AtlasBalance (jaw misalignment) Treatment - EJC

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Re: AtlasBalance (jaw misalignment) Treatment - EJC

Post by Amir »

CureOrBust wrote:Published peer reviewed journals. Not forum posts.
If you can arrange the funding I have no problem with that. We have a great deal of data which the public needs to see. Any philanthropists out there please?
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Re: AtlasBalance (jaw misalignment) Treatment - EJC

Post by CureOrBust »

Amir wrote:
CureOrBust wrote:Published peer reviewed journals. Not forum posts.
If you can arrange the funding I have no problem with that. We have a great deal of data which the public needs to see. Any philanthropists out there please?
Again, I am specifically talking about palpation of the lateral pterygoid area. You do not need to start up any of your own studies. I have provided an example link to at least one published paper previously, which stated that "Considering the lack of validity and reliability associated with the palpation of the lateral pterygoid area, this diagnostic procedure should be discarded".
And it has been cited by 62 other papers, so it appears to have been at least read and possibly accepted by a few other professionals.

As for publishing your data, there are many guides on the internet about getting that done. None of which involve large bribes or such.
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Re: AtlasBalance (jaw misalignment) Treatment - EJC

Post by Amir »

CureOrBust wrote:
Amir wrote:
CureOrBust wrote:Published peer reviewed journals. Not forum posts.
If you can arrange the funding I have no problem with that. We have a great deal of data which the public needs to see. Any philanthropists out there please?
Again, I am specifically talking about palpation of the lateral pterygoid area. You do not need to start up any of your own studies. I have provided an example link to at least one published paper previously, which stated that "Considering the lack of validity and reliability associated with the palpation of the lateral pterygoid area, this diagnostic procedure should be discarded".
And it has been cited by 62 other papers, so it appears to have been at least read and possibly accepted by a few other professionals.

As for publishing your data, there are many guides on the internet about getting that done. None of which involve large bribes or such.
Against those 62 I have 400 patients who will swear to my assertion.

Forgive me but I only have anecdotal evidence like patient testimonials. I am reproducing a recent one from a patient with her kind permission:

"I am a 55yr old female, who apart from childhood/ early adult asthma and sports related wear and tear of the knee, elbow, shoulder and neck, (mild cervical spondylosis), had enjoyed 54 yrs of robust good health.

In December 2014 1 became ill, the symptoms were as follows:-
1) Severe, life altering dizziness;
2) Severe parasthesias tingling in arms and legs;
3) Exhaustion;
4) Tinnitus;
5) Unexplained, unwanted weight loss from 9 st to under 8 st, for my height, underweight.

My excellent GP whom I had rarely visited, ran many tests over several weeks
It was found that I had a positive ANA blood count that gradually rose from 1:80 to 1:320
(zero would be normal), indicative of an Auto Immune Disease.

This combined with my other symptoms meant that I was suspected of having either Multiple Sclerosis or Systemic Lupus Erythmatosus (SLE).
Extensive tests/scans and investigations ensued with consultants in the following fields:-
1) Neurology;
2) Rheumatology;
3) ENT;
4) Cardiology;
5) Orthopaedic.

Whilst waiting for the results of these tests, all of which eventually proved inconclusive, I found Dr Amir's website and arranged an appointment in Feb 2015.

I have always known that my frame and jaw are not symmetrical, but, somewhat to my surprise, Dr Amir explained this could be causing all of my symptoms.

The following day he fitted two discreet braces to redress this imbalance, which I continue to wear. He also recommended specific exercises, some dietary changes and supplementation.

Now, 4 months later, my symptoms are hugely reduced and my health is returning to normal.
The life compromising dizziness is now intermittent and not severe. Sleep is no longer interrupted by the tingling which is barely perceptible.

My GP was delighted and surprised by all of this and in particular, that the ANA blood test has now reversed and returned to normal meaning it is back to Zero. He wanted to know if I'd been doing anything different to bring about this extraordinary change other than the physiotherapy that had been recommended to me to alleviate the cervical spondylosis.

