Hashimoto's Thyroiditis Testimonials

A forum to discuss the Coimbra Protocol which uses high-dose vitamin D3 to treat multiple sclerosis.
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Hashimoto's Thyroiditis Testimonials

Post by AntonioBR »

Hashimoto's Thyroiditis Testimonials (Coimbra Protocol)
Hashimoto's Thyroiditis also called Hashimoto's disease is an autoimmune disease, a disorder in which the immune system turns against the body's own tissues. In people with Hashimoto's, the immune system attacks the thyroid. This can lead to hypothyroidism, a condition in which the thyroid does not make enough hormones for the body's needs.

Located in the front of your neck, the thyroid gland makes hormones that control metabolism. This includes your heart rate and how quickly your body uses calories from the foods you eat.

This Protocol requires the guidance and monitoring by a physician with specific training to analyze each particular case.

There is a List of Doctors Worldwide here: http://www.thisisms.com/forum/coimbra-h ... 27159.html.

Some doctors work via Skype
Last edited by AntonioBR on Wed Aug 08, 2018 3:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hashimoto's Thyroiditis Testimonials

Post by AntonioBR »

Carel Testimonial

Post by Carel Guibes in the FB Brazilian group (link below):

"60 days on the protocol:

I have Hashimoto's disease and severe melasma;

the fatigue has disappeared, and I feel more alive, the joint pains and the depression are going away as well. Who knows, maybe in a while the spots on my face will also disappear.

I give thanks every day for starting the protocol."
https://www.facebook.com/groups/Esclero ... =bookmarks
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Re: Hashimoto's Thyroiditis Testimonials

Post by Anunymouse »

I've been hypo for a long time. I was 21 when my dr told me to keep an eye on the tsh as mine was high but not yet out of range. When I was around 25, dr finally said I was hypo and I've been on meds ever since. Not too long ago my new endo said he wanted to test me for hashi's and they did so shortly after when I did my normal blood test and of course it came back positive. To me, not a big deal since the way you treat it is to keep doing the exact same thing you did before. Which is take the thyroid meds. So hashi/no hashi, doesn't matter which is why I've never requested the test.

Anyway my tsh has always been unstable on synthroid, I'm hyper, I'm hypo, I'm hyper etc. Several years ago I switched to dessicated and have been relatively steady ever since on the exact same dosage. A couple months ago I started coimbra and about a month ago did my normal thyroid test, and it came back hyper which is abnormal. My thyroid meds haven't increased in ages and if anything I should be trending hypo more as what's left of my thyroid is eroded. Dr asks me to lay off supplements for 3 days, test again. My lab pushes me back a bit so I end up off all supplements for a week or so, only taking my thyroid meds. Test again, comes back hyper, again. Which again, odd. So I've reduced my meds and will be testing again in a few weeks.

So building a theory since I'm not a true coimbra believer yet, but I'm sticking to the program and hoping. Hashi is an autoimmune problem and coimbra according to the dr I went to works for pretty much all AI diseases. I don't have any objective benchmark for the MS symptoms but possibly it IS working and the attack on my thyroid is weakening. If over time my TSH, t3/t4 results continue showing a trend to normalizing I will have literally no other explanation besides the protocol. My thyroid functions was REALLY low when I had it tested a couple years ago (14% of normal if memory serves). I'm not getting any younger. When I was diagnosed I was a gym rat, which I'm not anymore so it's not pure physical fitness. My diet has only changed to accommodate the calcium restrictions. And I've read no-where that there has been a formula change in the meds and now everyone is going hyper. And none of the supplements I take are known for messing with they thyroid direct and with not biotin in the mix (which makes you show suuuuuper hypo anyway) there's nothing that should be skewing the lab results. I can't think of anything else besides the protocol working. I guess we'll see.
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Re: Hashimoto's Thyroiditis Testimonials

Post by Anunymouse »

Back again, feeling fatigued (normal) weak for quite a while now, which isn't. Thyroid tested again on the 15th of november after a week of 0 supplements and I'm still hyperthyroid at the reduced dosage. So I'm reducing again. My original dose was 2.5g per day, did that for years, now I'm on 2, starting tomorrow I'm at 1.5. Except briefly during medication changes I've never been hyper since I started taking thyroid meds when I was 24/25. Now 3 tests running I've been hyper, reducing again and testing again in a month.

So something appears to be going on. It's kind of nice to have something actually objective I can test vs purely subjective 'how do I feel today' to go off of.
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Re: Hashimoto's Thyroiditis Testimonials

Post by ElliotB »

Anunymouse, just curious what type of diet you follow? Weakness can sometimes be related to nutritional deficiencies and there are many foods and supplements that can possibly help with energy levels. For example, as you are probably aware B vitamins are thought to help your body produce energy from the foods you eat and they're are also considered essential for brain and nerve function, (but they can only do so much) so something as simple as a B vitamin deficiency can have an affect on how much energy you have.

It is good to hear that you are having some impact on you Hashimotos. My wife has Hashimotos in her family (two of her siblings have it and one of her daughters has it (she has the gene but no symptoms).
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Re: Hashimoto's Thyroiditis Testimonials

Post by Anunymouse »

I'm on calcium restricted, otherwise the same diet I've been in for 30-40 years. Calcium restriction sucks, most of what I like eating has cheese in its name somewhere :laugh: I'll have to pull up my supplement list, off the top of my head there are several b, zinc, potassium. If I had more free money I'd see if I could get 1 horse pill compunded instead of a handful of little pills every day.
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Re: Hashimoto's Thyroiditis Testimonials

Post by Anunymouse »

So update on thyroid. 2 months ago endo asked me to reduce thyroid needs again. Dosage stayed the same but 6 days a week instead of 7. I did that for about 10 weeks, drew blood on Thursday and haven't taken meds since. Im back on them Monday but felt line i need a break.

Test results in today.

Tsh 3.3, which is normal but i usually feel better around 1.
T4 had risen.
T3 shows im more hyper than before even on the 6 day dosage. I'll be moving to 5 days. In 3 days dr will call me asking for the same. And he'll tell me to stop adjusting on my own. It irritates him (and rightfully so) that i always move before he tells me to. I stay on his plan until the day after i have blood drawn and adjust immediately after.
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