Multiple Sclerosis Testimonials (Coimbra Protocol)

A forum to discuss the Coimbra Protocol which uses high-dose vitamin D3 to treat multiple sclerosis.
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Re: Multiple Sclerosis Testimonials (Coimbra Protocol)

Post by AntonioBR »

Canadian Testimonial


H. recently began to lose strength in his legs and he was falling frequently. He also presented a lot of dizziness, ataxia, diplopia, loss of control of the sphincters, tingling and extreme drowsiness. And he was sleeping 17 hours a day.

In Canada, he was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and doctors prescribed Rebif to him. But his situation was so dramatic that H. lost hope and he even considered the possibility that put an end to his suffering.

One day he had the curiosity to translated Multiple Sclerosis to Portuguese and he verified that it was ''Esclerose Múltipla''. He wrote the name of this disease on the Internet and found an interview of Dr. Cicero Coimbra. So, he made contact with several groups on Facebook, watched the videos on the Site "Vitamina D Vitamina e Saúde" and he contacted our clinic.

We chatted every day by email and by Skype and I asked him to come to Brazil, but H. could barely stand. So, even though I knew that I could be the target of much criticism, I made a decision that seemed the most humane and sensible: I prescribed vitamin D in high doses, with the condition that he would come to see us when he was able to travel alone.

H. had improved spectacularly in those days, but because of his commitments in Canada, he could only travel to Brazil five months later. We ordered all the exams, prescribed the full treatment and we took him to our gym with the goal of making a practical demonstration of the efficiency of the Protocol of Dr. Coimbra in the treatment of autoimmune diseases. H. held various physical exercises and we were able to prove that he's a lot better than some "healthy" people.

He no longer has problems with gait, ataxia, diplopia, there is no lack of balance, the physical and mental disposition came back and sphincters are normal.

Video: H. is being interviewed by Dr. Wanderley with English Subtitles

Last edited by AntonioBR on Wed Dec 13, 2017 3:59 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Multiple Sclerosis Testimonials (Coimbra Protocol)

Post by AntonioBR »

Monica Testimonial


"This treatment made our family regain the joy of living."
(-Father of the patient.)

Monica graduated in physiotherapy in 2009.

A few months later, she completely lost his sight in the right eye.

She underwent a CT scan, an MRI, CSF examination (which featured oligoclonal bands) and received a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis.

During 6 years she was taking Betaferon. The side effects were awful.

In 2015 she had a serious relapse that extended from July to December, in spite of the IV Corticosteroids sessions.

As her case was worsening the doctors decided to switch to Copaxone. However, the injections were very painful and Monica decided to look for a new treatment.

In the first appointment, 4 months ago, her main symptoms were severe mobility limitations (gait), tingling in the fingers, urinary urgency, Sphincter disorder, dysphagia (difficulty swallowing), poor memory and Nominal aphasia (a type of speech disorder consisting of a defect or loss of the power of expression by speech, writing, or signs).

We suspend the use of Copaxone and we started the treatment with vitamin D Protocol and a gluten-free diet.

With the exception of a time where she ate a lot of gluten and got stressed (and some symptoms came back). Fortunately, Monica got rid of all the symptoms very fast (only 4 months) and she is living a completely normal life now!

She recorded a video explaining with more details about her improvement. ... -multipla/
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Re: Multiple Sclerosis Testimonials (Coimbra Protocol)

Post by AntonioBR »

Kamila Testimonial


Kamila is 39 years and she is our fourth patient from Japan.

She is from Brazil but she lives in Japan for many years.

The patient had good health till 8 years ago when she began to feel pain in the body, dizziness, and fatigue.

2 years ago her clinical picture worsened with the onset of blurred vision, tingling in the right arm and electric shocks from toes to her waist.

So, she went to the hospital and the doctor ordered an MRI, he examed the liquor and she was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. She made a pulse steroid therapy and doctors prescribed conventional medicines to her.

