provide important knowledge, such as the average number of MS relapses a person may be expected to experience. This helps to appropriately design clinical trials and interpret their results. These studies have been published in a series of important papers on topics such as the predictive value of the early course of MS (Brain 1989;112:1419), and the features of primary progressive MS. (Brain 1999;122:625)…

Epidemiology of MS: Dr. Ebers’ studies have forged new paths our understanding of who gets MS, which is the goal of epidemiology. In a study of over 40,000 people from Canada, Sweden, Norway and the United Kingdom, Dr. Ebers showed that the relative risk of developing MS is higher if you are born in May (like me) and lower if you are born in November. The finding of a birth pattern suggests the possibility that the origins of the disease date to very early in life. (British Medical Journal 2005;330:120)" (My comment. The Sun related Vitamin D deficiency persists throughout growth. For example, people who moved to Sweden from Iran at an average age of 17 developed MS at the higher Scandinavian rate. (Ahlgren et al., 2010).

Dr. Ebers also has contributed to the study of gender differences in MS. Among other contributions, he documented in 2006 a significant increase in the number of women diagnosed with MS more than men, noting that the female to male ratio in the incidence of MS had increased progressively over the previous 50 years. (Lancet Neurology 2006;5:932) (My comment.. The FDA approved Birth Control Pills in 1960. I suspect use of hormonal therapy has triggered the striking increase in female susceptibility to MS, the original male/female ratio being 1:1.)

A series of studies on the relatives of people with MS including spouses, half-siblings, adoptees, and step-siblings suggested the idea that increases in the risk for developing MS come less from the familial environment than from factors operating at a general population level, such as climate and/or diet. These studies led to examination of role of Vitamin D in MS risk and the potential of vitamin D supplementation for MS patients and their families. (Lancet Neurology 2008;7:268)" End Quote

Apparently in 2013 Dr Ebers did not endorse the CCSVI theory of MS. As can be seen in the above Documentary LIVING PROOF, by 2017 Dr. Ebers was collaborating with Matt Embry who does recognize the importance of enhanced blood flow through the MS brain.

CONCLUSION : The purpose of my book is to help MSers pursue a healthy lifestyle which will prevent or at least slow descent into disability. In keeping with Dr Ebers indirect advice to avoid DMD toxicity, I will continue to perfect MY SEVEN STEPS TO MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS HEALTH.

Matt Embry’s https://mshope.com is an outstanding complement.

PS. I don't know the details of Dr Ebers' relation with the Sylvia Lawry Centre for Multiple Sclerosis in Munich. What I can see is, without mentioning his name, they have largely adopted his opinion of DMD research.
Quote from their site:
https://www.msard-journal.com/article/S2211-0348(22… · Fichier PDF
"Sustained increase of EDSS appeared to be an invalid outcome for 2–3 year clinical trials at least in patients with relapsing-remitting MS. The number of gadolinium-enhancing lesions and T2-lesion load on MRI were shown not to have a meaningful additional predictive value for the disease course. These issues risen some 15 years ago had triggered controversial discussions which have also been noticed by regulatory authorities and they all have not been resolved."

Tags : Dr Georrge Ebers, Matt Embry, DMDs, Disease Modifying Drugs, Living Proof.Docurnentary
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Re: Why Avoid DMDs

Post by ElliotB »

There are usually three sides to every story.

The decision to use a DMD can be a difficult one to make for numerous reasons. It was very a very difficult one for me to make. One aspect of taking a DMD that all experts seem to agree with is that if you are going to use a DMD, you should start it earlier rather than later. But not all those with MS agree.

My brother was diagnosed in his early 20s and he resisted taking one for almost 40 years against his doctor's recommendations. He just recently, at age 59, started taking one because his symptoms have continued to progress. (He has had a small number of attacks over the years and was doing reasonably well until recently). His symptoms are now at an uncomfortable level. IMHO this was a miscalculation. I was diagnosed at age 54 and began a DMD immediately.

While I am very proactive with treating my MS in every way in addition to using a DMD, through diet, exercise and natural supplements, I still remain on a DMD in spite of knowing that DMDs may or may not work. The fact is that there is just no way of knowing for sure whether they really work or not.
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Re: Why Avoid DMDs

Post by Leonard »

Hi Vesta,

You remain stuck in the old world.
Of course narrowed neck veins have something to do with MS, if you find an 85 or 90 percent correlation there is no denying it.
But strictly speaking MS is not CCSVI.
It comes then down to a word game, a polemic. It is important to be more precise with the narrative.

I find it incomprehensible that after so many years the medical world has not managed to get its finger behind MS.
Of course vitamin D and exposure to sunlight have something to do with it, an increased vitamin D level will improve the alignment of the mitochondria, better OxPhos, better anti-viral properties etc etc.
Hormones play a less important role, it is mainly the SNPs in the sex chromosomes that define the anti-viral properties and therefore the propensity to get MS.

