
For questions on how to support loved ones with MS.
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Post by chrdana7 »

I can't understand how family members can turn away from someone when MS strikes. I was upset when members of my wife's family seemed to turn away from her once MS really started to disable her. I was taking care of her, raising the kids and working so I could have used any help but I didn't get much. My sisters were so outraged that they jumped in and started bringing home cooked meals to me. I was diagnosed with MS while I was caring for my wife but I continued caring for her until her doctor insisted that she go into a nursing home so she would have 24 care. Ten years later I'm living alone and really struggling with MS but my family has pretty much turned away. My sisters who were so helpful ten years ago have pretty much abandoned me. One won't even speak to me if I call on the phone. Does anybody else go through this with their family? I know that it must be hard to see someone you love suffer but is running away the answer? Maybe it is . I know that I'd run away from the MonSter if I could but I'm glad that I didn't run when my wife needed me.
I have to go to a wedding tonight and face these people and I'm not looking forward to it.
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Post by mscaregiver »

Hi chrdana7, people approach situations in different ways, some people have to distance themselves from something they have no control over and cant understand, and just cannot deal with seeing someone suffering and especially when it is a family member or another loved one..

There are many support groups online and many national and local support groups, having someone to talk to and interact with is very very helpful, hope you can find a local or national support group to get in touch with, I am sure you will find them more than glad to talk to you and be of assistance to you..

Take care and all the best to you..

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Post by Arron »

Hello chrdana7,

welcome to the site. It probably is as you guessed-- they don't know how to deal with watching you go through difficulties. How did the wedding turn out?

Also, you mention your wife had MS, and then YOU had MS... were the doctors mystified? The current theory is that MS is not a communicable disease-- do you agree?
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