Researching about Multiple Sclerosis on the internet she discovered about the vitamin D Protocol (Coimbra Protocol) and she reported it to her doctor in Japan. She asked if he could try this new therapy with her. With a wry smile on his lips, he gave her a pat on the back and said: '' try it and when you have a new relapse come back here to do the correct treatment''.

She traveled to Brazil and started the Coimbra Protocol under our guidance. Thus, some months after she returned to Japan and the symptoms of multiple sclerosis had vanished. Surprised with her evolution, the Japanese doctor (a neurologist) was very surprised. Because of that, he began to accompany her every 3 months, requesting every exam and jotting down all the supplements that she was taking.

We ordered that she stop to take all the conventional drugs and to start a gluten-free diet. And she lost 20kg (~ 40lbs) of fat with this simple change.

Extremely happy, Kamila became a very active on social networks, helping many people with autoimmune diseases. ... -multipla/
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Re: Multiple Sclerosis Testimonials (Coimbra Protocol)

Post by AntonioBR »

Ana Claudia Testimonial


'' One day in the beginning of 2008, I woke up with both my feet tingling. I thought it might be because I had pushed myself too hard the day before at the gym and was having some kind of reaction, but by the end of the day the tingling had slowly climbed up all the way to my neck. That’s how my journey with multiple sclerosis began. That first flare up was very aggressive and it affected pretty much my whole body. I felt tingling and numbness in my arms and legs, I lost control of my right arm, I had weakness on my left leg. For many months, I felt so fatigued that sometimes, even standing up for a few minutes could be too much effort for me. I’d stand up by the sink while doing the dishes for 5 or 6 minutes and had to stop and sit down to rest before I could continue. Even after being diagnosed and starting with the prescribed medication, I didn't feel I was getting any better. Actually, I felt I was getting worse, with more symptoms and weakness as the weeks went by.

At the time, I was doing a lot of research into different treatments, because I was starting to realize that the medication prescribed by my doctor didn’t seem to be helping much. It was then that I found out that a friend of mine, with whom I had lost contact for some years, also had MS. According to common friends of ours, she was following a treatment with a neurologist from Sao Paulo who prescribed vitamins, and was doing amazing. I immediately called her. She told me about the fantastic treatment she was receiving from Dr. Cicero Coimbra, and the great results she was having with vitamin D. She filled me with hope and for the first time since my diagnosis, I felt that I was starting to see a light at the end of my tunnel; that I was getting close to find the answer I had been searching for.

After a few conversations with my friend and some more research into vitamin D and MS, I was convinced I should try that treatment, and I scheduled an appointment with Dr. Coimbra. It took a few months, but after I started taking high doses of vitamin D, my symptoms stopped getting worse and then slowly disappeared. The numbness I felt in many parts of my body resolved completely, and the tingling sensation subsided. I regained control of my right arm and hand, and my left leg became stronger. The fatigue became less intense each day. One by one, my problems reversed, and my MS went into remission. I have been on this treatment for 9 years now, the only thing left from MS is a different feeling on my right hand, which never went away, and tingling in my arms when I exercise too much or feel stressed out. Otherwise, I have had no further problems with MS, no flare-ups, and no new lesions or disease progression. I no longer feel any fatigue or heat intolerance, which are two very common symptoms for people with MS. My last MRIs, done in May of 2015, showed that some of my lesions are shrinking, and that I have had no brain atrophy (loss of grey matter) since 2009! I feel very healthy and full of energy, and I couldn't be happier with this treatment.

I am so fortunate for being told about Dr. Coimbra very early in my diagnosis, and my hope is that all patients that suffer from any autoimmune disorder (not only MS) will have the same chance, and will be able to get the information they need about the importance of realistic doses of vitamin D for those diseases. Words will never be enough to describe the gratitude I have for Dr. Coimbra, for the difference he has made in my life and in the lives of thousands of patients around the word.''

Ana Claudia Domene is the author of the book "Multiple Sclerosis and (lots of) Vitamin D".
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Re: Multiple Sclerosis Testimonials (Coimbra Protocol)

Post by AntonioBR »

Paulo Faria Testimonial


This is Paulo Faria, a General Practitioner who was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2014. He has just shared this in one of the Brazilian FB groups and Kindly allowed us to publish it on our page.