As yet, I haven't told him of my regular consultations and treatment with Dr Amir, but will do so when all symptoms are completely resolved and my treatment is finished.

I am truly indebted to Dr Amir for his unswerving confidence and ability to bring about this dramatic turnaround in my health. I will never be able to thank him enough."

The patient is highly educated and a prominent member of society. No MS scientific studies helped her but simple basic common sense treatment.

In this post the ANA test is scientific at least. I do know that ANA is one indicator and not exclusive to MS.

I can provide many many more testimonials. Would that help you accept that there is a way out of this quagmire of 'MS'?
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Re: AtlasBalance (jaw misalignment) Treatment - EJC

Post by Arka »

I take issue with certain posters on forums such as this, who plant the seed of doubt into the minds of people who seriously need help.

This kind of treatment seems to work very well. There are numerous writings from various authorities that back up the theory, which makes sense to a lay person.

What matters is the results, and if patients are seeing real results, I'd tend to take that seriously. Especially if the contrary studies are funded by drug companies with their own motives.

When I first learnt about how much the mouth (teeth & jaws) affects the entire body, it was through an article on the renowned Weston Price website. It was written by an American doctor. This started me on a quest to find someone in the UK who has the same understanding that he so clearly articulated there.

This was before I learned about shills - people who are paid by or represent major drug companies, to discredit anybody who claims MS or other issues can be cured by something other than drugs.

In any event, people like Dr Amir, Andre Hedger, Patrick Grossman, NDU Clinic etc - I believe they all have some experience on TMJ issues and teeth/jaw asymmetries within the skull. These are just some names I came across from my own research. It's worth reading more and consulting with one or more of them before making a decision one way or another.
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Re: AtlasBalance (jaw misalignment) Treatment - EJC

Post by jencor69 »

CureOrBust wrote:
jencor69 wrote:My MS symptoms have now all gone ... I have already managed to gain enough strength and balance to be able to walk with crutches. With a bit more hard work, I will get there.
I am happy for you getting better, however, your post is self contradictory.
Let me ask you a question which might help you to understand. If you broke your leg in a car accident and had to spend many weeks in plaster, having traction and bed rest to allow the bones to heal; you are obviously confined to your bed for a period of up to 12 weeks. Would you then expect to spring out of bed and walk normally like you did before the accident without some rehabilitation and physiotherapy? I spent 10 years with declining mobility not just a few weeks so obviously I need some rehabilitative physiotherapy. Maybe not - if you know a better way please let me know. In the mean time I will carry on doing what I have been doing and improving gradually each week.

Your incessant, irrelevant nitpicking is just getting nasty now. What have you learned in the 10 years you have been using this forum? How to use trollish behaviour to distract from the OP's point?
CureOrBust wrote:Published peer reviewed journals. Not forum posts.
I'm still waiting to see Published peer reviewed journals from anyone to prove what MS is and identify the pathology of it's progress????
Personally, I don't believe the results of so-called peer reviewed journals,
“Much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue. Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness.” ... -insiders/
I prefer to take my evidence from real life effective therapies, the theories of which make sense to me - not from the 'we don't know but try this' brigade using manipulated trial data and downright lies to sell their poisons.

That's all I have to say - this thread isn't about me, it is about EJC's wife so please - lets leave this thread as EJC intended, for documenting his wife's progress.
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Re: AtlasBalance (jaw misalignment) Treatment - EJC

Post by EJC »


Thanks for taking the time to post, if you have the inclination please start a thread and document how your treatment progresses as I'm trying to do with my wife.

Each time I visit Amir with Emma, it's astonishing the number of people who say to me, "oh you are EJC" I read your post on thisisms and it's part of the reason I'm here. I generally then get grilled with all sorts of questions which Emma and I answer as best as we can.

