Messages From Dr. Cícero Coimbra

A forum to discuss the Coimbra Protocol which uses high-dose vitamin D3 to treat multiple sclerosis.
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Messages From Dr. Cícero Coimbra

Post by AntonioBR »

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Re: Reasons For Worsening The Symptoms While On The Protocol

Post by AntonioBR »

Reasons For Worsening The Symptoms While On The Protocol

This information was posted by Christina K., one of the administrators of the German group. In this email Dr. Coimbra talks about the known reasons for worsening symptoms in the beginning of treatment, or even after a patient has been on the protocol for a while:

"Dear Christina,

The factors that may counteract the effects of treatment we have identified so far are (1) above all, the emotional issues (we have extensively written about that: please read the final part of the latest update - I think you received a copy of that: I am not sure); (2) recurrent infections (particularly urinary tract infections - sometimes subclinical - but especially when associated with fever); (3) frequent alcohol drinking; (4) smoking; (5) excessively hot baths.

Returning of old symptoms does not represent reactivation of disease: those symptoms will recur transiently whenever there is a transient stressful life event (being alarmed will only prolong those symptoms by turning on a vicious cycle), whenever they are sleep deprived, tired (for having worked excessively) or exposed to high environmental temperature. They should avoid drugs for gastric "protection" like omeprazole, pantoprazole, etc.

The initial dose does not provide full effect of the treatment and de full effect of the initial daily dose is reached after 2 months from the beginning of the treatment. The full effect of the treatment is expected for 2-3 months after dose adjustment at the second appointment.

Patients should be taking riboflavin 50-100 mg 4 times a day and magnesium (for instance, nowadays, we suggest magnesium chloride [or glycinate] 500 mg twice a day).

Best regards,
Cicero G. Coimbra"

- - - - - - -
Internal Medicine and Neurology
Lab of Neuropathology & Neuroprotection, head
Associate Professor of Neurology and Neuroscience
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Re: Messages From Dr. Cícero Coimbra

Post by AntonioBR »

Pregnancy and the Coimbra Protocol

This is a message sent recently from Dr. Coimbra to a doctor that asked him about the safety of high doses of vitamin D during pregnancy:

" Dear Dr. R,

[until now] I have followed more than 70 pregnancies under high-dose vitamin D protocol.

No adverse effects. The babies' neuropsychological development and general health (including resistance to infections) is fantastic.

Babies are born with very high serum levels of vitamin D and sustain those high levels during breastfeeding. However, normal serum and urine calcium levels, normal creatinine levels.

One month after the end of breastfeeding we start supplementation of 1,000 IU per 5 kg per day.

Best regards,
Cicero G Coimbra, MD, PHD "
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Re: Messages From Dr. Cícero Coimbra

Post by AntonioBR »

Depression and the Coimbra Protocol

Post shared by Yara Wanderlust, administrator of the FB group "Protocolo Coimbra - Espanol":


At our last meeting with Dr. Coimbra, he reiterated the importance of emotional control in the Coimbra Protocol. He told us that patients with depression maintain a CONSTANT level of inflammatory activity in the brain. Ideally, the individual should find ways for emotional stability (meditation, therapy, each one in his/her own way), but if necessary, the physician should prescribe antidepressants.

States of constant depression, anxiety and nervousness are the main cause for the Coimbra Protocol to function only partially in some people.

Link for scientific articles relating depression to inflammation in the brain: ... 22&lr=&oq=
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Re: Messages From Dr. Cícero Coimbra

Post by AntonioBR »

More Info about Emotional Issues

This is part of an email sent from Dr. Coimbra to a doctor who has MS and is interested in learning his protocol:

"... The benefits of our protocol may be significantly impaired by chronic depression, chronic irritability or chronic fear. A chronic inflammatory process establishes even in the normal brain when any of these feelings is sustained indefinitely, and we have identified at least one of these factors in all or nearly all patients who display the progressive types (primarily or secondarily) of MS. Chronic inflammation promotes neurodegeneration and impairs neurogenesis in the adult brain.

We are currently trying to control emotional issues by instructing patients about the importance of the emotional issues, and also by administering 800 mg of elemental magnesium divided in four daily doses, preferentially (to avoid diarrhea) one hour before meals (fourth dose at bed time).

Vitamin D deficiency / resistance fulfill all nine Bradford-Hill criteria (causation criteria) as a cause of MS. Compensating resistance to vitamin D is treating the cause of the problem. ''

Best regards,
Cicero G Coimbra, MD, PHD
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Re: Messages From Dr. Cícero Coimbra

Post by AntonioBR »

Autism And The Coimbra Protocol

This is part of a recent email from Dr. Coimbra in which he talks about his experience with autism and high doses of vitamin D:

"...Laboratory markers of autoimmunity have been found in autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy is strongly related to autism in early childhood. ... &lr&oq=aut ... _sdt=0%2C5

https://molecularautism.biomedcentral.c ... 0-2392-6-3

We have used high-dose vitamin D in a few children and in a 17-year old boy (from Rio de Janeiro city) during the last 2-3 years, and all of them have reached normal or near normal behavior as a result of that therapy. In the first appointment he was silent and would not look at me; his father was passing all information on his clinical history since early childhood. For some time (a year or so, from 6 months of therapy) the 17-year old boy (now 19 to 20 years old) could report on the reasons of his behavior. Deep fear (triggered by the sensation of excessive proximity to the unknown) was reported as the reason why he previously would not look at the others' eyes, would not talk to others, and would not interact in anyway with others.