"I have been a doctor as well as a patient with Multiple Sclerosis since 2014. Three years of diagnosis, and two and a half years of Vitamin D!! Two and a half years full of health and no disease activity, no demyelination, no symptoms, no neurological changes, only changes for the better!
Because my diagnosis made me change my habits, change my way of seeing life, my way of seeing my profession, today I am a different person, better than before, more active, healthier, incomparable with the Paulo I used to be. All thanks to Vitamin D and multiple sclerosis itself, which has helped me to appreciate small things that usually go unnoticed in our day to day. When you look at the future and see only darkness, and then see a light at the end of the tunnel called vitamin D, this is the best gift that a person with this diagnosis can receive.

Today I am a protocol doctor and it is with immense gratitude that I do this and that I help to advance this treatment to people who need to know that there is light at the end of the tunnel and that it's called vitamin D!

Thank you Dr Cicero for giving me my life back and for giving me knowledge, for making me able to do good to others as you did to me and to all those patients who now have access to your protocol."

To see his original post:Please keep in mind that this post was shared in a closed group. To have access to their post it's necessary to join the group. ... 925555464/
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Re: Multiple Sclerosis Testimonials (Coimbra Protocol)

Post by AntonioBR »

- Analice Testimonial

Diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2007, Dr. Analice made a pulse steroid therapy and remained asymptomatic for four years.

However, in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 she had new relapses and, in 2015, her neurologist decided to treat MS with Avonex.

From then on, the weekends of Dr. Analice became a real torment: pain relievers, fever, headaches, fatigue and drowsiness have become part of her routine.

In addition to undermine the quality of her life, Avonex was not preventing the occurrence of new relapses. Because of that, she opted for the Protocol with vitamin D. (We removed the avonex and add only vitamin D in high doses.)

In just four months all the symptoms of her illness disappeared and she was not feeling any side effects (caused by avonex).

"The conventional drugs cannot be compared with the vitamin D protocol" - Dr. Analice

There is still no consensus about the best time to start conventional treatment in cases of multiple sclerosis. Knowing that, after the first relapse, the disease can remain in remission for long periods without any medicine. Respected neurologists, often prefer to wait for the occurrence of new events.

If you consider the adverse effects and the high cost of conventional medicines, it makes sense to delay the start of this therapy.

On the other hand, the cost of treatment with vitamin D is negligible and practically devoid of side effects. In addition to being more efficient, vitamin D increases the physical and mental performance and prevents the appearance of dozens of numerous serious autoimmune, infectious and degenerative diseases. ... la/page/3/
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Re: Multiple Sclerosis Testimonials (Coimbra Protocol)

Post by ElliotB »

Antonio, how do you come to get all these testimonials (you have posted quite a number of them) and detailed info on the Coimbra Protocol?
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Re: Multiple Sclerosis Testimonials (Coimbra Protocol)

Post by AntonioBR »

ElliotB wrote:Antonio, how do you come to get all these testimonials (you have posted quite a number of them) and detailed info on the Coimbra Protocol?
Elliot, some testimonials are from facebook communities and some are from Dr. Wanderley website (he is a certified doctor on this protocol).

At the bottom of each post I ever mention the source of the testimonial.

The detailed info about the protocol I get with my brother's doctor, brazilians communities on Facebook (there are a lot of archives written by Dr. Coimbra and others certified doctors there) and with another doctor friend of my brother she is also certified on this protocol.
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Re: Multiple Sclerosis Testimonials (Coimbra Protocol)

Post by AntonioBR »

- Jaqueline Testimonial

(Progressive Multiple Sclerosis)


Three years ago Jaqueline lost strength in her legs and began to move with great difficulty. She was leaning against the walls and falling frequently.

Thereafter, she had a strong relapse with headaches, vomiting, misalignment of the mouth rhyme, and with difficulty in articulating words.

She consulted several neurologists, did MRI, CSF, and EMG and was diagnosed with Progressive Multiple Sclerosis.

She started the conventional treatment with Copaxone without success.