Once again thanks for posting.
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Re: AtlasBalance (jaw misalignment) Treatment - EJC

Post by NHE »

It's time to take a step back and remember why we are here...
NHE wrote:ThisIsMS is a MS discussion forum with a worldwide audience. The purpose of ThisIsMS is to facilitate communication between MS patients, their caregivers and other individuals, such as doctors and researchers, with an interest in MS. The goal of ThisIsMS is to provide helpful information to those who need it so that by working together we can solve our common problems. ThisIsMS does not exist to be any particular individual's soapbox from which to conduct a battle. It is not a sporting arena. Flame wars, personal attacks and other antagonistic behavior will not be tolerated. There are other newsgroups and forums where such activity is acceptable. However, it will not be tolerated at ThisIsMS. Where appropriate, as deemed by the forum administrator and the forum moderators, a single warning may be issued and accounts will be closed without prior notice upon continuation of such activity.
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Re: AtlasBalance (jaw misalignment) Treatment - EJC

Post by Opthealth »

Hello friends
First can I say congratulations to Emma. It's taken years to get in such a state and may take years to get well again, but hey ho...thank God it's getting better and not worse. Rome wasn't built in a day as they say. Keep going Emma!

I have recently started with Dr Amir and I am glad I did. My search landed me with Atlas Orthogonal and I'm glad it did. I was told by an amazing AO chiropractor that I would not hold my atlas because of my teeth and jaw. He put me on the right path.

I do not have MS or at least when I had MRI's and MRA's they didn't find the 'normal lesions' they prove MS by. My disease was named Atypical facial pain????even though I had other symptoms. I experienced (without being to extensive), tingling, numbness in extremities, intense tooth pain, nausea, hair loss, extreme tiredness, etc... Probably a lot of, what is described as "MS symptoms", yet not MS.

I read the forums and also on the other MS websites. It has opened my eyes to how people perceive a more holistic approach. The first thing I looked for when this illness began was anything other than anti depressants and anti seizure drugs. It was not the way I wanted to go. I read the pros and cons (I was always pop a pill and it will be fine sort of girl). I found it hard to believe anyone on any research page I came across. I thought the only way to find out is first hand. It is a sad world when people can't discuss there experiences whether successful or not without people finding fault and pettiness just because the path you have chosen is not the approach for them. I think we should embrace the work all Dr's do to help people and whichever approach they choose to do it in.

For me my road to recovery is just starting with Dr Amir and I am blessed that I chose this path. It's early day so I will not make any assumptions yet, but I do know, I feel the correlation between my jaw and my symptoms.

Best to all in the path you choose.
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Re: AtlasBalance (jaw misalignment) Treatment - EJC

Post by EJC »

Opthealth wrote: I have recently started with Dr Amir and I am glad I did. My search landed me with Atlas Orthogonal and I'm glad it did. I was told by an amazing AO chiropractor that I would not hold my atlas because of my teeth and jaw. He put me on the right path.
Thank you for posting, it is appreciated.

It's interesting that AO practitioners are independently arriving at the jaw/teeth misalignment issues as a cause of the C1 misalignment.

Good luck with your treatment, I hope it provides the same relief for you as it has done for Emma.
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Re: AtlasBalance (jaw misalignment) Treatment - EJC

Post by civickiller »

I'm sorry trying to help all other peopleostly ms patients.
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Re: AtlasBalance (jaw misalignment) Treatment - EJC

Post by EJC »

So 10 months on from when I last posted anything on this thread how is Emma doing?

We'll she's pretty much out of a wheelchair, we now only use the wheelchair if we have distances to walk or need to get somewhere in a timely manor. Airports and such like or unfamiliar places.

Emma is learning to walk again, she's graduated to crutches from a walking frame and just needs some more practice and a bit of confidence outside of the rehabilitation centre gym.

Symptoms that were reduced or eradicated during the jaw treatment have stayed that way. Emma now has no neuralgia symptoms, her fatigue has reduced and she's approaching a normal amount of "awake" hours.