MS is just one part of the bigger picture of chronic diseases, very instructive though.
Just read my manuscript and the addenda.
Start reading here: viewtopic.php?p=262981#p262981

We have to leave the old world with all its trench battles, it won 't give us anything.
Politics must unleash the forces for change, and create the conditions so that medicine can reinvent itself.

regards, Leo
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Re: Why Avoid DMDs

Post by vesta »

ElliotB wrote: Wed Mar 27, 2024 11:40 am There are usually three sides to every story.

The decision to use a DMD can be a difficult one to make for numerous reasons. It was very a very difficult one for me to make. One aspect of taking a DMD that all experts seem to agree with is that if you are going to use a DMD, you should start it earlier rather than later. But not all those with MS agree.

My brother was diagnosed in his early 20s and he resisted taking one for almost 40 years against his doctor's recommendations. He just recently, at age 59, started taking one because his symptoms have continued to progress. (He has had a small number of attacks over the years and was doing reasonably well until recently). His symptoms are now at an uncomfortable level. IMHO this was a miscalculation. I was diagnosed at age 54 and began a DMD immediately.

While I am very proactive with treating my MS in every way in addition to using a DMD, through diet, exercise and natural supplements, I still remain on a DMD in spite of knowing that DMDs may or may not work. The fact is that there is just no way of knowing for sure whether they really work or not.
Thank you Elliot for your comment.
I am curious to know what you are taking and how it makes you feel. I spoke once with a lady who said the only med which stopped her raging MS attacks was Copaxone. Also note that Jeff Beal was taking Copaxone alongy with CCSVI angioplasty treatment.
Has your Med reduced your symptoms? How would you trade off the side effects with the improvements if any? Or maybe just a slowing of symptoms?
In my own case I am absolutely convinced that a blood reflux damaged my nervous system triggering symptoms. A shiatsu massage put an end to my first attack in 1980, this outcome being observed by a renowned Neurologist as unusual. I know exactly when I began to limp in 1993. I was VERY upset. Dr Owiesy's idea that the smooth muscle layer of the vein can constrict to cut off blood flow makes sense to me relative to my own experiences. Sonograms did not reveal obstructions or abnormaloties in my jugular or vertical veins. But the idea that the veins can constrict or go into spasms due to stress (and some stresses included exposure to toxins) without there being a physical obstruction makes sense.
Dr Ebers work on Vit D makes sense in my case. I was born in May in the Pacific NW which means my mother lacked sunlight. He suggested that Vit D supplementation could actually prevent MS. (Dr Zivadinov mentione Mononucleosis in particular as a factor leading the MS. Why Mono and not just any EBV? Does Mono in particular affect the veins?)
A talented kinsiologist oversaw my first healing 1984-85, detoxification, personalized diet, supplements, energy work. He used the Chinese based theory of energy circulation muscle testing (and didn't see the fluid circulation issue but overcoming energy blockages has to have opened fluid circulation as well.)
I began to use a cane in 1997 because of the limp and was reasonably stable until 2020, continuing the diet and supplements and getting acupuncture or osteopathic treatments etc. *I broke my arm Oct 2019 (adding to previously broken shoulder) and failed to get effective Osteopathoic treatment until May 2020 by which time my pelvis was blocked, twisting my body, which seriously hampered my ability to walk. I think it's a combination of damaged physical structure which also impedes free CSF flow.
Sorry to carry on with my own story. I think we all need to reflect on our own, history/experience. I am trying to find someone to release my pelvis to free my walk. I doubt a DMD will assist in that.

Let us know how you are doing.
Regards, Vesta
Regards,, Vesta
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Re: Why Avoid DMDs

Post by vesta »

Leonard wrote: Sat Mar 30, 2024 7:26 am Hi Vesta,

You remain stuck in the old world.
Of course narrowed neck veins have something to do with MS, if you find an 85 or 90 percent correlation there is no denying it.
But strictly speaking MS is not CCSVI.
It comes then down to a word game, a polemic. It is important to be more precise with the narrative.

I find it incomprehensible that after so many years the medical world has not managed to get its finger behind MS.
Of course vitamin D and exposure to sunlight have something to do with it, an increased vitamin D level will improve the alignment of the mitochondria, better OxPhos, better anti-viral properties etc etc.
Hormones play a less important role, it is mainly the SNPs in the sex chromosomes that define the anti-viral properties and therefore the propensity to get MS.

