Are my symptoms indicative of MS?

This is the place to ask questions if you have symptoms that suggest MS, but aren't yet diagnosed.
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Are my symptoms indicative of MS?

Post by Rparrott »

Hello everyone! I've been having a variety of symptoms for the past 6 weeks and was wondering if they are indicative of MS.

It all started with really bad fatigue and chest tightness and pain on my sternum. (My heart has been cleared by a cardiologist since)

Then I started having restless legs at night that began continuing into the day. I had a deep aching pressure sort of pain around my lower leg that would shoot into the bottom of my foot. This pain comes and goes.
Then I began to have off and on shooting pains in my lower arms/hands and and feet. Mostly on my left side. This progressed into a tingling pins and needles feeling in my left hand. Also my fingertips will occasionally have a warm sensation. Last night I began having a tremor in my left hand and I had less grip strength in my left hand when I was lifting weights at the gym. All of these symptoms seem to come and go and vary in intensity throughout the day.

I've also noticed that my eyes go out of focus a lot. It's not like I can't focus them but I notice when I'm watching something or reading all of a sudden my eyes will be out of focus and I'm just staring off into space.

I've also over the years noticed that my ability to focus and concentrate has decreased. I also had a time period where I was having urinary urge incontinence and peed about every 30 minutes if I was drinking enough water. If I couldn't get to a bathroom right away I would pee myself. I drink a lot less water now because I was sick of peeing my pants, so I don't notice this as much. But every once in a while I'll all of sudden need to pee and within 5 minutes I feel like I'm going to pee myself.

Lastly, I get intermittent twinges if pain in my ears (mostly left side).

My neurologist told me there is minimal likelihood of MS because I don't have significant weakness and my symptoms are mostly unilateral. I don't really feel like he's taking me seriously though since he told me at the end of the appointment he thought my symptoms were psychological.

Does this sound like MS to any of you? Has anyone had similar symptoms?? I really appreciate the help!
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Re: Are my symptoms indicative of MS?

Post by Scott1 »


Let's start with the last point first. Your symptoms aren't psychological but they are probably outside the reference range that a neurologist would look at. He is likely correct when he says the chance of ms is low.
You will, however, have to deal with preconceived ideas if you stay with the same group of doctors. You may need to start again with a different circle.
I'd be after an MRI of your spine to look for nerve compression and some thorough blood tests to look for signs of deficiencies or excess levels of basic elements in your blood.
You can describe your symptoms quite well but you may need to tell them to someone new.
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Re: Are my symptoms indicative of MS?

Post by Rparrott »

Yeah I think that's probably the route I need to take! I know there's a variety of issues that can mimic the symptoms of MS and I'm aware that my symptoms aren't that severe, but I feel like my neurologist is blowing me off. Whether it's MS or something else, I just want to figure it out before it gets worse!
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Re: Are my symptoms indicative of MS?

Post by NHE »

Hi Rparrott,
Welcome to ThisIsMS. One of the conditions that mimics MS is vitamin B12 deficiency. Have you had your B12, folate and homocysteine levels checked? If so, then what were the results?

Do you take any supplements? If so, then which ones?

Do you drink green tea regularly (or take EGCG)?
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