Dr. Coimbra Protocol

A forum to discuss the Coimbra Protocol which uses high-dose vitamin D3 to treat multiple sclerosis.
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Re: Dr. Coimbra Protocol

Post by Kittie »

Feeling really well this morning. Took one PectaClear last night. New vitamins seem to have settled in well and no problems. No more movement from my leg and my hand remains relaxed.

No problems from the Prescript-Assist. Still on 48,000iu. vitamin D3.

I can't tell you what my Plasma parathyroid hormone level is this time as they havn't done that. Previously it was 6.1 on a range of 1.60 - 7.20pmol-L. I did get the Serum TSH level which was 2.6 before and now 2.2mu/L on a range of 0.40-4.90mu/L

I thought I would verify a point. Michael Cawley is classed as a doctor under the protocol but is not actually a doctor. He is a nutritionist and accupuncturist. I would personally trust him far more than a doctor as he is the only person who has given me any help with my MS which do not include drugs. Also the only person to make things work that havn't moved for years and in fact were getting progressively worse and affecting my life.

The FES machines that the hospital supplied have kept my legs going and given me hope and they have been the only ones to really show any interest in this protocol. She did say that looking at my blood test that the total white cell count had gone down which was good. From 5.15 to 4.82. Both within the 3.40 - 8.4010*9/L range.

Love and Light,

Last edited by Kittie on Mon Feb 05, 2018 4:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Dr. Coimbra Protocol

Post by Kittie »

Again not much to tell. Everything going fine. I feel better in myself and my body feels stronger.

One thing, I actually took 50,000iu yeterday basically by mistake.An extra drop of 2,000iu came out at lunchtime yesterday and I forgot to take one less at dinner time. Not sure what I will do today now. Not sure if my hand is slightly worse. We'll see.

Onward and Upward,

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Re: Dr. Coimbra Protocol

Post by Kittie »

Still okay today, Friday.
Tuesday and Wednesday I took 50K vitamin D3. Thursday , yesterday, I decided to take 52K and everything seems fine. If you remember I couldn't take 50K before! Michael Cawley rang me yesterday and said not to go past 52K and to let the PectaClear do its job. Something is working! So this is where I will stay until further notice or unless I feel worse, then I will go back down with the D3.

I am to keep the PectaClear at 1 every 3 days, which doesn't seem to be affecting me, for at least another week. There is no rush.

He said that in six month's time I would be doing an awful lot more!

Love and light,
Last edited by Kittie on Mon Feb 05, 2018 4:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Dr. Coimbra Protocol

Post by Kittie »

I decided to go back to 48K vitamin D3 yesterday and today as I don't think I was better on the higher dose in fact my hand was worse. This is when you have to listen to your own body. Everyone is different. Although I was okay in the morning, my leg wasn't good walking yesterday. Not the strength it had before. I have been on 48K since the middle of December and everything seemed fine until I started going up again. You have to allow for it getting into your system.

Onward and Upward,

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Re: Dr. Coimbra Protocol

Post by Kittie »

Yesterday, Sunday, Michael Cawley rang me and said to stop the B2 as it was this that caused my MS to be worse. Actually I felt rough yesterday afternoon and realised I had taken another B2 at luchtime and not tea time. I think he's right. I am to leave it a week and try the Carlson B2. Looking back I don't think I had much trouble from it till now. B2 some peoople can take it, some can't, so you have to try it.

Onward and Upward,

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Re: Dr. Coimbra Protocol

Post by ElliotB »

What diet are you following?
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Re: Dr. Coimbra Protocol

Post by Kittie »

Hi Elliot,
Gluton free, dairy free, meat free, mainly fish, vegetables and fruit. Lots of salmon, tuna, vegetable soups, etc. etc.

Walking better yesterday. Started Ionic Magnesium again today. Took it mid morning to see if it made any difference.

Onward and Upward,
Last edited by Kittie on Wed Jan 17, 2018 7:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Dr. Coimbra Protocol

Post by ElliotB »

Glad to hear you are doing better! I am enjoying reading about your progress and hopefully the improvements will continue!!!
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Re: Dr. Coimbra Protocol

Post by Kittie »

Not 100% today. It took a while for the Gall Pharm B2 to settle in and it is taking a while to go out of my system. Not good yesterday afternoon and I asked if I should stop the K2. Michael said yes so hopefully everything will settle down again. I am not sure about the liquid ionic magnesium but Michael thinks it hasn't caused much trouble before. I have to take the Swanson B2 on Monday one in the morning and one in the afternoon. I will be really watching that!