MS is just one part of the bigger picture of chronic diseases, very instructive though.
Just read my manuscript and the addenda.
Start reading here: viewtopic.php?p=262981#p262981

We have to leave the old world with all its trench battles, it won 't give us anything.
Politics must unleash the forces for change, and create the conditions so that medicine can reinvent itself.

regards, Leo
Thanks Leo for your comment.
I've used up my energy for today so will get back to you in a few days. For starters check out my response to Elliots comment. More later.
Happy Easter,
Regards, Vesta
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Re: Why Avoid DMDs

Post by ElliotB »

I was diagnosed about 10 years ago and immediately went on Copaxone. About five years ago my doctor had me switched to Ocrevus.

I have never had any side effects with either drug, zero. My symptoms have been improving for years with most of my improvements occurring after starting Ocrevus. But just to be clear, I did have many improvements while I was taking Copaxone.

I had one minor relapse about a year after starting Copaxone. My neurologist told me to expect the relapse at the time of my diagnosis based on my MRI. And also told me that the Copaxone would not prevent it, which it didn’t. Fortunately, it was a mild relapse. But I have never had another new symptom or relapse of any kind since then.

With regards to vitamin D, I have always taken higher dosages of vitamin D to maintain my level in above 60. I currently take 10,000 IU per dayfour times a week and 15,000 IU per day 3 times a week. I did try the Combra protocol for a number of years ago but noticed no improvement whatsoever.

As of late, the Accelera devices I use are providing me with much needed additional relief and improvement.
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Re: Why Avoid DMDs

Post by ElliotB »

ElliotB wrote: Sun Mar 31, 2024 12:56 am I was diagnosed about 10 years ago and immediately went on Copaxone. About five years ago my doctor had me switched to Ocrevus.

I have never had any side effects with either drug, zero. Both drugs seemed to have done their job well.My symptoms have been improving for years with most of my improvements occurring after starting Ocrevus. But just to be clear, I did have many improvements while I was taking Copaxone as well.

I had one minor relapse about a year after starting Copaxone. My neurologist told me to expect the relapse at the time of my diagnosis based on my MRI. And also told me that the Copaxone would not prevent it from occurring, which it didn’t. Fortunately, it was a mild very mildrelapse. But I have never had another new symptom or relapse of any kind since then.

With regards to vitamin D, I have always taken higher dosages of vitamin D to maintain my level in above 60. I currently take 10,000 IU per day four times a week and 15,000 IU per day 3 times a week. I did try the Combra protocol for a number of years ago but noticed no improvement whatsoever.

As of late, the Accelera devices I use are providing me with much needed additional relief and improvement.
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Re: Why Avoid DMDs

Post by vesta »

Thank you Elliot for your response. Copaxone again. Sounds like you are in good hands. Also good to know the meds don't disturb you. Also, you are enhancing your overall health which may prevent further relapses.
You are obviously much younger than me.
I think in my own case Dr Owiesy's idea of stress causing veins to close is the most likely origin of my relapses, and in 2010 I found a simple TENS self treatment would overcome the phenomenon. I just noticed in the FB group Multiple Stenosis Society (blood flow matters) that humming can open blood flow in the head. (See Dr Rachael Ross, her subject is erectile function influenced by Nitric Oxide which releases vascular smooth muscle, role of vibration of sinuses - check out the video even if a sexologist doesn't interest you. We need all the help we can get in my opinion.) Maybe something that simple should be undertaken when stressed. Now that is less likely to be effective for me because my body structure impedes blood flow (which also implies the grey matter isn't well nourished and toxins aren't cleared enough.)

There are MSers who suffer serious blockages in their jugulars for example. If an accident causes a bone to obstruct blood flow, the only solution is to remove the physical obstruction (not easy) On this site there was the case of Donnchahd (sp?) who was certain an accident "caused" his MS. He persuaded a Neurosurgeon to shave down the bone obstruction of his Vein.
But later when the IR tried to open the blood flow he found that over time tissue had built up in the vein which he could not remove so last I heard Donnchadh had to live handicapped because of a physical blood flow blockage.
Another case of a dynamic woman who went to Bulgaria for "liberation therapy" only to find that her jugulars were destroyed by the Venoplasty. The blood flow remained blocked because the vein was literally deformed. Dr Michael Flanagan, a gifted Chiropractor who wrote on this site until his death. determined that a riding accident when she was 19 had obstructed blood flow to the brain. The venoplasty had damaged the vein without opening the blood flow. Which is why CCSVI research should have been encouraged rather than suppressed. If diagnostic tools had been used before her venoplasty, one would have seen it was a bone obstructing blood flow and not an interior blockage.
Anyway, I write this quickly and rather carelessly partly to respond to Leonard. I believe CCSVI remains an issue in MS, but the causes and solutions vary.
Thanks again for your input.I need to study your Accela device ?
Best regards, Vesta

But when the IR
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Re: Why Avoid DMDs

Post by ElliotB »


I am 65 and was diagnosed when I was 54. How old are you?

