need to know

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need to know

Post by mder123 »

Hello to all, my name is Mike and I need some advice if I may, real quick at 35 years old - 9 years ago I was diagnosed and put on Betaseron, i lasted about 3 years on the beta and was doing so good but the beta kicked my butt so after telling my neuro I took myself off. I maintained great health for the past 6 years symptom free........ until August of this year. Talk about a really bad 8 months. In August my right eye went crossed and was put on the steroids, in October, in December, in February and now April all steroids. All different symptoms all new lesions. I went back on the Beta in December, upped my vitamin D, I am waiting for another relapse and hoping for one not to happen,.. Is there any light at the end of my tunnel? I mean I know its relapsing remitting, but I mean has anyone had similar? I was working out in shape and living good. Now I cant even walk a straight line let alone walk on a treadmill. I am a police officer with 23 years on 3 years past my eligible retirement, should I retire, could my work be affecting my health? So many questions.....

Thank you
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Re: need to know

Post by lyndacarol »

Welcome to ThisIsMS, Mike (mder123).

To answer your question… No one can tell you if there is "light at the end of the tunnel." Every case is unique; some of us may share a few symptoms, but the future for each of us may be quite different.

Since my ideas revolve around insulin, I think it is a good idea if you request your GP to order a "fasting blood insulin test" (which is NOT the same as a glucose/blood sugar test); the optimal result should be 3 UU/ML or lower range. If it is higher than 3, diet is the only way to bring down.

Wheat/gluten raises blood sugar, which then raises the insulin level. By the way, steroids also result is higher insulin levels.

The Dr. Oz Show featured the author and book, Dr. William Davis and his books, Wheat Belly:
Video Pt 1:
In Pt 2 the fact that wheat causes a blood sugar spike GREATER than a Snickers candy bar is pointed out!

Dr. Oz article, "Celiac Disease: The Advantages of a Gluten-Free Diet" ... iet?page=2
"Researchers now believe that Celiac disease may be more common in the United States than previously thought, especially given the high rate of misdiagnosis. There are now reliable blood tests to help your doctor determine if you are a Celiac sufferer. Because Celiac is an autoimmune disease, people with Celiac have abnormally high levels of certain antibodies (anti-gliadin, anti-endomysium and anti-tissue transglutaminase). Your doctor can test for these antibody levels and may confirm the diagnosis with an endoscopic tissue sample (which involves using a tiny camera to look at the lining of the intestines.)

A person with any degree of gluten sensitivity (not JUST those with celiac disease) can have neurologic symptoms, such as you describe.

Intestinal damage results in poor nutrient absorption – low levels of magnesium, zinc, vitamin B12, even vitamin D3.

Only you can make the decision on retirement. If you enjoy your work, I vote that you keep the job as long as you are physically able to do it. As I see it, only if your work brings you stress (stress raises the cortisol level – cortisol raises blood sugar, which raises insulin levels), you might want to consider a less stressful situation. I think we have one or two members here who are also police officers; I hope they will jump in with their opinions.

All the best to you.
My hypothesis: excess insulin (hyperinsulinemia) plays a major role in MS, as developed in my initial post: "Insulin – Could This Be the Key?"
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