New shot giver thingee..

A board to discuss the Multiple Sclerosis modifying drug Rebif
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Post by kirsty23 »

I'm havin my first shot of this today, my urse is comin this afternoon. I got the smart injector thing in my pack too. Not sure if I'll use it or not....I'm gonna get her to show my how to use it though so I'll keep u posted :)
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Post by kirsty23 »

Ok so my nurse showed me how to use this today but I decided not to use it....I don't like how it sounds when it clicks down, it's proper aggressive so I'll just stick wiv the normal syringes :)
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Post by Loumalone »

In to my second week using the rebismart. Would definately recommend it. Takes less than five minutes to do, barely hurts, the nursing support is excellent, she's phoned 4 times already to check up on me!
If it weren't for the minor side effects it'd have no impact on my life at all.
Although i never really minded needles it's great for someone who does cause you don't even have to see them!
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Post by kirsty23 »

I used this on monday n it was awful!! It hurt and stang sooo much!! I don't feel a thing when I use just the needle. I've done the needle on the tops of my thighs an one in my belly. I used the rebismart on the top of my bum, maybe it hurt because of where it was done? I'll use it one more time tonight in a different p[lace but if it hurts again like it did, it'll be gone!!
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Post by MSBOB »

I have nothing to judge the rebijecter II by, but I used it for the first time this morning. This was also my first dose of rebif. I thought the rebijecter II was kind of scary. I set the thing up with the needle. I got all ready, and put it on my thigh. I pressed the button and nothing happened. I then remembered that I had to push the whole thing down from the handle before hitting the button. So I proceeded to push it down and then I hit the button again. I guess I wasn't expecting any sound, but it snapped and startled me. I sat there for about 15 seconds wondering if I did it right or wrong. I couldn't feel any needle at all. When I removed it, I saw it all got to the right place. Success I guess..

Anyway, I think the autoinjecter is actually pretty cool. It kind of removes the anxiety of needles and stuff and gets the job done. I guess I may need to revise my opinion after say, a couple hundred injections! So far, thumbs up to the rebijaculator II.
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Post by Coffeediva »

I used the rebismart for the first time yesterday, the nurse that came to set it up said it was the newest model, (released feb 2011). I was very apprehensive and after we set it up and went over the technical stuff She talked me through the injection. First of all it is idiot proof, it titrates, records time and date of all injections, and has an alarm to tell you if you have missed your injection. I placed the machine on my skin, when the green light went on I pressed the button I was expecting a "snap" (having read some others experiences) but nothing seemed to happen. the machine whirred(sp) and then beeped. when i removed it there was a small puncture so it must have worked. no pain, no stinging, no worries! This was just my first shot ever and I know side effects get worse but all in all it was a positive experience. I will continue to report on how things progress.
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Post by Coffeediva »

ok, so now I'm on my third shot of rebif and things are still going great. small side affects like aching at the injection site starting 12 to 24 hours after shot, and very minimal flu like symptoms.
one thing I am dissapointed with is the follow-up. everyone has been saying that a nurse called them for several days to make sure everything was ok, i haven't heard from her. even worse i had a question about fluid being left on my skin after injection and it took me 24 hours to get a response from anyone, even the nurses at my doctors office haven't returned my calls.
I know things are going well but I feel very alone. :(
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Post by Mike56 »

I hear you CoffeD.

I'm in BC canada. My nurse was from a private company, hired by Sereno, and while she did a great job training me how to use the Rebismart, I never heard from her again.

After a month or two of using Rebif, I got a call from a rep who gave me his contact info. This is the guy I call when I need supplies, like needles, cleaning swabs, batteries, etc, everything except the Rebif itself.

He never introduced himself as being medicaly trained in any way, so I'd be reluctant to seek his advice with any medical issues related to using Rebif, although he'd be the guy to call with any Rebismart equipment concerns.

If I did have any serious Rebif questions, I'd call the relapse nurse at my MS clinic.

In BC, (maybe all of Canada?) we also have the nurse hotline (I forget the official name) that anyone can phone for free medical advice.

I'm glad things are going well for you with your injections, but don't feel alone, there are lots of us out there.

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Post by oreo »

Mike56 - go ahead and call your contact at Serono with any medical questions. Over the last 6 years everyone I've dealt with there is either an RN or at least a BSc. When they do send our supplies they usually toss in a business card - you can check it for an individuals actual credentials.
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Post by Coffeediva »

I finally got the number to the lifeline hotline, they have been helpful. I titrated up this week and still feel great. some of my classic symptoms (numbness, fatigue) are a little worse but nothing unbearable. still loving the rebismart, the actually injection feels like a mosquito bite. site reactions are minimal but I am also using Arnica gel.

thanks for the pep talk Mike! sometimes all i need is someone to say "been there, done that, you'll be fine"
nice to hear from another canadian, I'm in edmonton.
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Post by Loumalone »

Hi Coffeediva,
My experience with Rebismart has been very good over the last year and i'm sure yours will too!
My flulike stuff went away after a few weeks and although it's sometimes a bit painful it's no problem.
I'm so casual about it now that i sometimes forget to do it.
My Rebif nurse/rep was v.good, almost too attentive, but if you're left to your own devises you shouldn't worry. You can get all the info you need online You just need supplies of needles and stuff, and you shouldn't need alot of medical help if you make sure t rotate injection sites.
I Love my Rebismart. I've heard that my neuro department have been trialling Gilenia and will ask about it at my next visit just because it claims to be more effective but i'd be sort of sad to give up my Rebismart!
I think because you're doing a sort of high tec procedure on yourself if feels like t's really effective and comforting to know you're being treayted.
And...Ive set up my start up screen to read 'Hello Gorgeous!'
Hope you're doing good, keep us posted.
When i was choosing which interferon this forum was great for reading other's experiences.

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Post by Mike56 »

oreo - I just got some needles from Serono. They did include a card, but no name on it, so of course no credentials either. It's just a generic card, English on one side and French on the other, saying
Multiple Support Program
Ph # & fax #

address in Ontario

and their web site addresses.

Anyway, thanks for your post, I guess I'll have to ask my contact guy (Jubin) what his credentials are and get him to send me his business card.

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Post by Coffeediva »

I titrated up this week and WOW, i feel like I've been run over by a truck. I ache from head to toe, my joints feel like their made of broken glass and my head is pounding. Had a minor pity party with my dogs this morning after everyone left for work/school, then rallied and went grocery shoppping. the shots hurt more, I suppose that's from an increase in meds. I called lifelines again and got another answering machine "if this is an emergency please go to the emergency room" how do I know if it's an emergency if no one tells me what's normal?

sorry for the bad mood, I also lost my job this week.

anyway, pushing on. :?
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Re: Side effects

Post by NHE »

Coffeediva wrote:I titrated up this week and WOW, i feel like I've been run over by a truck. I ache from head to toe, my joints feel like their made of broken glass and my head is pounding. Had a minor pity party with my dogs this morning after everyone left for work/school, then rallied and went grocery shoppping. the shots hurt more, I suppose that's from an increase in meds. I called lifelines again and got another answering machine "if this is an emergency please go to the emergency room" how do I know if it's an emergency if no one tells me what's normal?

sorry for the bad mood, I also lost my job this week.

anyway, pushing on. :?
Are you taking anything to counter the side effects? Many people on Ifn-B find that ibuprofen is helpful.

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Post by Coffeediva »

yes I'm taking 400 mg of motrin before the injection and 400 before bed. I tried aleve but it bothered my stomach.
I am going to see my dr today because last night my lymph nodes swelled and now my entire right side is weak and shaky with swollen joints.
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