Theoretical Immunology

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Re: Theoretical Immunology

Post by Leonard »

Addendum to the above manuscript

The challenge is now to integrate the addendum with the manuscript, and make the text a bit shorter and crispier.

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Re: Theoretical Immunology

Post by Leonard »

As the tiny example on ccsvi under the link below shows, the sector has gone off course. Its governance is failing. What was once a shared responsibility has degenerated into a distributed irresponsibility.

There is an urgent need to shift the primary mode from network-based self organizing governance to government meta-governance. The main task of the State is to provide the general conditions for the stabilization and continued development of the endogenous medical society itself.

For any one reading here: If you have any idea what sort of actions should be taken, please send me your suggestions.

If you are a professor at one of the more renowned American or European universities or any others in the world, and you would like to help shape a new era in medicine, please let me know. I need a team to reflect on a newly composed manuscript, the draft version of which you find in the postings above.
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Re: Theoretical Immunology

Post by vesta »

I didn't realize you re-posted my article on how big money has hindered development of research on CCSVI MS. Thank you.
I don't see how government meta governance can be of help since at present in the USA govt regulatory agencies have been taken over by big money private interests. Researchers fear losing access to their labs/research facilities if their research threatens these private interests. Apparently CCSVI research has moved to China. Where in the West are scientists free to pursue research wherever it leads them?
Regards, Vesta
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Re: Theoretical Immunology

Post by Leonard »

Thank you Vesta for your comments. You may like this video about what’s wrong with modern science:

National agencies worldwide are incredibly risk averse. No cutting edge research, no risky projects, no bold new ideas. For researchers, the main aim is to ensure continuity of funding to keep the machine going. Proposals are made with tiny little adjustments. For policymakers, science should be a safe bet where failure is not an option.

Yet, the true value of science is full of blind alleys but these are not explored. Except on forums like these. By outsiders. The German philosopher Peter Finke wrote a nice book about it called Citizen Science (in German). They have nothing to loose. Their mind has not been set, they have fresh eyes. For them it’s the new ideas, the new perspectives, not the money.

In the US, it seems that science is much politicized, to have become a punch ball of republicans and democrats. In Europe, I often think that our continent has so much history, establishment, rules and procedures that it doesn’t have room for the future.

Some of these comments should be added to Chapter 6 of the manuscript.

Below is an Addendum to Chapter 3 of the manuscript. It claims a new different role for HERVs in health and disease. The old dogma of HERVs contributing to cancer progression is probably WRONG.

Recent data about HERVs transactivation induced by tumor viruses and their function in malignant diseases indicate that HERV transactivation may act as potential regulators of host gene expression to control or dampen viral pathogenesis, not to contribute to it.

The main mechanism of viral oncogenesis is mitochondria losing control. All the rest is downstream, including the HERV transactivation. A role for HERV or its antigens to control or dampen pre-tumors would be a natural and logical outcome of a positive evolution.

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Re: Theoretical Immunology

Post by Leonard »

These people from Vienna are on the right track: viewtopic.php?t=32568
Broadly speaking, their thinking aligns with my own ideas here above.

The gist of the article demonstrates the generally poor understanding of MS in medical circles.
I am convinced that ccsvi plays an important role, to break the BBB, possibly for as much as 85% of cases.
The herpes viridae (from the nasopharynx) can then access the CNS and may work in concert to do their destructive work.
ATARA Bio thinks in that same direction.

Vaccination against EBV is risky if the homeostasis of the cells with herpes viridae has not been thoroughly understood.
It might even trigger cancer development, or as a reaction, the onset of an autoimmune disease (a paraneoplastic syndrome).
You then arrive at my theory i.e. that the ineffective control of herpes and EBV causes chronic diseases as cancers and autoimmune diseases and indeed MS progression.

The real important thing is that if our microcellular immunity fails or falters, the complex interactions between herpes viruses and our cells cause chronic diseases. And that is not just MS but the majority of cancers and autoimmune diseases. The title of the article and the very last paragraph hint at this and suggest that there is a lot more to come.
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Re: Theoretical Immunology

Post by Leonard »

continued from previous posting:

The title of the article and its very last paragraph hint at the fact that change is needed of our current view about chronic diseases and suggest that there is a lot more to come.

That is, if 'they' don't throw the blanket to put out the fire.
There will be many incentives to do so for the sector (e.g. to keep the status quo of the multi billion dollar industry) and for the government (e.g. to avoid inconvenient questions on the safety of vaccinations).

But the biggest victim of such action would be public health.
So in the end they would shoot themselves in the foot if they were to do so.

We are living in exciting times...
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Re: Theoretical Immunology

Post by Leonard »

The good news is that these institutes like Stanford are now actively engaged with the new insights, have even formed a new group for connecting the dots, see viewtopic.php?t=32599

It's more or less the same as what the people from Vienna have done a few weeks ago, see viewtopic.php?t=32568

And just like the people from Vienna who wonder what's next, the people in Stanford point out that discovery of how EBV triggers multiple sclerosis could also have ramifications for other autoimmune diseases.

Very exciting to see what's going to happen next.
Change is in the air...

Post script:

I have always had the feeling that my story did not want to stick with the audience when I presented my views to medical societies, that my story was too far removed from their minds, that the dogmatic belief in one's own abilities did not allow for new ideas, that new ideas could not be pushed by an idiot on the fringes of the medical field. Maybe it was my presentation skills or because I did not speak their language, but maybe the problem was also much deeper.

That's why I'm so happy that now, for the first time in 15 years - as long as I have been active on this forum, I really see the seeds for change in sector publications. And also that the new ideas align well with my own ideas about the origin of chronic diseases.
Last edited by Leonard on Fri May 24, 2024 11:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Theoretical Immunology

Post by Leonard »

Over the last 500 million years, our cells have co-evolved with herpes viridae. Herpes is a very successful virus that was never completely eliminated by our immune system and is highly adapted to its host. The arms-race between the virus and our cells has resulted in an equilibrium without any appreciable self-infringed damage where both cells and virus have found their place and co-exist alongside each other.

I have revised the first Chapter of the manuscript, to explain how our cells were build-up, how cellular immunity evolved and how a complex homeostasis of our cells with herpes developed over all these millions of years. See the document below.

The very long arms-race has brought a robust life-long near-perfect cellular immunity against herpes. Most of us live a healthy life without any consequences of herpes. But if our cellular immunity fails or falters, herpes is no longer effectively contained and herpes viridae may work together to do their destructive work and make us chronically sick.

Unlike most other chronic diseases, the disease MS is very instructive and revealing as to what happens when cellular immunity declines because nervous cells are affected where we immediately see the consequence (CIS and RRMS). Initially cells will mount an internal response to get the herpes virus back under control (cells produce ROS-IFN/ATP production comes to a halt). I am sure this same process occurs with other chronic diseases as well but then it won't be seen during the early phases of the disease.

The implication of this is that most chonic diseases can be prevented if the right measures are taken early on, if we give cellular immunity enough of a chance to work for us against the herpes virus. Chapter 5 of the above manuscript expands on therapeutic options, to prevent cancers, autoimmune diseases and neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer's, ALS and indeed MS. (the manuscript you find here: viewtopic.php?p=262981#p262981 )

I am sure that today for most chronic diseases the research comes too late, when the damage has already been done, where the proteins seen are host intrinsic restriction factors against herpes viridae. See also the article under the link below. ... erpesvirus.

The other implication of this is that we have nailed down the etiology of most chronic diseases, that we know their origin, that we understand how they are caused. And that we can start to work on effective solutions and therapies to enhance public health. What we most need now is change, change of the system.

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