I was told early after diagnosis that eliminating stress is one of the most important things for someone with MS should do, and I have followed that advice since then. I have very, very little stress in my life.

I have been aware of the thoughts on restrictive blood flow being an important concern and also spend a lot of my time doing things to improve blood flow, including lots of exercise, massage and appropriate supplements plus some others.

I am not sure of why I am doing so well. All I know is that I am doing extremely well and I am also extremely healthy. I do so many different things with regards to my health and can only speculate that it is a combination of some of the many different things that I do. My feeling is that if something is thought to help with overall health and/or MS, and it is not going to impact me negatively, I am willing to do it whatever it is. Some things have been difficult to try because of the concept in question being counter to popular beliefs. For example, I am on a very, very high good fat diet and consume lots of meat, poultry, fish and seafood with minimal fruits and vegetables, yet most 'experts' recommend the opposite - in my opinion based on what I have read and achieved with regards to my health and the so-called experts are absolutely wrong!
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Re: Why Avoid DMDs

Post by vesta »


I am now 75.
My first "attack" occurred as I turned 32. I started diet, detox, supplement, energy work 4 years later and entirely recovered. The MRI didn't exist in 1980. The diagnosis was confirmed by MRI in 1990 which I underwent just to prove that I had recovered through the kinesiologist's treatment. When I moved to France I could walk miles but a stress "attack" caused me to begin limping in 1993. I was mostly stable until 2020.
I am not doing well now because I am not eating properly, not enough raw vegetables, veggie juice. Plus I am eating bread glutens being forbidden.
Sounds like you are eating as you should. A high protein diet is a must for me.
A kinesiologist competent in muscle testing might be able to answer your questions. My SF kinesiologist is no longer working, I could always count on her to determine what ! needed to do. I know kinesiology is an unknown technique which lacks the confirmation of a physical visible outcome, easy to discredit. I describe it on my site.
I myself should try to find a kinesiologist, but I live in French village. Do you live in an area where alternate healers are available? San Francisco is heaven for finding resources.
All of this info is available on my site mscureenigmas which I need to organize and revise.
Best regards, Vesta
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Re: Why Avoid DMDs

Post by ElliotB »

Yes, I have tried alternative treatments here, but I decided shortly after my diagnosis to educate myself extensively about nutrition and treat myself. And this is why I try so many different treatment options. I am pleased with my MS journey and doing extremely well and extremely healthy.
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Re: Why Avoid DMDs

Post by vesta »

Leonard wrote: Sat Mar 30, 2024 7:26 am Hi Vesta,

You remain stuck in the old world.
Of course narrowed neck veins have something to do with MS, if you find an 85 or 90 percent correlation there is no denying it.
But strictly speaking MS is not CCSVI.
It comes then down to a word game, a polemic. It is important to be more precise with the narrative.

I find it incomprehensible that after so many years the medical world has not managed to get its finger behind MS.
Of course vitamin D and exposure to sunlight have something to do with it, an increased vitamin D level will improve the alignment of the mitochondria, better OxPhos, better anti-viral properties etc etc.
Hormones play a less important role, it is mainly the SNPs in the sex chromosomes that define the anti-viral properties and therefore the propensity to get MS.

MS is just one part of the bigger picture of chronic diseases, very instructive though.
Just read my manuscript and the addenda.
Start reading here: viewtopic.php?p=262981#p262981

We have to leave the old world with all its trench battles, it won 't give us anything.
Politics must unleash the forces for change, and create the conditions so that medicine can reinvent itself.