One year ago she booked an appointment with Dr. Wanderley with the following complaints: urinary retention, fatigue after walking 20 meters, tingling through the body, weak memory and difficulty in swallowing (choking on her own saliva).

We suspended conventional medication and started treatment with the Vitamin D Protocol.

In a few time his memory improved, she began to swallow normally and his urination normalized. Her gait is about 80% better and today she can walk a few miles without feeling fatigued.

Jaqueline and her family are very close and everyone is very happy with her improvements.

(When the vitamin D achieve its maximum effect/potency in the body (this usually occurs after 8 or 12 months) the improvements will be even more significant.)

Watch this video to check how her gait has improved:

-> Before:

-> After: ... ogressiva/
Last edited by AntonioBR on Thu Apr 27, 2017 9:56 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Multiple Sclerosis Testimonials (Coimbra Protocol)

Post by AntonioBR »

- Juliana Testimonial


This is Juliana M., a patient from Macedonia who has been on the Coimbra Protocol for 9 months. She posted this in the group "Vitamin D Protocol North America", and kindly allowed us to share it on our page.

"Let me share...

Everything started more than 15 years ago. But I did not know that. In a time of too much work and stress, in the middle of meetings I was suddenly loosing the ability to speak and move my left hand…. Oh, hell, was I getting a brain stroke at the age of 30? I started drinking traditional circulation rakia with krmus and in a few days, never happened again.

At that time and perhaps before, I developed an awful gluten intolerance, needed a lot of time to discover it. Thought I had celiac disease and after eliminating it and taking lots of vitamins, in a couple of years I was fine again.

I had an MRI done and one of the best neurologist in Macedonia saw changes in the white matter and directed me to further exams, but since I had eliminated gluten, I self-confidently decided there was no need.

Ten years later…. Right foot, always the right, then my hand writing ( I cannot read it anymore ), felt awfully tired, unhappy, I knew something was wrong with me. I cannot remember many things, it is as if I have deleted the trash bin. I started talking as if I had dyslexia, (I am a simultaneous interpreter ), and suddenly I had to rush to the toilet. From being a person that could do 3 completely different things at the same time, suddenly I couldn't do one.

Some times I felt I had a broken rib. A good Chiropractic from Bulgaria urged me to go and check myself, mentioning MS. When I went to the neurologist, she kindly asked me if I could stay in the hospital in order to make few control checks more easily. I am endlessly grateful for this. One hospital stay was followed by another, and I was worse. Corticosteroids did not help. the final verdict was MS. And everything was becoming worse. I could not use right hand, could not unlock the door, use my wallet, walk, think, listen. At the hospital I concluded that medications do not help the patients that use them.

Now, nine months in the Protocol: I can follow a conversation, think and remember what I talked about. I can remember a phone number. I can walk to close destinations, my handwriting is coming back. I am not at a basic level of existence anymore: to eat, go to the toilet and to sleep. Life is coming back. And emotionally, mentally, I'm more balanced. Due to Protocol and the magical vitamin D. When I started the Protocol was deep down in the hole and all of this was like science fiction to me. Nine months ago I was not capable of reading, I would not have been capable of writing this. Now I know when I need to rest, I respect my body and when I have the strength, I tell my story to people with autoimmune disorders. Only fear can prevent them from finding this amazing help, this Magical Protocol.


To see her original post: please keep in mind this was published in a closed group. In order to view their posts you need to join the group. ... FjZWRvbmlh
Last edited by AntonioBR on Sat Oct 07, 2017 3:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Multiple Sclerosis Testimonials (Coimbra Protocol)

Post by AntonioBR »

- Luciana Testimonial


In June of 2006 I diagnosed my wife Luciana Campos as a carrier of Multiple Sclerosis. For almost 4 years we have tried conventional treatments without success...

When she had given up with the conventional treatment we received a newspaper reporting that a Neurologist in São Paulo was using high doses of vitamin D for the treatment of autoimmune diseases with excellent results. It was the big shift for us.

