Multiple Sclerosis Testimonials (Coimbra Protocol)

A forum to discuss the Coimbra Protocol which uses high-dose vitamin D3 to treat multiple sclerosis.
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Re: Multiple Sclerosis Testimonials (Coimbra Protocol)

Post by AntonioBR »

Kory Testimonial Image
This is Kory Carreño, from Peru. Many of us, patients of Dr. Coimbra, have followed Kory's story with the Coimbra Protocol and her struggle to go to Brazil in 2012 and start the treatment with high doses of vitamin D. This is what Kory has recently shared with our FB groups:

Hello, my name is Kory Carreño, I am from Lima / Peru, and had my first MS symptoms in 1999. I went from one doctor to another, always ending up in psychiatrists, until I had half of my body paralyzed in 2004 and, after an MRI, the doctors said I possibly had MS. They did not prescribe any treatment, and after several weeks I ended up losing function of the other half of my body. I was a quadriplegic, I was admitted to the hospital and received 1000 mg per day of methylprednisone for 15 days - dose sufficient to lead to death. I was Just devastated. At that time I was living in Bolivia and they sent me back to Peru because in Bolivia they knew nothing about the disease.

In Peru they treated me with AVONEX for three years. Besides the side effects, I had 3 to 4 had relapses per year, and it used to take me 2 to 3 months to recover, and hence came another relapse. I was very tired, but I kept going for my son. This medication only hurt me, my body created a resistance to the interferon, and its use has caused me leukopenia (reduction in the number of leukocytes in the blood) and my hemoglobin dropped to 6.7, that is, I became anemic. The doctors discontinued the treatment and I had more relapses, one after the other without interruption. I began to despair because I started to be dependent on a wheelchair, I needed a probe to feed me and a cervical collar to keep my neck up. Doctors disillusioned me, but I refused to accept that I had to stay that way.

With the help of friends I traveled to the US in search of a clinical trial, but they said that I had to use Copaxone. to buy this medication we had to do many fund-raises, etc. With copaxone I had a relapse a year for two years, I got a little stronger and started searching the internet. But the drugs I used all those years caused me cervical cancer, I got my uterus removed, and thank God the cancer was eliminated, but I had another big relapse.

In 2012 I met a patient with MS who told me about the Vitamin D Protocol (thank God, who is always behind everything bringing Angels to our lives, because He loves us more than anything in the world!) And through this person I met Yara Correa, a patient from Brazil, and she introduced me to this INCREDIBLE Protocol. I watched Dr. Cicero's videos and realized that that was what I was looking for. I could not believe it was exactly what I had asked the Lord Jesus: that I could stop mistreating my body with chemicals and not experience side effects anymore, no longer inject cortisone, no longer have relapses and leave my son at home without knowing if or how I'd return. I was blessed to have friends and family who moved heaven and earth for me to travel to Sao Paulo, and Yara offered me all the support I needed in Brazil.

With 8 months of treatment I was very happy and stopped the injections (Copaxone). No relapses and many improvements. Unfortunately the doctors found two tumors in my ovaries, which due to negligence they had not removed in the previous surgery. When I was hospitalized, Dr. Cicero (through Yara) was always attentive. I continued taking my dose of 60,000 IU per day and my multivitamins. Everything went well, the 2 tumors were benign, and the most FABULOUS thing of all was that I had no relapses. after 9 months of treatment I got married!

After 4 years of treatment, I'm now enjoying life with my family, and many of my disabilities have disappeared.I can go horse riding, I can walk alone, without support, lead a normal life without pain, and I do not wake up tired in the morning. Blessed vitamin D and Dr. Cicero.

I had a friend who died as a result of various experimental treatments for patients with MS, and they are so harmful that they can lead to death. That's why now I want everyone to know about this protocol. I wish my friend had a little bit of the luck I had, but God knows all things. I tried everything that was "natural" before this Protocol: bees' stings, raw diet, other diets, but I can tell you that Dr. Cicero Coimbra and the Vitamin D Protocol were placed by God to save lives and we have to announce it to the world. ... =3&theater
Last edited by AntonioBR on Thu Jul 27, 2017 6:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Multiple Sclerosis Testimonials (Coimbra Protocol)

Post by AntonioBR »

Daniel Testimonial Image
This is Daniel Cunha, a journalist who has MS and has produced the video " Vitamin D - for an alternative therapy." Daniel has been on the Coimbra protocol for 6 years and this is an update on how his treatment is progressing.