regards, Leo

I believe you are entirely wrong to disdain the CNS fluid circulation factor in MS ; Whatever form it takes or name you give it, « CCSVI » remains a central factor in understanding MS and eventually treating it. The initial idea of opening the IJV, vertical and azygous veins through venoplasty has proven limited, for too many invalid. As Chinese researchers have noted the cause is heterogenous ie varied. XXX introduction of Dr Owiesy’s theory of the smooth muscle layer in the vein subject to spasm has enlarged the issue.
You stress the herpes virus as being the root cause of cancer ??Allow me to point out that the herpes EBV virus which causes mononucleosis is strongly associated with MS. EBV goes latent after initial infection. Low oxygen triggers its re emergence. Oxygen laden blood flow should prevent this relapse. So we have EBV re-emerge through restricted blood flow.
I wish you would use your research analytic skills to understand why Mononucleosis should trigger MS. Is it related to the lymphatic fluid ? The epithelium ?
Testimony of succesful alternative treatments for both MSers and Cancer victims emphasizes detoxification, diet, supplement transformations, energy balancing treatments. MSers need additional emphasis in opening blood CSF flow which can get complicated depending on the origin of the obstruction.
One interesting idea. An MD interested in erectile dysfunction – veins- has suggested humming which opens blood flow and releases nitric oxide. My sister observed that the Yoga OM is exactly that - gutteral humming. So before a Yoga seance one undertakes a healing protocol which opens blood flow through the head – just exactly what I need as an MSer threatened with an « attack ». (See Dr Rachael Ross)
Research on this issue seems to have moved to China whose scientits are less tyranized by big pharma ???
I’m going to provide below some references below :
From Wikipedia :
« The Epstein–Barr virus (EBV), formally called Human gammaherpesvirus 4, is one of the nine known human herpesvirus types in the herpes family, and is one of the most common viruses in humans. EBV is a double-stranded DNA virus.[2] Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) is the first identified oncogenic virus, which establishes permanent infection in humans. EBV causes infectious mononucleosis and is also tightly linked to many malignant diseases. Various vaccine formulations underwent testing in different animals or in humans. However, none of them were able to prevent EBV infection and no vaccine has been approved to date.[3]
The virus causes infectious mononucleosis ("mono" or "glandular fever"). It is also associated with various non-malignant, premalignant, and malignant Epstein–Barr virus-associated lymphoproliferative diseases such as Burkitt lymphoma, hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis,[4] and Hodgkin's lymphoma; non-lymphoid malignancies such as gastric cancer and nasopharyngeal carcinoma; and conditions associated with human immunodeficiency virus such as hairy leukoplakia and central nervous system lymphomas.[5][6] The virus is also associated with the childhood disorders of Alice in Wonderland syndrome[7] and acute cerebellar ataxia[8] and, by some evidence, higher risks of developing certain autoimmune diseases,[9] especially dermatomyositis, systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, and Sjögren's syndrome.[10][11] About 200,000 cancer cases globally per year are thought to be attributable to EBV.[12][13] In 2022, a large study (population of 10 million over 20 years) suggested EBV as the leading cause of multiple sclerosis, with a recent EBV infection causing a 32-fold increase in the risk of developing multiple sclerosis.[14][15][16][17][18]
Infection with EBV occurs by the oral transfer of saliva[19] and genital secretions. Most people become infected with EBV and gain adaptive immunity. In the United States, about half of all five-year-old children and about 90% of adults have evidence of previous infection.[20] Infants become susceptible to EBV as soon as maternal antibody protection disappears. Many children who become infected with EBV display no symptoms or the symptoms are indistinguishable from the other mild, brief illnesses of childhood.[21] When infection occurs during adolescence or young adulthood, it causes infectious mononucleosis 35 to 50% of the time.[22]
EBV infects B cells of the immune system and epithelial cells. Once EBV's initial lytic infection is brought under control, EBV latency persists in the individual's memory B cells for the rest of their life. »
From mscureenigmas.net
MS Body Tension, Oxygen and Epstein Barr Virus (Revised)

Dr. Robert Zivadinov, Professor of Neurology at the State University of New York at Buffalo, Director of the Buffalo Neuroimaging Analysis Center (BNAC) who states in the CCSVI Symposium of 2011 in his lecture "CCSVI and Brain Perfusion” that Venous Malformations can be either Congenital or Acquired. Congenital malformations are 1) Truncular (Embryonic) or 2) Physiological. Malformations are Acquired through 1) Aging 2) Inflammation (leading to numerous disorders, for example CCSVI heart disease, as well as MS) 3) Vascular risk factors and 4) Infective agents (Epstein Barr Virus being prominent.)

Dr Zivadoniv’s 4 risk factors for MS are
1. EBV Mononucleosis being number one. It is estimated that while 95% of the general population carry the EBV antigen, ALL MS patients carry it.
2. Genetic: 65% of MS patients carry the HLA-DR15 gene as opposed to 20-30% non MS (if I understood correctly).
3. Vit D deficiency. Extreme north or south latitude. T cell immunity factors
The following quotes orovided by Joan Beal cheerleader on ThisisMS Forum !
Such cells weren't unique to MS, but were also detected in CNS tissue from two control patients with stroke, which the researchers pointed out is also a disease in which inflammation plays an important role.
Notably, Epstein-Barr virus-positive cells were present in much higher numbers in active MS lesions than expected in peripheral blood B cells, "which suggests that these cells are recruited to or accumulate in CNS infiltrates," Lünemann noted.[/b]

