CCSVI symptoms...besides MS?

A forum to discuss Chronic Cerebrospinal Venous Insufficiency and its relationship to Multiple Sclerosis.
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Post by wruttle »

I have felt #1 ever since I was a child (approx 30 yrs) the heart beat in my ears has been a constant.
#2 is a definate yes. I get light headed when tying my shoes and have to hold onto something for fear of falling down.
There has also been a constant pressure in my head as if I was hanging upside down. For the last couple of years i have been getting my girlfriend and family members to walk on my back thereby "Cracking" it. when this happens I immediatly feel a "draining" sensation like my blood is draining from my head.
There is a Chiropractor in the US who has found that people with MS feel some symptom relief from an adjustment.
When I was doing some reasearch I found that there are valves in the Internal Jugular Vein that corrospond to where I feel the cracking.
There is a fantastic video on UTUBE of a physicist explaining THE PHYSICS OF FLUID DYNAMICS. He explains how this priciple explains the stenosis of the veins caused by a blockage. I believe that this blockage is caused by faulty veins. There have been Liberation Procedures performed where the Angioplasty is not sufficient and they have had to use special "cutter balloons" to fix the valves.

ummmm so i guess the answer is YES
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Post by BecSayz »

OMG! I thought I was the only person with 'that bubble thing'!!!! Come to think of it - I don't think it has happened since I got liberated 4 weeks ago!
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