no more-there's nothing left

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no more-there's nothing left

Post by cas »

I am so weak. I can hardly get to the bathroom. I use a wheel chair outside apartment. Diagnosed 20 years ago. I feel I have no options. My left side is practically useless. I have bad drop foot and fingers curl. I can hardly hold a fork. I can only imagine what it must sound like to my SUPPORTIVE spouse. I can barely move. Practically no stability. If your a caregiver/spouse do you understand when I say that there is nothing left? I have tried everything. How can I live with no energy? I have no reason to get out of bed other than to struggle to the bathroom. I just can't do anything. I have no energy to occupy my mind. Because of my physical abilities, I can hardly do anything. It is exhausting trying to do everything - shower (1 -2x a week), easier not eating b/c hard to get something out of fridge and into microwave. I could go on and on but just sitting here pecking at keyboard is exhausting. Do you caregiver understand when I say no more its time?
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Re: no more-there's nothing left

Post by ElliotB »

" I feel I have no options"

I know you feel that you have no options, many of us have felt this way, but what most of us find is that there are ALWAYS options if you want them. Are you looking for advice/options or just to vent?
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Re: no more-there's nothing left

Post by seanlanefuller »

I'm so glad you have a supportive spouse. I do as well.
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Re: no more-there's nothing left

Post by cas »

ElliotB wrote:" I feel I have no options"

I know you feel that you have no options, many of us have felt this way, but what most of us find is that there are ALWAYS options if you want them. Are you looking for advice/options or just to vent?
I guess looking for options but I can't imagine you have anything to say (and I do wish you did). I'm far from rich. I just don't see a way to live. Does society just expect me to sit on the couch all day?
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Re: no more-there's nothing left

Post by ElliotB »

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.”

― Henry Ford

I truly hope you understand the meaning of the above quote. If you want to improve, you have to really, REALLY want it, bad, because for the most part only those who really, really, really want something, especially something difficult, are likely to get it. Your future, successes or failures, are truly up to you.

"Does society just expect me to sit on the couch all day?"

Whether you sit on your couch all day or not is up to you. You are the only one making that choice. The bottom line is that 'society' does not really care.

"I'm far from rich."

Well, many rich people have and have had MS, and their money did not buy them much of anything. Taking care of yourself in every way possible including exercise does not require huge sums of money.

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step."

Lao Tzu

If you are ready to begin your journey, I am happy to offer my assistance. which will start with some basic questions - what type of diet do you follow, are you on any medications, do you take supplements, are you gluten free, are you overweight, do you do any type of exercise at all?

Just to be clear, there are people who have been in your shoes and have improved. But it will take hard work (very hard work) on your part, determination and time and lots of patience. And did I mention hard work and determination? One more quote:

"If it’s meant to be, it’s up to me."
Last edited by ElliotB on Tue Feb 07, 2017 5:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: no more-there's nothing left

Post by robbie »

"Whether you sit on your couch all day or not is up to you.You are the only one making that choice. The bottom line is that 'society' does not really care."

I was told not to hash on older posts but this really bugs me, it's just something that is so misleading and untrue. MS and ms alone put me here, to think I chose it is frigging bs. No one gets it till your there !
Hope your ok cas
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Re: no more-there's nothing left

Post by jimmylegs »

robbie do you have the results from your last set of nutrient tests on file? i don't care how old they are

at a bare minimum, usually everyone has serum ferritin and major electrolytes numbers.

looking forward to your report, even if the numbers are old ones.

sep 17: refresh my memory robbie, have you chosen to opt out of such investigations all along?
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Re: no more-there's nothing left

Post by robbie »

Hi JL you won't ever understand until your there, I hope you never get worse than you are now because I don't think you would be very good at ms and all it takes It's so much bigger than vitamins, but thats a good crutch to be on for now. Some people I'm sure come to Tim's to share how their lives are being destroyed and maby find others the same. Your the healthiest sick person I know but some are not, I feel for cas having been where she is .
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Re: no more-there's nothing left

Post by jimmylegs »

so short answer 'no'? ;)
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Re: no more-there's nothing left

Post by robbie »

Yes JL the answer is no , when i read your posts all your problems are caused by a serum level of possibly many things that's not quite right, fix that and it's better. I guess it's no dìfferrent than people claiming their cured from an auto immune disease by surgery. Mine was antibiotics and even though most scoffed at that I went 2 solid years of feeling good and strong. I showed my progress on you tube, then it all went for a shit ! It's a lifetime disease ,day by day!
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Re: no more-there's nothing left

Post by jimmylegs »

pop quiz:

select one.

a fundamental requirement of life on earth:
a) surgery
b) antibiotics
c) essential nutrition

related reading:

Essential chemistry for biochemists

enjoy :)
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Re: no more-there's nothing left

Post by robbie »

Fundamental requirement of life is being able to live !
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Re: no more-there's nothing left

Post by jimmylegs »

yep and everyone is free to complain about the results of self care inaction or or celebrate benefits of due diligence as applicable.
have at it :)
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Re: no more-there's nothing left

Post by robbie »

Is there anything personally you couldn't live without JL ?
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