Seats for Segways!

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Seats for Segways!

Post by sswinslow »

At last!

I was searching online for the zillionth time recently to see if Segways were being made with seats yet. I was finally relieved to discover that, although the Segway company itself still doesn't offer that accessory, "SegSeats" were just coming out from another supplier. And I later found that Segway dealers carry them. (Well, I assume that if one does, they all do. I could be wrong.)

My life is so much better! I am absolutely thrilled, and feel compelled to share the news that really improved things so much! Note that although I personally found a dealer through , current Segway owners can also get seats directly from I'm not sure if there's any price difference, so you may want to comparison shop. I even came across some used Segways for sale online already because newer models have come out and people have traded up.

I truly hope this helps anyone and everyone who, like me, cannot stand upright very long but really isn’t keen on scooters or, even worse, wheelchairs! To little ol’ me, this new vehicle looks like a great idea for many disability types.

Savannah Winslow

Disclaimer: It occurs to me I should clarify that I'm not trying to sell Segways. I don't work for them, or have any connection. I'm a middle-aged writer under attack by degenerative disc disease, really tired of having to keep all my trips short or deal with the hassles scooter use involved. Plus, people no longer automatically assume I'm disabled; they just see that I have a nifty ride. :)

Here are a few more links I saved from my research:


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DRAFT = Disability Rights Advocates For Technology

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