"My name is Daniel Cunha, I'm 30 years old and was diagnosed with MS at the end of 2009 after a major flare up, with a variety of neurological symptoms. I was admitted to the hospital, took corticoids and recovered completely after about a month and a half.

Then, on the recommendation of several doctors, I began the conventional treatment with weekly injections of Avonex. It was terrible. I experienced many side effects at each application, I used to lose two days every week because I felt so ill from the medication, and I went into a depression because I saw the possibilities for the future diminishing day by day.

In May 2010, my mother learned of the treatment with high doses of vitamin D after watching an interview with Dr. Cicero Coimbra, and she inisisted that I schedule an appointment with him. I went without any expectations, but I left in awe of everything he told me in respect to the power of vitamin D. I started the treatment immediately, and about two months later, I stopped the injections of the conventional treatment.

I'm familiar with the experiences of many other patients that after starting this treatment and feeling its effects on themselves, have also felt the need to share this knowledge. And I'm enjoying being able to use my training as a journalist to do this, just as I have enjoyed very much producing a documentary and giving interviews about my treatment to the media and social networks.

Now, six years after I've started to take vitamin D, I could not be better. I haven't had any more relapses or new symptoms, and I'm doing all that I was afraid of not being able to do while I was taking Avonex. I am absolutely convinced that vitamin D in high doses is an infinitely better option than the medications provided by the pharmaceutical industry and endorsed by most of the medical community worldwide."

To watch Daniel's documentary (with English subtitles): ... =3&theater
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Re: Multiple Sclerosis Testimonials (Coimbra Protocol)

Post by AntonioBR »


Jeannie Testimonial Image
This is Jeannie Neufeld from US, whose husband, Scott, has had a series of problems with his immune system for the last 9 years. Here's his experience with high doses of vitamin D:

"After 2 years of declining health, 20 doctors and 6 MRI's and tons of getting poked and jabbed, I finally landed in Dallas TX at an Environmental Health Center. At this point, I was nearly bedridden and had a variety of neurological symptoms, including lower back pain, episodes of horrendous facial pain, vision and balance issues, dissociation, brain fog, cognitive issues, GI distress...a lot of symptoms of MS, Lupus, fibro, chronic fatigue, B12 deficiency, EBV, Lymes, and other auto-immune type conditions.

The doctor in Dallas recommended that I have my brand new home tested for toxic mold. He was correct. A fake stucco type of siding was used on the home and this junk wasn't water proof and so there was a massive mold infestation covering nearly 75% of the home. We promptly moved out of the home and never returned but I didn’t get well. My immune system was wrecked.

Other members of my family were affected as well, but evidently I may have a genetic predisposition that caused me to be far more dramatically injured. Part of that genetic issue seems to keep my body from detoxify normally...especially VOC's I guess and apparently some molds produce a type of VOC. Recently we have learned that it might be possible that the mold or the mold VOCs or viruses could block Vitamin D receptors resulting in a Vitamin D resistance.

In addition to the symptoms mentioned above, I also became "allergic", "sensitive", "intolerant" to everything. Foods, chemicals, normal outdoor pollens. Laundry detergent, fabric softener, cologne, these things even in the smallest amounts on someone's clothes produced in me terrible symptoms. For well over a year I was only able to consume lettuce, carrots, and a small amount of black beans. All other foods made me quite sick(er).

At times my condition has has improved slightly and at times I have declined.

I had taken 10,000 IU of Vit D3 for a year with no noticeable results and I don't even know why but for some reason I increased my dosage to 20,000 IU daily and within 3 weeks I had experienced dramatic positive changes.

It was then that I stumbled on a protocol that a Dr Coimbra, a neurologist in Brazil, developed mainly for MS patients, but over the past few years it is being applied for all sorts of auto-immune conditions. I started taking 80,000 to 100,000 IU daily even before we found a protocol doctor. I did that for maybe a couple of months before officially beginning the protocol under doctor supervision.