Luciana found unnecessary to record a new testimonial. Her story was well know thanks to the incredible video documentary of Daniel Cunha "Vitamin D – For An Alternative Therapy".[1]

Finally, she agreed to make a new video testimonial with the purpose of giving a public thanks to Dr. Cicero. But I asked her to also speak a little about her health, because she is well known in the support groups and patients are curious to know how she is currently after 10 years of Multiple Sclerosis and 5 years following the treatment with the Vitamin D Protocol.

In oncology, five years without tumor recurrence it is considered cure! However, in the case of autoimmune diseases, there is still no definitive cure! But we can already control these diseases and significantly improve patients' "Quality of Life".

For those with serious autoimmune diseases, each new day deserves to be celebrated as another victory! It is necessary to have positive thoughts, to talk about joyful things and to cultivate moments of happiness ...

Luciana has also adopted a gluten-free diet 2 years ago. We talk about it every day. We know very well that it is not part of the Protocol of Dr. Cicero, after all, and for 3 years she did the treatment without removing gluten and she was very well.

However, two issues deserve to be mentioned: has the gluten-free diet added any value to her treatment? Is it worth the sacrifice?

She says yes, she clearly perceived an increase in physical stamina and general disposition.

In 2009 (when she was following the conventional treatment), her picture was so poorly that I'd rather not imagine what it would be like today if we had not had access to the "Dr. Cicero Protocol" through a newspaper report with the testimony of Vera Folli that we carefully guarded as a precious relic. [2]

When I see Luciana smiling, full of life, working 12 hours a day, traveling, studying and lecturing all over Brazil, I feel a lot of reverence, admiration and, above all, immense gratitude for Dr. Cicero and for the "monumental therapeutic project" which he has developed and is coordinating.

Luciana video testimonial with English Subtitles

[1] Documentary: Vitamin D – For An Alternative Therapy with English, German and Spanish Subtitles

[2] Vera Folli testimonial: ... ml#p246807 ... /#more-318
Last edited by AntonioBR on Sat Apr 29, 2017 7:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Multiple Sclerosis Testimonials (Coimbra Protocol)

Post by AntonioBR »

- Juliane Testimonial


This is Juliane Freitas, a patient from Brazil who has been on the Coimbra Protocol for some years now. In february 2015 - after 4 months following the protocol - she recorded a testimonial. Her doctor (Dr. Wanderley) posted it on his website.

'' Juliane had lost almost everything: vision, memory, speech, coordination, and control of excretory functions!

She had the first symptoms of MS in 2012. During that time she was taking Avonex without success. It was not helping her and the side effects were very strong.

Luckily she discovered the Vitamin D Protocol.

At the end of 2014, she started the Coimbra Protocol. In her first appointment, Juliane was very fragile. Her voice was weak and hesitant. She was struggling and falling very often.

We started the treatment with Vitamin D and the improvements were very good. She turned into someone else. If I met her on the street, I would not recognize her!

In February 2015 (only 4 months later*) she returned to the second appointment.

Watch her video testimonial. Her gait is a lot better now and her coordination improved. I think her story could help a lot of people! ''

*When the vitamin D achieve its maximum effect/potency in the body (this usually occurs after 8 or 12 months) the improvements will be even more significant.

Juliane Video Testimonial with English Subtitles ... /#more-284
Last edited by AntonioBR on Sat Apr 29, 2017 7:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Multiple Sclerosis Testimonials (Coimbra Protocol)

Post by AntonioBR »

- Rafhael Testimonial


This is Rafhael, a patient from Brazil who has been on the Coimbra Protocol since September 2014. Four months later (January 2015) he recorded a testimonial and Dr. Wanderley (his doctor) posted it on his website.

Dr. Wanderley explains briefly on this testimonial that he was also a detractor of Coimbra protocol. But as this treatment helped his wife to get better from Multiple Sclerosis [1], now he is prescribing it to hundreds of patients.

'' Rafhael has Multiple Sclerosis for 12 years and his condition was worsening rapidly, despite he has been using almost all the conventional drugs without success: Avonex, Rebif 44, Natalizumab (Tysabri), Betaferon, Cyclophosphamide, Solumedrol, Copaxone and Gilenya.

