Easy Pivot Transfer Lift

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Easy Pivot Transfer Lift

Post by lyndacarol »

Recently, I became aware of this device, the Easy Pivot Transfer Lift, and mention it here for those who might find it useful. I am not extremely knowledgeable about lift devices, but this appears to use a rather novel system. I have not seen this device, used this device, nor do I have any financial connection to it.

Through my cousin I have become acquainted with her friend who has CP (Correction, 2/7/10 -- This friend of my cousin is 58 years old, was diagnosed with muscular dystrophy at age 13.) and who highly recommends this machine. She considers it a "lifesaver;" she doesn't know what she would do without it. She purchased hers through a sales rep in Naperville, Illinois. The name of the company is RAND SCOT INC., 401 Linden Center Dr., Fort Collins, CO. 800-474-4010 www.randscot.com
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