http://www.everydayhealth.com/multiple- ... in-ms.aspx

What might reactivate this virus and cause it to replicate in the B cells?
Why were these cells also in the brains of stroke patients? It's not just about inflammation or the immune system.
Hypoxia. Lack of oxygen reactivates EBV infection. The ischemic injury of slowed blood flow, caused be stroke or CCSVI, could reactivate EBV cells.
EBV in latent infection can be activated to lytic infection by hypoxia treatment.
http://www.journalofclinicalvirology.co ... 2900244-7/
Researchers cannot comment on how cigarette smoking would increase EBV, increase brain atrophy and worsen MS??
Smoking decreases oxygen and increases hypoxia. Hypoxia activates EBV.... cheer »
And more info on Cancer and nutrition :
Doctors Report Mysterious Worldwide Cancer ‘Epidemic’
By Paul Anthony Taylor
Global Research, March 31, 2024
The Fall in the Nutrient Content of the Global Food Supply
While diet is being discussed as a contributory cause to the rise in cancer cases, important scientific evidence that could help explain the phenomenon would appear to be being ignored.
Of particular relevance are studies conducted in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Finland, and other countries, which show that the nutrient content of the global food supply has fallen significantly over the past 70 to 80 years. The suspected causes of this include the increasing worldwide shift towards industrial forms of agriculture.
In some cases, the reduction in nutrient levels has been dramatic. Between 1951 and 1999, for example, the calcium content of broccoli in Canada fell by almost 63 percent. Similarly, the vitamin A content of Canadian broccoli fell by almost 56 percent, with the vitamin B2 content falling by almost 43 percent and the vitamin B1 content by 40 percent. Changes in nutrient levels for potatoes were also concerning, with iron and vitamin C content falling by over 57 percent, vitamin B2 by 50 percent, vitamin B3 by 45 percent and, most disturbingly of all, vitamin A by 100 percent. With similar reductions being seen in other countries, it is unthinkable that this would not result in negative health consequences.
Significantly, therefore, Dr. Matthias Rath’s Cellular Medicine research has revealed that long-term deficiencies of vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients are the primary cause of chronic diseases such as cancer. Based on this finding, a patented combination of nutrients has now been successfully tested against more than 55 different types of cancer cells. Cutting-edge scientific studies carried out at the Dr. Rath Research Institute have demonstrated that these nutrients are able to inhibit cancer cell invasion and metastasis, cancer cell multiplication and tumor growth, the formation of new blood vessels to feed tumors (angiogenesis), as well as induce the natural death of cancer cells (apoptosis).
Reversing the worldwide rise in cancer cases will necessitate improving global nutrient intakes. Achieving this for people of all ages could lead to a significant reduction in the overall number of cases, including those now being seen in younger people. Towards this goal, as well as encouraging and facilitating the use of science-based nutrient supplementation, governments should also consider promoting organic agriculture. Research shows that food produced organically contains higher levels of nutrients

Regards, Vesta
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Re: Why Avoid DMDs

Post by vesta »

vesta wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2024 8:03 am
Leonard wrote: Sat Mar 30, 2024 7:26 am Hi Vesta,

You remain stuck in the old world.
Of course narrowed neck veins have something to do with MS, if you find an 85 or 90 percent correlation there is no denying it.
But strictly speaking MS is not CCSVI.
It comes then down to a word game, a polemic. It is important to be more precise with the narrative.

I find it incomprehensible that after so many years the medical world has not managed to get its finger behind MS.
Of course vitamin D and exposure to sunlight have something to do with it, an increased vitamin D level will improve the alignment of the mitochondria, better OxPhos, better anti-viral properties etc etc.
Hormones play a less important role, it is mainly the SNPs in the sex chromosomes that define the anti-viral properties and therefore the propensity to get MS.

MS is just one part of the bigger picture of chronic diseases, very instructive though.
Just read my manuscript and the addenda.
Start reading here: viewtopic.php?p=262981#p262981

We have to leave the old world with all its trench battles, it won 't give us anything.
Politics must unleash the forces for change, and create the conditions so that medicine can reinvent itself.

