Wahls diet discussion

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Dr. Terry Wahls and her son-new website

Post by Selmahope »

I am a member of Dr. Wahls facebook page--I've been following both her story of recovery dietary information and her son's recent speech that put him and their family in the national spotlight.

An amazing family:

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Re: Dr. Terry Wahls and her son-new website

Post by Tyr616 »

Selmahope wrote:I am a member of Dr. Wahls facebook page--I've been following both her story of recovery dietary information and her son's recent speech that put him and their family in the national spotlight.

An amazing family:

The thing I don't like about this is. She seems to only offer her information "for profit." That kind of loses credibility with me if someone is trying to sell her recovery routine. Recovery routines don't work for everyone, and marketing it as a product seems ehhh to me. Unless you have a link to the details of her diet and supplements ?
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the diet

Post by Selmahope »

She is prettty open on her facebook on what she eats and her regiment-she recommends 9 cups fruits vegtables /day- 3 cruciferous, 3 sulfur rich, 3 brightly colored (red, orange blue)not including starchy vegtables. No gluten, no dairy-she eats a modified paleo diet. LotsLots and lots of greens , kale, etc. some organ meat, 2-4 oz meat/day (organic. lean, grass fed , wild), I bought the book- it is good inspiration and gives more insight and more detail-but you wouldn't need it to get started. The estim-she recommends working with a physical therapist . She is also doing a clinical trial funded by the MS direct org right now.

Like everyone she has a family to support and I can understand her wanting to provide for her family and future especially with MS.
ee also is big into detox-sauna, clay to pull out toxins, meditation, exercise, exercising the brain - the whole enchilada to get well and reverse serious illness.

You don't really need the book to get started/implemented -but it is helpful a reference. Join her facebook and read through alot of the posts to get more detail. She is currently on a no grain diet, no diary, no eggs, no sugar etc- but she recommends no gluten, no diary to get started and food sensitivity testing similar to the MS recovery diet. In the end each individual has to fine tune the diet to your particular makeup. it is very similar to the BBD a starting point with an emphasis on lots and lots of vegtables-preferrably raw.
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Terry Wahls, Intensive Nutrition, very recent/long interview

Post by CuriousRobot »

"Reversed MS"
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Post by maynaka »

I just got through watching it. Very informative.

I just started her program a few weeks ago, but am not as compliant with the diet as I should be. After hearing the improvements can come this quickly I have recommitted!

Last night I was totally bad. I went off the diet and had a beef sandwich with fries (totally bad). And this morning I feel like crap.

Kale salad for lunch!

Thanks so much for the post.
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Post by CuriousRobot »

maynaka wrote:I just got through watching it. Very informative.

I just started her program a few weeks ago, but am not as compliant with the diet as I should be. After hearing the improvements can come this quickly I have recommitted!

Last night I was totally bad. I went off the diet and had a beef sandwich with fries (totally bad). And this morning I feel like crap.

Kale salad for lunch!

Thanks so much for the post.
Beef isn't all that bad. Stick to portions that are the size of a deck of cards. Trim off most of the hard, marbleized fat off the steak. Make sure it is grass-fed. Don't eat too much though...

I actually had a little bit of steak this morning. I rubbed bit of olive oil on it and sprinkled crushed rosemary (dry) on it and seared that on a hot pan for a few minutes. Then I had a bunch of greens. :D

Like Michael Pollan said, "Eat Food. Not Too Much. Mostly Plants."
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Post by maynaka »

Totally agree.

I don't think the beef was the problem. I think it was the roll (gluten) and the greasy french fries.
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Post by lyndacarol »

Since Dr. Terry Wahls' hypothesis focuses on the mitochondria as the root of the MS problem, perhaps there is some interest here in the subject of mitochondrial diseases, which are described as a group of neuromuscular diseases:

http://www.umdf.org/site/c.otJVJ7MMIqE/ ... isease.htm

http://www.medicinenet.com/mitochondria ... rticle.htm

I heard mention of mitochondrial diseases on TV this week: a Canadian government committee has proposed a Mitochondrial Disease Awareness Week, I believe. CORRECTION: Oops! On Thursday, 3/3/11, a Minnesota House committee unanimously passed a bill for a Mitochondrial Disease Awareness Week: http://www.dglobe.com/event/article/id/46516
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Dr Terry Wahl Diet

Post by Tinkerbell »

Has anyone looked into this diet and are you following it ?? Please give me feedback all welcome
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terry wahl

Post by zinamaria »

Hi Tinkerbell,

Never heard of her before but did some research and I know one thing, I'm going to get to a physical therapist and see about electical stimulation to my muscles, which I had heard about before but after reading her story I'm going to get serious about it.
On the food/diet end, my diet is stricter than hers, so I can't say anything about hers, but I believe she definitely has much too offer.

I did notice she posted about CCSVI last year but don't know if she's been liberated or not, or what she thinks about it. It's late so I'll do more research on her tomorrow.

You might want to post this on the nutritional thread, you might get more feedback, since this is the CCSVI thread.

One thing I feel strongly about, though, is diet does make a difference in the quality of life w/MS.