Finally, he decided to try Dr. Cicero's "Protocol" and in just 2 weeks he slowly began to get rid of 12 years of anguish, sadness, and suffering.

Most Neurologists are still not convinced of the efficiency of Dr. Coimbra protocol for the treatment of MS (and other autoimmune diseases), which I think is absolutely understandable because I did not believe it either!

However, in December 2009, after watching my wife being rescued from the hell of MS with the Coimbra Protocol I have been reading thousands of scientific papers and I also followed Dr. Cicero's work in his private clinic (I made an internship in his clinic to see his work), I changed my mind.

In some years I have attended more than 500 patients with autoimmune and degenerative diseases, trying to record and document all the cases.

Understandably, several patients preferred to remain anonymous. However, hundreds have already authorized me to disclose their testimonies.

In my opinion, vitamin D in high doses is highly effective in the remission and control of autoimmune diseases. I am sure that in a few years it will be the first therapeutic option for almost all health professionals and Dr. Cicero's extraordinary work will finally be recognized by the entire scientific community.''

In Rafhael words " As a reminder, before starting the treatment I was not able to walk to the bathroom, I could barely walk and I fell many times. I had 2 episodes of convulsions in 2011 and 2014, my sons witnessed one of these episodes…
It was a painful period, but I am already in my fourth month of vitamin D and the other supplements,
such as DHA 500, the vitamin complex, vitamin B12, phosphate and other elements.
I started the vitamin D protocol on the 16th September 2014, and I felt well after only 2 weeks.
I started walking, and I remember that the first thing I did was to walk to a gym located close to my home and I walked to there with no difficulty.

I have to confess that when I was back home I sat for a while because 7 years without walking is a lot. However, I walked 800 meters and this was a great victory which made me happy!!!

And during this month, (also in January) I made something that had me filled with joy:
I was able to play football (soccer) with my sons, has been years that I could not do this, and for me it has been something important because I was not able to stand for a long time, moving my legs to play soccer with them, I was not able to go out downtown with my family. It has been a while that I have not done this also…

Hence, the vitamin D has been very important for me so far and the emotion I am demonstrating is because I’m filled with joy. My youngest son is recording this for me and I want to say that I am thankful to God for blessing the lives of doctors like Dr.Cicero and Dr.Wanderley, blessing them to think and elaborate this treatment, this protocol.''

Rafhael Video Testimonial with English Subtitles

[1] Dr. Wanderley's wife testimonial: ... ml#p247506 ... /#more-231
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Re: Multiple Sclerosis Testimonials (Coimbra Protocol)

Post by AntonioBR »

Sameer Testimonial


The group "Coimbra Vitamin D Protocol for MS and autoimmune Disorders" received this video from Sameer, a patient of Michael Cawley (Ireland), who wants his story to be shared.

He is following the Protocol for only 3 weeks* but he already got some good results.

"Sameer from England three weeks on Coimbra protocol walking without a walking aid and almost in a straight line."

Sameer Walks! Video Testimonial

*(When the vitamin D achieve its maximum effect/potency in the body (this usually occurs after 8 or 12 months) the improvements will be even more significant.)

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Re: Multiple Sclerosis Testimonials (Coimbra Protocol)

Post by AntonioBR »

Sueli Testimonial


"As requested, I will tell you a bit about my routine and my treatment. Five years of diagnosis, one year of copaxone and four years of treatment with high doses of vitamin D exclusively, I also do acupuncture once a week, bodybuilding every day and I race in the weekends. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I do functional training as well. I feel great, every day Better. Before the protocol, I had fatigue and a number of other symptoms. I did not have the strength to walk, I could not hold a plate if it was too heavy for me, I had no balance to get up if I was sitting down. All these things are in the past now. So that's it. Today I'm great, running 10 km, not only holding plates but washing them! LOL.
I'm very happy."

Sueli de Sa.
If you're a member of the group "Esclerose Multipla - O Tratamento", you can see her original post. ... 349119555/
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