regards, Leo

I believe you are entirely wrong to disdain the CNS fluid circulation factor in MS ; Whatever form it takes or name you give it, « CCSVI » remains a central factor in understanding MS and eventually treating it. The initial idea of opening the IJV, vertical and azygous veins through venoplasty has proven limited, for too many invalid. As Chinese researchers have noted the cause is heterogenous ie varied. CureIous' introduction of Dr Owiesy’s theory of the smooth muscle layer in the vein subject to spasm has enlarged the issue.
You stress the herpes virus as being the root cause of cancer ??Allow me to point out that the herpes EBV virus which causes mononucleosis is strongly associated with MS. EBV goes latent after initial infection. Low oxygen triggers its re emergence. Oxygen laden blood flow should prevent this relapse. So we have EBV re-emerge through restricted blood flow.
I wish you would use your research analytic skills to understand why Mononucleosis should trigger MS. Is it related to the lymphatic fluid ? The epithelium ?
Testimony of succesful alternative treatments for both MSers and Cancer victims emphasizes detoxification, diet, supplement transformations, energy balancing treatments. MSers need additional emphasis in opening blood CSF flow which can get complicated depending on the origin of the obstruction.
One interesting idea. An MD interested in erectile dysfunction – veins- has suggested humming which opens blood flow and releases nitric oxide. My sister observed that the Yoga OM is exactly that - gutteral humming. So before a Yoga seance one undertakes a healing protocol which opens blood flow through the head – just exactly what I need as an MSer threatened with an « attack ». (See Dr Rachael Ross)
Research on this issue seems to have moved to China whose scientits are less tyranized by big pharma ???
I’m going to provide below some references below :
From Wikipedia :
« The Epstein–Barr virus (EBV), formally called Human gammaherpesvirus 4, is one of the nine known human herpesvirus types in the herpes family, and is one of the most common viruses in humans. EBV is a double-stranded DNA virus.[2] Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) is the first identified oncogenic virus, which establishes permanent infection in humans. EBV causes infectious mononucleosis and is also tightly linked to many malignant diseases. Various vaccine formulations underwent testing in different animals or in humans. However, none of them were able to prevent EBV infection and no vaccine has been approved to date.[3]
The virus causes infectious mononucleosis ("mono" or "glandular fever"). It is also associated with various non-malignant, premalignant, and malignant Epstein–Barr virus-associated lymphoproliferative diseases such as Burkitt lymphoma, hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis,[4] and Hodgkin's lymphoma; non-lymphoid malignancies such as gastric cancer and nasopharyngeal carcinoma; and conditions associated with human immunodeficiency virus such as hairy leukoplakia and central nervous system lymphomas.[5][6] The virus is also associated with the childhood disorders of Alice in Wonderland syndrome[7] and acute cerebellar ataxia[8] and, by some evidence, higher risks of developing certain autoimmune diseases,[9] especially dermatomyositis, systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, and Sjögren's syndrome.[10][11] About 200,000 cancer cases globally per year are thought to be attributable to EBV.[12][13] In 2022, a large study (population of 10 million over 20 years) suggested EBV as the leading cause of multiple sclerosis, with a recent EBV infection causing a 32-fold increase in the risk of developing multiple sclerosis.[14][15][16][17][18]
Infection with EBV occurs by the oral transfer of saliva[19] and genital secretions. Most people become infected with EBV and gain adaptive immunity. In the United States, about half of all five-year-old children and about 90% of adults have evidence of previous infection.[20] Infants become susceptible to EBV as soon as maternal antibody protection disappears. Many children who become infected with EBV display no symptoms or the symptoms are indistinguishable from the other mild, brief illnesses of childhood.[21] When infection occurs during adolescence or young adulthood, it causes infectious mononucleosis 35 to 50% of the time.[22]
EBV infects B cells of the immune system and epithelial cells. Once EBV's initial lytic infection is brought under control, EBV latency persists in the individual's memory B cells for the rest of their life. »
From mscureenigmas.net
MS Body Tension, Oxygen and Epstein Barr Virus (Revised)

Dr. Robert Zivadinov, Professor of Neurology at the State University of New York at Buffalo, Director of the Buffalo Neuroimaging Analysis Center (BNAC) who states in the CCSVI Symposium of 2011 in his lecture "CCSVI and Brain Perfusion” that Venous Malformations can be either Congenital or Acquired. Congenital malformations are 1) Truncular (Embryonic) or 2) Physiological. Malformations are Acquired through 1) Aging 2) Inflammation (leading to numerous disorders, for example CCSVI heart disease, as well as MS) 3) Vascular risk factors and 4) Infective agents (Epstein Barr Virus being prominent.)

Dr Zivadoniv’s 4 risk factors for MS are
1. EBV Mononucleosis being number one. It is estimated that while 95% of the general population carry the EBV antigen, ALL MS patients carry it.
2. Genetic: 65% of MS patients carry the HLA-DR15 gene as opposed to 20-30% non MS (if I understood correctly).
3. Vit D deficiency. Extreme north or south latitude. T cell immunity factors
The following quotes orovided by Joan Beal cheerleader on ThisisMS Forum !
Such cells weren't unique to MS, but were also detected in CNS tissue from two control patients with stroke, which the researchers pointed out is also a disease in which inflammation plays an important role.
Notably, Epstein-Barr virus-positive cells were present in much higher numbers in active MS lesions than expected in peripheral blood B cells, "which suggests that these cells are recruited to or accumulate in CNS infiltrates," Lünemann noted.[/b]