The improvements I have experienced are almost unbelievable, especially in such a short period of time. If I was not the one experiencing the dramatic and positive changes, I wouldn’t believe it. I am not yet 100% by any stretch, but this has been by far the most positive and dramatic improvement I have experienced in my 9 years of illness. I think for the first time in years I actually have hope of making a full recovery and being restored to complete health.

Vit D3... who knew!" ... =3&theater
Last edited by AntonioBR on Mon Apr 03, 2017 3:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Multiple Sclerosis Testimonials (Coimbra Protocol)

Post by AntonioBR »

Nayra Testimonial Image
This is Nayra Basilio, one of the first patients of Dr. Cicero Coimbra. Nayra was diagnosed with MS 16 years ago, when she was 10 years old.

She has been on the Coimbra Protocol for 13 years. Before she started the protocol, Nayra had 2 or 3 flare ups a year. Nayra's testimonial is on the book "Multiple Sclerosis and (lots of) Vitamin D." In the testimonial, her mom says:

"In the beginning of 2015, Dr. Cicero requested MRIs so we could compare them to the previous images. And what a good surprise it was, for all the lesions on her brain and spinal cord were gone! There was only a small, almost imperceptible lesion on the brain. It’s so sad that most doctors seem determined to remain in ignorance when it comes to this treatment. Whenever possible, I talk about Nayra’s experience with vitamin D to people with MS and to everyone who has an autoimmune disease."

Nayra stopped all conventional drugs for MS as soon as she started the Coimbra Protocol. Today, she takes 60,000IU daily of vitamin D. ... =3&theater

Nayra video testimonial recorded in 2012 (w/ English subtitles): ... HtxW5EcdLQ
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Re: Multiple Sclerosis Testimonials (Coimbra Protocol)

Post by AntonioBR »


(Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis)
This is Fabiana Gurniak, who experienced her first MS symptoms in 1992. Her symptoms continued progressing and she received a wrong diagnosis of Devic's disease along the way, until she was finally diagnosed with Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis In 2012. Her full testimonial is on the book "Multiple Sclerosis and (lots of) Vitamin D".

Fabiana started following the Coimbra Protocol shortly after being diagnosed, and it's now been more than four years since she's been treating her PPMS exclusively with high doses of vitamin D.

This is her experience so far: "I still feel some of the symptoms, due to the lesions on my spinal cord, but everything is much improved. The blurred vision is completely gone, my left leg feels heavy sometimes but doesn’t 'lock' anymore, I can tolerate heat better than I used to, the incontinence problem is almost gone, and I can walk much better as well.

As for my latest MRIs, the results are unbelievable. My large cervical lesions have completely disappeared! The comparison of these images with the previous MRIs is simply amazing. Two of the brain lesions have also disappeared, there was only one left, almost imperceptible. The thoracic lesions are reduced in size, and since I started the treatment, I have had no new lesions.

Because I still few some symptoms, in my last appointment my vitamin D dose was adjusted to 180,000 IU per day. I hope to keep improving. This treatment is effective and so easy to follow, especially when we consider what it gives us. I’ve gotten so much better, and with no side effects." ... =3&theater
Last edited by AntonioBR on Thu Jul 27, 2017 6:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Multiple Sclerosis Testimonials (Coimbra Protocol)

Post by ElliotB »

Antonio, I know your intentions are good but I am not sure if you are aware but for EVERY disease category you have posted regarding success stories of the Coimbra Protocol, there are similar success stories using a variety of other Protocols as simple as diet (vegan and its opposite high fat and everything in between), exercise including Pilates, etc. The internet is filled with such stories. All you have to do is type in the disease name, and then "success stories" Lupis, MS, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Parkinson's, Cancer etc., there are success stories for all of them (and for pretty much every disease out there).

I am not saying that the Coimbra Protocol doesn't work, people a lot smarter than you and I will have to figure that out for us in order to know for sure. And even the results for clinical trials can be manipulated for a desired outcome. But keep in mind that there are probably a dozen or more MS protocols that supposedly 'work'. Do any of them really really work? There is probably no way of knowing for sure. All these protocols seem to help some and not others. There are more than a dozen MS drugs and all the drug companies claim their drugs 'work'. Consider the recent findings about CCSVI...