Amazingly, after 2 years of treatment he could remember nothing about what he had originally reported, and had lots of plans for his own future (he said he wanted to spend sometime in Canada for learning English as part of a student exchange program; "why Canada?" - I asked - and he said he had been investigating and identified Canada as the country where foreigners are more easily accepted; he said he wanted to move to a regular school in Rio de Janeiro in 2018 because he misses interacting with normal adolescents and young people in general; he wants to get a job to become financially independent from his parents; he even said he had been searching the internet by himself and concluded that the spreading of the knowledge on the importance of vitamin D for public health faces the opposition of drug companies). I do not have videos about these cases (only pictures that I take and insert in the electronic patients' charts / records).

Younger individuals (children) would not be able to report on anything after recovering from ASD, and when they reach normal behavior their parents usually move them to another school (where they are treated as normal children) to avoid prejudice that they would have to face if they would remain in the original school.

...While there has been an explosion of autism prevalence worldwide. Brazilian pediatricians who have come to our clinic accompanying their family members (patients with different diseases) have spontaneously declared to be surprised to see the large number or autistic children they have seen in their own clinic; they have experienced that as a tragedy in public health. In 1975 there was one autistic child for 5,000 children in USA. By the end of 2015 there was one autistic child for 45 children in USA! ... +vitamin+D

Nevertheless, we feel committed to spreading the good news. It is relatively less uncomfortable to think that we now have a growing worldwide network of physicians trained in our clinic who (hopefully) could (at least in part) absorb the huge work I am anticipating for the next few months related to ASD."
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Re: Messages From Dr. Cícero Coimbra

Post by AntonioBR »

Magnesium And The Coimbra Protocol

This is part of an e-mail where Dr. Coimbra talks about the recommended doses of magnesium for patients that take high doses of vitamin D:

"Since February 2017 we are trying to reach 800 to 1,200 mg of elemental magnesium (depending on body weight) per day divided into 4 doses. Please remember that we were already using 400 mg per day divided into 4 doses. So, if you decide to use magnesium citrate (for instance) remember that only 18% of magnesium citrate corresponds to elemental magnesium. Extra magnesium is given one hour before meals and at bed time to avoid diarrhea. Doses should be decreased if diarrhea does occur in spite of that.


1) It provides much better emotional control;

2) It fights osteoporosis;

3) Magnesium is required as co-factor for vitamin D hydroxylases;

4) Correction of magnesium deficiency provides powerful anti-inflammatory effect.

5) Higher doses of magnesium compensates for urinary loss of magnesium induced by high doses of vitamin D (probably because vitamin D favors calcium reabsorption from glomerular filtrate - calcium competes with magnesium and magnesium is lost in urine);

6) It provides higher level of safety: magnesium antagonizes calcium at several levels (including at the level of intestinal absorption);

7) 80% of occidental population is magnesium deficient;

In addition, patients should never take proton pump inhibitors or soft drinks of cola."
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Re: Messages From Dr. Cícero Coimbra

Post by AntonioBR »

Vitamin D "cumulative effect"

This is Dr. Cicero Coimbra's answer to the misguided idea that vitamin D has a cumulative effect in our body. There is so much misinformation - even among doctors - about this. According to Dr. Coimbra, 10,000 IU is a physiological dose and absolutely all adults should take this dose (for prevention). It corresponds to approximately 20 minutes of sun exposure.

"...There is a lot of misinformation being disseminated when it comes to this topic, and a lot of people are receiving wrong information. There's a general idea that the administration of vitamin D should be interrupted, or the daily dose reduced after a period of supplementation due to vitamin D "cumulative effect". This would supposedly lead to a progressive Increase of the circulating levels of vitamin D, resulting in toxicity. The confusion arises from the fact That vitamin D is "fat soluble", which means that It is soluble in fat and THEREFORE accumulates in our fatty tissue. in this way, by keeping the daily dose unchanged, vitamin D would be progressively deposited in our body fat, while its circulating concentration would Increase. However, after two months of use (average) of a constant dose, Vitamin D reaches a maximum aggregate deposit of fat in the body and its concentration becomes stable. For an average adult person, after taking 10,000 IU per day for two months, the concentration levels will be stabilizing and will not continue to Increase beyond the "normal" limit, That corresponds (according to the American Endocrine Society) to 40-100 nanograms per milliliter (or ng/ml). Some Adults with low rate of body fat or that are underweight may exceed this limit when taking 10,000 IU, but they will not reach toxic levels.

CONCLUSION: if the supplementation of vitamin D is interrupted, circulating levels will return to the previous levels the individual had before supplementation began. In other words, who had a vitamin D deficiency will be deficient again in an average period of two months."