http://www.everydayhealth.com/multiple- ... in-ms.aspx

What might reactivate this virus and cause it to replicate in the B cells?
Why were these cells also in the brains of stroke patients? It's not just about inflammation or the immune system.
Hypoxia. Lack of oxygen reactivates EBV infection. The ischemic injury of slowed blood flow, caused be stroke or CCSVI, could reactivate EBV cells.
EBV in latent infection can be activated to lytic infection by hypoxia treatment.
http://www.journalofclinicalvirology.co ... 2900244-7/
Researchers cannot comment on how cigarette smoking would increase EBV, increase brain atrophy and worsen MS??
Smoking decreases oxygen and increases hypoxia. Hypoxia activates EBV.... cheer »
And more info on Cancer and nutrition :
Doctors Report Mysterious Worldwide Cancer ‘Epidemic’
By Paul Anthony Taylor
Global Research, March 31, 2024
The Fall in the Nutrient Content of the Global Food Supply
While diet is being discussed as a contributory cause to the rise in cancer cases, important scientific evidence that could help explain the phenomenon would appear to be being ignored.
Of particular relevance are studies conducted in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Finland, and other countries, which show that the nutrient content of the global food supply has fallen significantly over the past 70 to 80 years. The suspected causes of this include the increasing worldwide shift towards industrial forms of agriculture.
In some cases, the reduction in nutrient levels has been dramatic. Between 1951 and 1999, for example, the calcium content of broccoli in Canada fell by almost 63 percent. Similarly, the vitamin A content of Canadian broccoli fell by almost 56 percent, with the vitamin B2 content falling by almost 43 percent and the vitamin B1 content by 40 percent. Changes in nutrient levels for potatoes were also concerning, with iron and vitamin C content falling by over 57 percent, vitamin B2 by 50 percent, vitamin B3 by 45 percent and, most disturbingly of all, vitamin A by 100 percent. With similar reductions being seen in other countries, it is unthinkable that this would not result in negative health consequences.
Significantly, therefore, Dr. Matthias Rath’s Cellular Medicine research has revealed that long-term deficiencies of vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients are the primary cause of chronic diseases such as cancer. Based on this finding, a patented combination of nutrients has now been successfully tested against more than 55 different types of cancer cells. Cutting-edge scientific studies carried out at the Dr. Rath Research Institute have demonstrated that these nutrients are able to inhibit cancer cell invasion and metastasis, cancer cell multiplication and tumor growth, the formation of new blood vessels to feed tumors (angiogenesis), as well as induce the natural death of cancer cells (apoptosis).
Reversing the worldwide rise in cancer cases will necessitate improving global nutrient intakes. Achieving this for people of all ages could lead to a significant reduction in the overall number of cases, including those now being seen in younger people. Towards this goal, as well as encouraging and facilitating the use of science-based nutrient supplementation, governments should also consider promoting organic agriculture. Research shows that food produced organically contains higher levels of nutrients

Regards, Vesta
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Re: Why Avoid DMDs

Post by ElliotB »

The only certainty with MS is that no one knows with 100% certainty the cause or the treatment. So much speculation, so many theories, at this time almost all are likely incorrect - there is just no way of knowing for sure. One thing for sure is that numerous people have claimed to have beaten their MS through a number of different ways, but because MS can go into remission for long periods of time, there is just no way of knowing for sure whether they are truly cured.

Just because something is written and repeated on the internet, doesn't mean it is true or correct.
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Re: Why Avoid DMDs

Post by Leonard »

I could certainly agree with the above comments of ElliotB.

To which I would add that current medical views held about chronic diseases, although dogmatically endorsed and repeated, may be truth-like but they certainly are not truth. Relapsing MS has little to do with demyelination but everything with ATP depletion. The mechanism of why that happens is very instructive: the herpes virus. The average mid aged European and –I guess American- is affected by about 4.5 herpes viral strains that work together to cause a plethora of chronic diseases if our cellular immunity fails or falters. MS is among them.

@ Vesta: I fully support the idea that CCSVI is a central factor that causes MS. I don’t understand why you believe that I would deny that. CCSVI would mainly cause BBB damage after which herpes viridae from the nasopharynx can enter the CNS. Low oxygen is a factor because mitochondrial antiviral properties will fail earlier.

Mononucleosis is a form of immunization at adult age. At young age, EBV infection is asymptomatic. If herpes viridae persist too long, this may cause onset of autoimmune disease, as a paraneoplastic syndrome. The problem is not the B cells as most people think, but the T cells that fail to deplete the B cells. ATABio has demonstrated this and also, for MS, that the trigger is in the nasopharynx.

The Vitamin D relationship – is not a real vitamin but an essential building block – is elaborated here. It has an important role to produce good aligned and well performing mitochondria which give strong antiviral properties of the cell. The genetics is in the SNPs and HERVs. That is explained here and in the postings that follow: viewtopic.php?p=262981#p262981

We must forget about the old thinking and most of the nitty gritty stuff you refer to above. The sector and governments need to radically change their thinking. There is a health crisis looming.
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