Dysphagia? MS related?

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Dysphagia? MS related?

Post by vstart »

For the past few years, I've noticed some problems with my swallowing. It started with just feeling phlegmy after eating until now when I feel like I have some major breathing problems since then. I've been to the doctor somewhat about it but I need further testing to be sure about what it is causing it. Mostly I am concerned about it being MS since I have other problems that are some times associated with it (muscle stiffness and pain in right leg, snowy vision).

However, that is not the worst part of it. The worst part is that my sister is also having this phlegm problem now. She doesn't realize right now, I feel like. She just gets phlegmy after eating and brushes it off and jokes that she is losing her voice. I am so worried that she might have what I have and it might get worse for her too. Does it seem likely that MS is happening for both of us or is there something else going on?
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Re: Dysphagia? MS related?

Post by lyndacarol »

vstart wrote:For the past few years, I've noticed some problems with my swallowing. It started with just feeling phlegmy after eating until now when I feel like I have some major breathing problems since then. I've been to the doctor somewhat about it but I need further testing to be sure about what it is causing it. Mostly I am concerned about it being MS since I have other problems that are some times associated with it (muscle stiffness and pain in right leg, snowy vision).

However, that is not the worst part of it. The worst part is that my sister is also having this phlegm problem now. She doesn't realize right now, I feel like. She just gets phlegmy after eating and brushes it off and jokes that she is losing her voice. I am so worried that she might have what I have and it might get worse for her too. Does it seem likely that MS is happening for both of us or is there something else going on?
Welcome to ThisIsMS, vstart.

Your symptoms could be related to MS – OR to any number of other conditions. Early on, an MRI may not even find lesions, the hallmark of MS. My first three MRIs were completely normal; my first neurologist told me that I definitely did NOT have MS – he was wrong!

I suggest you work with your doctor, review your symptoms, and consider this approach:

http://peripheralneuropathycenter.uchic ... ndex.shtml

I think it is especially important to rule out celiac disease/gluten sensitivity as your phlegm problem may be a reaction to gluten (or gliadin). You notice your phlegm problem after eating; keep a food diary and see if it happens most often after eating gluten-containing food. All the best to you
My hypothesis: excess insulin (hyperinsulinemia) plays a major role in MS, as developed in my initial post: http://www.thisisms.com/forum/general-discussion-f1/topic1878.html "Insulin – Could This Be the Key?"
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Re: Dysphagia? MS related?

Post by CaliReader »

To add to what LindaCaroll said, I would check with an Opthalmologist about your vision issues. MS is one of the issues they specifically look for.

Good luck.
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Re: Dysphagia? MS related?

Post by vstart »

CaliReader wrote:To add to what LindaCaroll said, I would check with an Opthalmologist about your vision issues. MS is one of the issues they specifically look for.

Good luck.
I did go see an opthalmologist about these issues. He didn't find anything wrong but due to my other symptoms my doctor has sent me for an MRI.
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