Cost of Copaxone

A board to discuss the Multiple Sclerosis modifying drug Copaxone
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Post by Seema »

WOW How much!?l I read your post on how much you pay for your Copaxone and was disgusted at the price. I have R/R MS and pay less than half (or thereabouts) for mine (yes genuine Teva before you ask) Please let me know if you would like the contact details for my supplier as I would love to help any fellow sufferers. I've been receiving it for 14 months from the same source who are agents that deal directly with Teva and other manufacturers (I don't trust online pharmacies).They will need some sort of proof of your condition just to prove it is for you only, apart from that should be no problem.

seemangelic@ googlemailDOTCOM (NO SPAM)
Last edited by Seema on Fri Dec 02, 2011 4:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by JoeAnon123 »

Hi...since this topic was bumped, lets continue.

My insurnace is a High deductible HSA with Max out of pocket of 6000. The cost/benefit has always been best for my wife to be on my plan until the copaxone. For my drug costs, I have no co-pay, prescriptions are part of the regular medical expense so I am meeting the max out of pocket after 6 month supply.

Contract price is 6300 for 3 month supply...

Can people please comment on the "$50 co-pay" type plans as they are currently. Her employer offers a plan with this type of prescription coverage. Is it really just that simple?

The adminster of the presciption is medco, and we are directed to their "special medicine" pharmacy Accredo.... Is copaxone available through the regular pharmcies, like CVS, kroger or Walgreens??

Appreciate the input!!
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Post by sako »

My wife is 28 and she was diagnosed with MS about a month ago. Her doc got her on Copaxone and I had to pay $2681 for the month supply. Her insurance only covers about %30 of the medicine. She has about a weeks supply left and I have no idea where im going to get that kind of money every month.
This is how fucked up our health care is here in America. After the government takes advantage of us and the money we pay for taxes and spends it in other countries for war, after that the Pharma bends us over and fucks us again for crazy amount of money for medicine.
We live in the Los Angeles area, if anybody has advise on what to do or what kind of insurance we can find please email me.
Thank you

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Re: Cost of Copaxone

Post by NHE »

Most of the MS med companies have assistance programs for people with low income and those who are underinsured. I would check to see if you qualify.

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Post by mrbarlow »

sako wrote:Hi,
My wife is 28 and she was diagnosed with MS about a month ago. Her doc got her on Copaxone and I had to pay $2681 for the month supply. Her insurance only covers about %30 of the medicine. She has about a weeks supply left and I have no idea where im going to get that kind of money every month.
This is how fucked up our health care is here in America. After the government takes advantage of us and the money we pay for taxes and spends it in other countries for war, after that the Pharma bends us over and fucks us again for crazy amount of money for medicine.
We live in the Los Angeles area, if anybody has advise on what to do or what kind of insurance we can find please email me.
Thank you


Cant really offer any advice but sympathise and agree with your sentiments;

I wonder hoq many MS sufferers could be treated with Copaxone for the cost of;

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Post by Loriyas »

Does your wife's neurologist know that the cost of Copaxone is an issue for you? If not, let him/her know. Their office can help you find a way through the manufacturer's assistance program. There are many people in the same situation as you.

Are there alternatives for her? ie different drugs etc. Learn as much as you can not only about Copaxone but alternatives as well. Many patients do not take any of the disease modifiying drugs (like Copaxone, Rebif, Betaseon, and Avonex). You can research diet, low dose naltrexone, antibiotics, supplements and many other topics. You can easily find information on all of these on this site through the various threads.

Do not panic. MS is a chronic disease and you have the time to research and think through decisions. In the meantime you can also try to work with Teva's patient assistance program for the Copaxone.
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Post by Seema »

People keep asking me how much I pay so I thought I'd post it here.

We buy from an agent (ours requires proof of illness or a prescription) in Europe and pay less than £700 per month (wholesale price). They have a minimum order quantity of 2 boxes but thats not a problem.

They ship worldwide so it seems like a no-brainer to me!

Keep strong,

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Re: Cost of Copaxone

Post by its2much »

I was rejected/denied thorough Copaxone's assistance program because I have insurance. Mpntjly out of pocket to me is $1759 - can't afford it!
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Re: Cost of Copaxone

Post by bella1000 »

Hi Seema,

Could you give me information about your agent?

We have an expensive insurance, which covers the copaxone - $30 copay (otherwise the cost is $4000/month!), I would like to find an alternative to the insurance.

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Re: Cost of Copaxone

Post by fish »

Huge increase in cost eff 2012. Currently my wife who has MS is on Copaxone. I say currently because she had to switch from Betaseron to Copaxone last year (2010). Although she was on Betaseron for years without any problems, all of a sudden she contracted PMR and GCA (Please Google for an explanation of these diseases which can be fatal). She was immediately placed on 80mg of Predisone daily. Her health declined rapidly. She wound up in a skilled nursing facility. Fortunately, a doctor in University of Miami Medical Center agreed to see her. After about 45 minutes, the doctor said he knew the cause of her problem --- interreaction between Betaseron and Predisone. He indicated she had no choice but to stay on Predisone and switch from Betaseron. After looking at the alternatives, she chose Copaxone and within a few weeks her health greatly improved and continues to improve each day. All I can say is thank God for Copaxone. Unless you have seen a loved one decline in health to a point that worried everyone, you probably can't relate. Since the change to Copaxone, our out of pocket has been $20 a month. Effective 1/1/2012, this will increase to $200 a month. Last year Copaxone was tier 2 in our 3 tier program. In 2012, it is tier 5 in our new tier 5 program entitled speciality medicine.We do not meet poverty levels as I am retired and we are living on my pension, my wife's disability Social Security payment and my Social Security payment. Is everyone faced with this increase? Is there any relief to this?? Please let me know. Thanks
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Re: Cost of Copaxone

Post by MarkLavelle »

fish wrote:Is everyone faced with this increase?

I am fortunately still working and my co. offers a good PPO-type plan. I'm paying $30/mo. and haven't been told of any increase.

I *was* told that if I elected to allow delivery without signing for it, I would be responsible for the $3000+ per month if it was stolen/lost. You can bet I elected to sign for it...

Best of luck,

RRMS dx 3/3/11; Copaxone since 12/1/11
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Re: Cost of Copaxone

Post by Shayk »

Hi Fish

Welcome to TIMS.

You might want to check out "Copaxone Co-Pay Solutions"--they've had several huge advertisements in MS magazines stating that "most people with insurance will pay no more than $35 per month out of pocket"... You can call Shared Solutions at 1-800-887-8100 for more info. I don't think there's an income limit.

All the best to you...

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Re: Cost of Copaxone

Post by its2much »

I contacted them regarding their Copay assistance. Their ad implies your maximum out of pocket cost will be $35. The maximum copay they will pay to assist you is $500 per month. My copay is 50% of the cost,which presently to me is $1759 lowering my cost to $1259 - still can't afford it and I know the cost of copaxone will be higher now that it's 2012.
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Cost of Copaxone Up over 22%

Post by its2much »

Just called my specialty pharmacy (the one I am required to use with my health insurance) Cost of 30 day supply for copaxone is now $4307.78 - my out of pocket is $2153.89 (50% copay)!
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Re: Cost of Copaxone

Post by JoeAnon123 »

Its2much...does your insurance have a maximum annual out of pocket? My max out of pocket is about 6K annually. I usually have to pony that up with the first 90 day supply of the year, but if you annualize it out it is comes to $500 per month. I put it on a low interest credit card and pay from my HSA. The interests is usually offset by the tax savings I get from pretax contributions. Not the best news, but Just some things to look into to help.
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