Just curious, has anyone here from TIMS tried the Coimbra Protocol and had success? I have been on high dose D3 for almost 2 years and have now gone back to a lesser dose as I do not believe I had favorable results from it. But I don't know for sure as I am quite proactive in every way and am doing reasonably well overall all things considered.

Additionally, you had mentioned that your brother had a relapse even though he is following the Coimbra Protocol. And chances are, there are others who have been on it and have not done as those in the testimonials.

Again, I know your intentions are good!
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Re: Multiple Sclerosis Testimonials (Coimbra Protocol)

Post by AntonioBR »

Hi Elliot,
ElliotB wrote:I have been on high dose D3 for almost 2 years and have now gone back to a lesser dose as I do not believe I had favorable results from it.
Have you reported it to your doctor?

What did he say about that?

ElliotB wrote:Additionally, you had mentioned that your brother had a relapse even though he is following the Coimbra Protocol. And chances are, there are others who have been on it and have not done as those in the testimonials.
Yes, he had a relapse when he was taking 180,000 iu's D3. At that time his PTH was still high, so a relapse can occur. Dr. Coimbra mentions about that.

Now, he is taking 250,000 iu's.

In the biggest community on Facebook, one moderator created a poll (some time ago) asking how many relapses people usually had while PTH was not regulated?

And the average result was = 2 relapses.

Remember that my brother took almost 1 year and 3 months to regulate his PTH. People with high resistance take more time.

I agree that MS is a special case to talk about. As there are so many things that can influence patients progress and it is such complex disease to measure patient's improvements. Just see the number of different treatments available here on TIMS.

However, for diseases like Psoriasis, Vitiligo, Chron’s, Bowel problems, Dermatitis, and others. The results have been good (or excellent - it depends on each person) and they are a lot easier to measure (unfortunately, it does not happen with MS).

Moreover, medicine is not an exact science... Even antibiotics, painkillers, and other common drugs that are available and prescribed for decades they do not work for everyone. In fact, some of the drugs available have a poor success rate compared with the placebo effect (if you consider the unpublished trials). And I've not mentioned the side-effects, adverse reactions and deaths.

About the protocol, there is something important to say basing on my experience talking with people online. (I’m not claiming that you are one of them I’m only sharing what I have been seeing). There are a lot of people on internet taking high doses of D3 and claiming that it is Coimbra. I have received dozens of emails where people said that they are taking 30,000 or 80,000 Iu’s of D3 (or more). So, I asked them about their PTH’s levels and which doctor is guiding them. The answers were that most of them were not measuring their PTH and they were not seeing a doctor either.

People need to follow 100% the protocol to talk about their experiences. If he/she take a dose of vitamin D3 where their PTH does not reach the minimum level, then they are not following Coimbra. Even whether they are taking 100,000 or 150,000 IU’s. Everyone have a individualized dose to stop the disease progression (second Coimbra).
Last edited by AntonioBR on Wed Mar 15, 2017 7:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Multiple Sclerosis Testimonials (Coimbra Protocol)

Post by ElliotB »

Aside from an elevated D level which is desired and expected, all my blood work including PTH is in the normal range. My progress has been carefully monitored by my doctor - he did blood work every 3 months for almost two years and we have backed off on that a bit although blood tests from a couple of weeks ago still has everything in the normal range

Overall I am feeling well, but I can't attribute my well being to anything specific as I am very proactive in my approach to my illness. Although I am not symptom/pain free, I have been relapse free for 3 years. And ultimately, there is no way of knowing for sure.
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Re: Multiple Sclerosis Testimonials (Coimbra Protocol)

Post by AntonioBR »


If it is working for you then keep doing it... I agree 100%.

But, it is important to say that you were not following Coimbra Protocol, but only taking high doses of vitamin D3.

Elevated vit. D levels and normal PTH range is not the Protocol. Coimbra explains about that on his interview for German doctors.
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Re: Multiple Sclerosis Testimonials (Coimbra Protocol)

Post by AntonioBR »

Cristina K. Testimonial
This is a post by Christina K., administrator of the German Coimbra Protocol group:

"Here's a few "comparison photos": my MRI before the start of Coimbra protocol and after eight months of treatment.