I forgot to take the PectaClear last night so will take it tonight.

Yesterday I went for a walk and found it hard to do it. Not much energy. Maybe if this carries on, leave out the Ionic Mag. for a while to make sure. It is a minefield.

Onward and Upward,
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Re: Dr. Coimbra Protocol

Post by ElliotB »

Be patient... Day to day fluctuations are to be expected (IMHO), but the trend over a period of weeks and months is what really counts. Since you began the protocol (about 6 months ago), how would you describe any persistent changes in how you feel?
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Re: Dr. Coimbra Protocol

Post by Kittie »

Hi Elliot,

When they try these vitamins you have to watch your progress for changes to how you feel. Yesterday I prepared my drink with Ionic mag. and remembered that I took it mid morning Tuesday which is before I deteriorated. My hand was bad and my walking was awful. No energy and just got back from my walk which is why Michael dropped the K2. I looked at the Ionic Magnesium and my husband said, "What is your gut instinct?" I threw it down the sink! I still felt off until 9.00p.m. when I felt better.

I woke up in the night, last night, and threw the quilt off as I was hot. Again when I pulled the quilt back my leg moved easily by itelf. I did it at least 6 times. I could still do it this morning! I can't lift yet while sitting as I have tried. This shows that the messages are returning!

When you think how long I have had it and not used it. I normally have to lift it up with two hands. I can now lift my leg up off the floor a few inches. I still have to lift it out of the car. Hopefully just a matter of time!!

Onward aned Upward,

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Re: Dr. Coimbra Protocol

Post by Kittie »

Today I got up feeling fine. While I was lying down I tried my leg again and I could still do it. I lifted the foot to sit flat on the bed and knees pointing up. My hand felt really loose too. These symptoms move up and down slightly as and when I use energy. So if I am tired they aren't as good as when I am rested. Things are really starting to work again and it is only a matter of time. This is not a fast fix.

I took the K2 again one last night at dinner. We will see how it goes.

Onward and Upward,

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Re: Dr. Coimbra Protocol

Post by Kittie »

After taking the K2 yesterday at dinner my hand wasn't as good in the evening. I couldn't lift my leg either.

This morning my hand not so good. Before I got out of bed I tried my bad leg again and it lifted the first time but stuck after the first movement the second time. I decided not to take the K2 for a few days to see what the difference would be so none today, Saturday and none tomorrow, Sunday. I have to start the B2 Monday so if I get better the K2 is off the menu!! Then I will be able to tell what the B2 is doing.

Everyone is different so you have to listen to your own body. I am still sure I am on the right journey and I have great expectations for my future.

What I havn't added, because it is nothing to do with my MS, is I bent down this morning to pick something up and twisted funny and hurt the bottom of my spine. So today I am taking it easy and allowing everything to sort itself out.

Love and Light

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Re: Dr. Coimbra Protocol

Post by Kittie »

After hurting my spine, trapped nerve I think, I have put myself to bed. Pain when I put weight on my spine. When I get the pain it drops me to the floor, so careful walking. Loo visits with the 2.5 litres of water difficult but managed. Today, Tuesday, at 4.25 p.m. I have come down stairs. Each day a little bit better.

Just noticed my hand not good at all when I type. I took the B2 last night, and this morning. I will text Michael Cawley. Not sure if I should take another one.

Onward and Upward,

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Re: Dr. Coimbra Protocol

Post by Kittie »

Today Wednesday, 25th January, 2018, 00.19a.m. I stopped taking the B2 actually Swanson R-5-P. Sorry wrong description before.

I need more magnesium and I have had a hard time taking it except for the Magceutics Neural Magtein 70mg. 3 capsules per day.

Today I tried to take half a teaspoon full of Ionic Magnesium 3pm and within three hours (6pm) heart flutterings, stiff fingers, also my third finger dropped again. I took PectaClear at 10.30p.m. and I just realised how relaxed my bad hand was, so I sat at my computer typing. The Neural Magtein is for the brain and the Ionic Magnesium covers a different part of my body, maybe I should persevere as it seems to work? The PectaClear should remove Mercury, etc. out of my body and then I should accept the magnesium better. I remember having an hair analysis done and I was high in Aluminium Sulphate. That is what goes in the water that we drink.

Earlier today I could carry a pint glass of 2/3 full of water and had the strength to do it. This was with my weak hand. I had a drink out of it too lifted with my bad hand. I took a video of this.

Definately things are starting to happen slowly.

Onward and Upward,

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