Her extremities are not as cold as they used to be, there were times when her hands and feet were like blocks of ice, this has been reduced substantially.

Last month we flew to Barbados for two weeks and for the first time ever Emma wasn't wiped out by the heat.

At no point since Emma finished treatment has she suffered a "relapse" or had any new symptoms appear.

I'm looking forward to seeing how she progresses over the next 10 months.
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Re: AtlasBalance (jaw misalignment) Treatment - EJC

Post by EJC »

Seeing as this thread has been devoid of updates now for nearly 2 and half years I thought it only reasonable to give an update of how Emma has got on in that time.

We’ve not had the need to see Amir for some time now, once his treatment had moved Emma’s jaw to where it needed to be it was then up to Emma to help herself as much as possible.

Good things:-

The following symptoms that disappeared during and after Amir’s treatment and have remained dormant or gone.

Severe (or any form of) Neuralgia
Severe Fatigue
Jaw pain and discomfort
Back pain
Foot drop
Severe headaches

As a result of these symptoms being removed it enabled Emma to undertake Neurophysio to start to undo the damage done by being sedentary for so many years.

This combined with Pilates twice a week, deep tissue massage for an hour once a week and as much home exercise as I can get her to undertake (this varies wildly!) and we’ve managed to slow the progression of this awful condition.

Have we cured it? Of course not, but we’ve made life more tolerable.

Emma hasn’t had a “relapse” since treatment with Amir started all those years ago.

Things that are not so good:-

There is clearly damage to Emma’s brain and the latest MRI undertaken this year shows more lesions than previous MRI’s and also atrophy.

Eyesight isn’t great, Emma’s left eye has a life of its own and this is generally put down to one of two things – Internuclear Opthalmoplegia or One and half syndrome. What they are, are basically long baffling phrases that mean “we don’t know why that’s happening and there’s nothing we can do for it”.

I’m convinced the eyesight is blood flow/oxygenation related after the results had with a CCSVI procedure some year back. How to address this though I have no idea.

Emma suffers from confusion, almost dementia like symptoms on occasion, these come and go and like the eye issue, there’s no explanation forthcoming. Plenty of drugs on offer though as ever.

We do still visit Neurologists, I don’t know why we still go through this ritual. Much of it is just so I can point out how ineffective and narrow minded they really are when it comes to this awful illness. 70 year of persevering with an autoimmune explanation and still no closer to finding anything to prove it, yet it appears there’s little in the way of research looking for what’s causing this terrible problem.

Is Emma glad she got treated by Amir? Hell yes. It’s been lifechanging. Well quality of lifechanging would be a more appropriate phrase.

I wish we’d met him 10 years earlier it may have lead to a different outcome. Even Amir explains he has always got far faster and more dramatic results with people in the infancy of their “MS” diagnosis rather than someone like Emma who had reached a point where there are no more options. I guess undoing physical issues more quickly stops all the long term debilitating complications that can occur.

The thing is Amir isn’t a spring a chicken (sorry Amir if you’re reading this) and he is battling his own health issues.

The world needs eccentric people like Amir. It’s people like him that think outside the box and continue to think outside the box whilst the established medical profession pilloried him for his ideas and treatments despite an increasing number of patients obtaining life changing relief.

Hopefully he’ll pass on his knowledge for someone to continue his research and treatment when he decides to finally call it a day.
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Re: AtlasBalance (jaw misalignment) Treatment - EJC

Post by ElliotB »

Interesting thread! Glad she is still doing better!

Jaw misalignment issues and corrections are more common than you think. And can be the cause of many health concerns, some of which could easily be thought to be MS symptoms for those that have MS.

I had a medical procedure done a couple of years ago that eliminated/reduced most of the symptoms I had that I thought were being caused by my MS which obviously were not. MS is often blamed for MS type symptoms for those that have MS but is not always the culprit.
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