On the newer pictures (bottom), no contrast enhancement, no detectable inflammatory activity. No new lesions and the old ones getting smaller. Not bad for someone who had an aggressive progression of disease and had two to three relapses per year, right?

I'm looking forward to the next MRI in 11/2017, hopefully, the old lesions will be gone. Maybe then my neurologist will finally be interested in learning more about this treatment method. Currently, he still believes that I'm about to kill myself''



Image ... 2402635801
Last edited by AntonioBR on Thu Jul 27, 2017 6:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Multiple Sclerosis Testimonials (Coimbra Protocol)

Post by AntonioBR »

Ludi Testimonial


This is Ludi Carneiro, who was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in March of 2011. Two months later, Ludi became pregnant with her first child and decided to look into more natural treatments for MS. She found out about high doses of vitamin D and was able to schedule an appointment with Dr. Coimbra. She started treatment in October of 2011, during her fifth month of pregnancy.

Ludi has now had two pregnancies while following the Coimbra Protocol. Less than three months ago she gave birth to a beautiful and healthy baby girl. This is what Ludi recently wrote us about her experience with high doses of vitamin D so far:

"When I first got sick I had so many symptoms; weakness, fatigue, tingling, and several others that I do not even remember after my treatment. I'm so grateful to Dr. Coimbra for seeing me right away despite his busy schedule, I went to his office with a heart full of hope, and once I met him in person, I knew I was following the right path. Today, five years later, I have a completely normal life and two beautiful children, I've had two easy, great pregnancies without the need to interrupt my treatment. My children are so strong, healthy and beautiful. The only memory I have of MS is a slight weakness in my left leg, which does not prevent me from doing anything; walking, running, jumping, practicing sports and lifting weights, everything I used to do before my diagnosis. Today I take 60,000 IU a day and live a normal, healthy life." ... =3&theater
Last edited by AntonioBR on Sat Oct 07, 2017 3:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Multiple Sclerosis Testimonials (Coimbra Protocol)

Post by AntonioBR »

Larissa Testimonial


This is Larissa Megale, who was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 1999 and in 2005 started the Coimbra Protocol. She has been treating her MS exclusively with high doses of vitamin D for 11 years. Her testimonial is on the book "Multiple Sclerosis and (lots of) Vitamin D":

"I still have a few problems, such as urinary urgency and difficulty bending my left leg. I think that if I didn’t have those problems I would not remember that I had MS. I feel I’m cured. I’ve never had a side effect from this treatment, and I’ve never had a relapse again... It’s been 17 years since I was diagnosed with MS. In the past 10 years my disease has stopped progressing, and instead of getting worse, I’m recovering." ... =3&theater
Last edited by AntonioBR on Sat Oct 07, 2017 3:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Multiple Sclerosis Testimonials (Coimbra Protocol)

Post by AntonioBR »

- Anita Testimonial


This is Anita Silva, she has had MS for 18 years, and for the last 8 years she has been following the Coimbra Protocol. Here's a recent post of Anita:

"I thank God and I thank Dr. Cicero, for only he knows how I was before. I was fatigued, bloated and disfigured by the use of corticoids, depressed and hopeless. I was in a wheelchair. Today I can walk with a cane for support."

Anita has progressive MS and her only treatment now is high doses of vitamin D.

You can see her original post here: ... 593880933/
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Re: Multiple Sclerosis Testimonials (Coimbra Protocol)

Post by AntonioBR »

Vera Testimonial


This is Vera Folli, one of the patients interviewed by the journalist Daniel Cunha in the video "Vitamina D - Por Uma Outra Terapia." Vera was diagnosed with MS in 2003, after having symptoms since 1997. At the time of the interview Vera had been on the Coimbra Protocol for five years. Today she has been on the protocol for almost 11 years, and she says:

"After 11 years of treatment, nothing remains of the symptoms. I am at the height of full health, and I feel so much gratitude."