Dr. Cicero Galli Coimbra
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Re: Messages From Dr. Cícero Coimbra

Post by AntonioBR »

Is it possible for the immune system to 'forget' an autoimmune disease?

Is it possible for the immune system to 'forget' an autoimmune disease? Is it possible to stop taking high doses of vitamin D? Here is Dr. Coimbra's answer:

" If you compare an autoimmune disease with a vaccine - the first autoimmune disease flare, the first sign of an immune attack against the body itself can be compared to a vaccine, - it is as if your body has been vaccinated (in the case of multiple sclerosis) against the myelin sheath. Very well, compare this vaccine with one that you have to take because you need to travel to a certain region where there is a certain endemic disease, a disease that does not exist where you live.

You take the shot, you go to that region and you stay there for 2 months, then you return to the place where you live. Imagine then that 5 years have passed, and after 5 years you have to return to that region. You look at your vaccination card and you notice that the vaccine lost its validity; you need to take a boost of that vaccine to be able to travel.

Very well, if you think of the wrong vaccine, which would be the first attack of the immune system against the body itself (which considers the myelin sheath as an enemy, going on to attack it), the moment when you went through a new relapse of the disease, maybe because you had an emotional stress, that relapse works as if it were a boost of the vaccine. The more relapses you have, the more vaccine boosters you're taking, the more entrenched in the immune system's memory the idea that the myelin sheath is an enemy.

Imagine that you start taking high doses of vitamin D, then those high doses of vitamin D selectively block the program of activities that your immune system uses to attack the body itself, but potentiates the programs that the immune system executes to destroy viruses, bacteria, microorganisms in general. Only that wrong program is blocked.

What happens? The immune system stops having the boosts of the wrong vaccine, which are the relapses of multiple sclerosis, the exacerbation of autoimmune diseases in general. Then it is possible that over the years, as time goes by, your immune system is forgetting the message of the vaccine, that is, that wrong vaccination is losing its validity, and after a few years (years or decades) you might be able to lower the dose of vitamin D to that which everyone should take - 10,000 or 20,000 IU, which does not require a restricted diet.

You do not have the disease anymore because your immune system forgot that wrong message, that incorrect vaccination. That, theoretically, is possible and is our expectation. "

Cícero Galli Coimbra, neurologist, Ph.D.
Director of the Laboratory of Neuropathology & Neuroprotection of UNIFESP (Federal University of São Paulo); also Associate Professor in the same institution.
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Re: Messages From Dr. Cícero Coimbra

Post by AntonioBR »

What is known about the conventional treatments of autoimmune diseases?

Dr. Coimbra - Conventional treatments use immunosuppressive drugs, substances produced by the pharmaceutical industry that are not natural in our body and that suppress the activity of the immune system as a whole, inclusive of the normal programs that the system needs to keep active in protecting us against infections of viruses and bacteria and other microorganisms.

The main side effect is to leave the person defenseless against opportunistic infections. This is not the case with vitamin D. Vitamin D is even used as a supplemental treatment for people with tuberculosis, because vitamin D deficiency causes tuberculosis to progress. Vitamin D is not an immunosuppressant, it stimulates and potentiates the immunological system.''

Cícero Galli Coimbra, neurologist, Ph.D.
Director of the Laboratory of Neuropathology & Neuroprotection of UNIFESP (Federal University of São Paulo); also Associate Professor in the same institution.

Via: Newspaper "O Povo". Brazil, 08/13/18.
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Re: Messages From Dr. Cícero Coimbra

Post by roma »

Good day. Can I be treated with high doses of vitamin D but not drink magnesium? Any form of magnesium causes muscle weakness
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Re: Messages From Dr. Cícero Coimbra

Post by NHE »

Hi Roma,
roma wrote: Mon May 24, 2021 10:17 pm Good day. Can I be treated with high doses of vitamin D but not drink magnesium? Any form of magnesium causes muscle weakness
High dose vitamin D3 will deplete magnesium resulting in increased muscle spasticity. What form of magnesium supplement did you try that gave you muscle weakness? How much were you taking?
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Re: Messages From Dr. Cícero Coimbra

Post by roma »

Good afternoon. I drink this kind of magnesium. 100% chelated magnesium with Albion trace elements, 100 mg - from 5 tablets fatigue. magnesium glycinate, 400 mg - from 3 tablets fatigue. Magnesium citrate is also tired. I have been on the protocol for one year and 4 months now and it only got worse. Before the protocol, I walked a little, now almost none. I have been ill for 15 years, maybe more. First group of disability
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Re: Messages From Dr. Cícero Coimbra

Post by roma »

Добрый день. Я один год и 4 месяца и протокол мне не помогает только стало хуже. Почему?
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Re: Messages From Dr. Cícero Coimbra

Post by NHE »

roma wrote: Mon May 31, 2021 2:44 am Добрый день. Я один год и 4 месяца и протокол мне не помогает только стало хуже. Почему?
From Google Translate...
  • "Good day. I am one year and 4 months [on the protocol] and the protocol does not help me, it just got worse. Why?"
Although many people have used the Coimbra Protocol, I believe that it's still experimental and has yet to be studied in a placebo controlled double blind trial.
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