Good luck to you.
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Post by Ernst »

I just red Wahl's book "minding my mitochondrio" and it was very inspiring, intelligent, scientific and just "made sense". My wife has MS and we have followed best-bet-diet about 4 yrs now, and now we have made some changes with nutrition (cause of Wahls book). So our diet is now combination with bbd and Wahls diet, but not 100 % strict.
My wife's 3 yrs post video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eLeqLps8XR8

Our family: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_QCKxeQAlg
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Post by Daisy3 »

Lyndacarol brought the electric stimulation machine that Terry Wahls recommended but had not seen any benefits from it. Look on the medical devices tab,LC has a post there.

The food she recommends can only be good and were trying to incorporate it in our diets too.
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Post by jimmylegs »

there's been a bit of prior discussion re the wahls diet, and i watched one of her lectures online some time back.
here's a post from last month, it's about the most detailed info i have been able to find. (i have not bought the book)

She is prettty open on her facebook on what she eats and her regiment-she recommends 9 cups fruits vegtables /day- 3 cruciferous, 3 sulfur rich, 3 brightly colored (red, orange blue)not including starchy vegtables. No gluten, no dairy-she eats a modified paleo diet. Lots and lots of greens , kale, etc. some organ meat, 2-4 oz meat/day (organic. lean, grass fed , wild), I bought the book- it is good inspiration and gives more insight and more detail-but you wouldn't need it to get started. ...she recommends working with a physical therapist . She is also doing a clinical trial funded by the MS direct org right now.

Like everyone she has a family to support and I can understand her wanting to provide for her family and future especially with MS.
ee also is big into detox-sauna, clay to pull out toxins, meditation, exercise, exercising the brain - the whole enchilada to get well and reverse serious illness.

You don't really need the book to get started/implemented -but it is helpful a reference. Join her facebook and read through alot of the posts to get more detail. She is currently on a no grain diet, no diary, no eggs, no sugar etc- but she recommends no gluten, no diary to get started and food sensitivity testing similar to the MS recovery diet. In the end each individual has to fine tune the diet to your particular makeup. it is very similar to the BBD a starting point with an emphasis on lots and lots of vegtables-preferrably raw.
fyi i can't see anything on her facebook but maybe you need to 'friend' her.

personally i don't buy the all out NO gluten NO dairy NO eggs etc. i do think optimizing fruit and veg intake, plus healthy proteins and fats are important. each day that i have an egg for breakfast it is mixed with sauteed onion&red pep, plus some kind of dark leafy green, usually spinach (and a tiny sprinkle of cheese :twisted: ). i think dr wahls would approve of the veg if not the egg, but the egg is good protein, recommended in klenner, and also is a good source of sulfur by the way :)

last night my dinner was one of my most healthy-feeling - an entire bunch of swiss chard, half a sweet potato, and a fillet of salmon. again i *think* dr wahls would approve. this morning for my breakfast i might thaw out a serving of mixed berries. i will top them with flax seeds, walnut pieces, a sprinkling of home-made granola, maybe a little coconut, and some evil vanilla yoghurt. i think if you outweigh the bad heavily enough you can get by. i have not done the inflammation calcs on the yoghurt breakfast yet, but i know my egg breakfast (including a slice of sprouted whole grain toast) is mildly anti-inflammatory with a score of 10, meanwhile the fish dinner is strongly anti-inflammatory with a score over 1000!

now let's see if i can rough out an estimate on the fruit breakfast.. berries (using blueberries since they don't have a berry mix in the system) -6,
yoghurt -26
walnut bits -10,
coconut -20,
whole flaxseed +32,
granola -20.
so overall it gets -50 mildly inflammatory.

if i have a cup of romaine in a salad for lunch that will be plus 75 and balance it out in favour of anti-inflammatory. it's all nickels and dimes compared to dinner last night though. the salmon is the kicker - 800-something all by itself. crazy.

i also have an extensive supplement regimen largely similar to best bet basic essentials, vitamins, and minerals (although not specified at direct-ms i consider a quality multivit/min a foundational item). not certain if dr wahls uses supplements in addition to food.

i have permanent damage from my dx attack but other than that i don't have flares or relapses. that is probably just my luck but i am glad i got this diagnosis to kick start my understanding of nutrition and abandon my previously restrictive and misnutritive vegetarian diet.

anyway, that's enough of that. i would say take what you can use from the wahls system but modify it to work best for you :)
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wahls diet

Post by zinamaria »

Well, if we are what we eat, then I'm becoming a protein shake! I start the mornings with a shake and here's what's in it:

1.grass fed whey protein powder (Blue Bonnet is the only product whey protein powder I can find that is from grass fed cows AND now sweetens the product with stevia, which is a small miracle!)
2.ground flax
3. vitamin c powder
4. glucosamine powder (for joint support)
5. hemp seeds
6. organic frozen berries (frozen they make the smoothie thicker)

and voila, and wow is it filling, keeps me going for a few hours AND because it's nice and thick I can manage swallowing all my supplements! No small thing because I hate swallowing the fatties.

Don't think I'll go out and buy anything, like the electric machine stimulator (all that stuff in my smoothie, including supplements is expensive enough) but I will see about it with a physical therapist. I'm curious how my muscles will respond.

Also, I have found that not only cutting out gluten grains is better for digestion, but I have also gone on an almost non-grain diet, as protein really seems to keep me energized. Gluten grains seem to bloat me, as does flour.

I also food combine, which means if I do have grain I don't eat it with protein, only veggies.

Bon appetite!
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Post by jimmylegs »

me too re food combinations z, i rarely eat pasta but when i do it tends to be a vegetarian dish.
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