To watch Vera's interview with English subtitles: ... =3&theater
Last edited by AntonioBR on Thu Jul 27, 2017 6:19 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Multiple Sclerosis Testimonials (Coimbra Protocol)

Post by AntonioBR »

- Karine Testimonial Image
This is Karine Metzger, who was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2011 and has been on the Coimbra Protocol for 5 years. Karine is from Germany but she has lived in Brazil for the past 12 years. Recently she posted a detailed testimonial in the German group, and we got permission to share it with you.

"In the middle of 2011 I started experiencing symptoms like numbness, dizziness, constant stumbling, my left leg felt terribly heavy. In addition, I began to have double vision. The problems with the eyes I found very intriguing, as it constantly improved and then got worse again. I went to see an ophthalmologist in August of 2011 and he told me I should urgently see a neurologist because my problem was not in the eye. I left the practice, crossed the street and went to an emergency room. In that hospital I had a series of tests including MRIs and a spinal tap, and I soon got the diagnosis: MS. I had 4 large lesions in the brain and 3 in the spinal cord. The doctor was very attentive and positive and explained to me in detail about the treatment.

During this process, I was having difficulty with my cello lessons. My cello teacher learned about my diagnosis and in that same evening she sent me the (great) video of Daniel Cunha, talking about Dr. Cicero Coimbra's treatment. I was thrilled because everything sounded so logical. Everything made so much sense and the more I researched it in the Internet, the more certain I became that the vitamin D treatment is the best solution. I talked about the protocol with my husband. Of course, I still had many doubts because conventional doctors were against it. "Charlatanism," "Money," "Absurd Promises" ... Unsure whether I should really dare, I asked a good friend for his opinion. His answer was the key to me. He said: "You know, there are doctors who take care of your illness, and there are some who care about your life ". In the morning I was clear on what I wanted to do. Enough of syringes, interferons, endless side effects. I'm flying to São Paulo!

In October 2011 I started to take 10,000 IU of vitamin D a day and finally got an appointment for February 2012. In São Paulo, Dr. Danilo Finamor (one of the first three doctors to prescribe the Coimbra Protocol) made me realize how many symptoms I had had long before my diagnosis. I realized that I had had a few relapses throughout the years, but never understood what was happening to me. I had suffered from depression. I often stumbled, sprained my ankle. I had extreme sluggishness and fatigue, and partial numbness throughout my body. I never took those symptoms seriously because they came and then disappeared again.

Since February 2012 I have been following the Coimbra Protocol. I started with 50,000 IU a day. The most difficult thing for me was the diet, but I am lucky to live in Brazil where it is very easy to do without dairy products. Right at the beginning I found a group of patients on FB who also follow the protocol. I wrote to the people who live in my city/region and met them personally. Now we meet once a year to exchange experiences.

It is expensive to fly from my city, Porto Alegre, to São Paulo, so I was very happy when at our meeting in 2013 I was introduced to a new protocol doctor, from my state. Dr. Maira also has MS. She suffered from symptoms for years, and could not work anymore. At first she was against the protocol and even criticized Dr. Cicero, until she decided to meet him in person. After the meeting, she has stopped all her medication, started the protocol and she is better than ever. She can work again. Since being on the protocol she gave birth to two healthy children. She now treats countless patients with autoimmune diseases. One of them, Marcia, cannot be recognized. After 5 years in a wheelchair, she can finally walk again. And I did not "hear" this, I've seen it! The doctors had given up on her, she could no longer speak properly and no longer walk. Today she only needs a crutch.

So I started to let myself be treated by Dr Maira. Today I take 40,000 IU daily, 2000 mg DHA Omega 3 and a capsule containing a mixture of other things to support the Vitamind D therapy. (Folic acid, zinc, B12, etc.) Dr. Maira has accompanied me through two pregnancies and is the best example of how this treatment changed lives. It's sensible. It's Healthy. And the only option WITHOUT side effects.

Of course, I have to do regular tests to check my kidneys. Calcium is the major concern. Apart from that, I was never fitter. With two small kids and two jobs ... I do functional training twice a week and have had ZERO symptoms for 5 years. There is a small problem in my left leg, when I'm very exhausted, I still limp. This will probably remain so, since it's an old damage. Otherwise, I do not understand why some people still hesitate. =) "

To see her original post: ... h=a2FyaW5l
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