Very concerned.. Could this be MS?

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Very concerned.. Could this be MS?

Post by Scaredmama »

Hello all,
I’m a 29yr old mama of a 2yr old and would appreciate any insight and/or advice as to the likelihood that my recent symptoms point to MS. I’m getting mixed messages regarding exercise/exertion triggering MS relapse, including my doc who says it’s not very likely?

I have a brain MRI scheduled on the 21st, but in the meantime I’m experiencing new and changing symptoms that have left me with anxiety and fear of the possibility of MS.

It all started about 2 months ago when I was pruning a tree with hedge shears, when suddenly both arms felt weak. Then all these other symptoms came within the next few weeks starting with a numb right arm then moved to my left arm down to my pinky/ring fingers on both arms. I thought it might be a pinched nerve since only the ulnar side of my arms were affected, but EMG was normal.

And to make things more scary, my left leg went numb too. Although, it feels like the sensation is coming from the back of the leg starting at the low back/butt and going down to the bottom of my foot/toes, similar to sciatica but without the pain. It seems to be relieved with stretching or massage. Can MS present like sciatica in the back of the leg?

I’m also concerned about the possibility of having Lhermitte’s sign. I do feel a discomfort in my back when flexing my neck that feels like a pulling/tightening in my upper mid back, but not so much a shock feeling?

I also noticed a new symptom today on the left side of my torso. The sensation of clothing rubbing against that area feels different than the other side, almost numb? And it feels tender when pressing on the lower intercostal rib with a constant dull discomfort on my left side. Could this be MS hug?

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated🙏🏼
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Re: Very concerned.. Could this be MS?

Post by Scott1 »

From what you have said, it is difficult to say what is causing your discomfort. It might be worthwhile having the MRI cover your spine as well as your brain. If your symptoms are caused by an impingement then you won't see that on a scan of your brain.
To answer your questions-
"Can MS present like sciatica in the back of the leg? " Yes, but I would check for Periformis syndrome or something like it before concluding it's MS.
"I’m also concerned about the possibility of having L'hermitte’s sign." I don't think you have described it.
"Could this be MS hug?" Probably not but it's not impossible.
If I were you, I'd see if a remedial masseur can check for tightness and relieve it. The MRI will give you something more definitive about whether there is demyelination at work. Even if there is, it won't necessarily mean MS.
Otherwise, would you describe yourself as fit and well?

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Re: Very concerned.. Could this be MS?

Post by Scaredmama »

I appreciate your response, Scott. I did have an EMG to rule out any pinched nerve or impingement, and that was normal. So that’s why my doc is now considering something central/brain.

I did try some Piriformis stretches to relieve my leg numbness and I have felt some relief since, so I’m not sure if MS symptoms could be relieved in the same way?

The onset of my symptoms started suddenly after yard work. I’ve read that pseudo-flares work in this pattern due to heat or exercise etc but then go away after a short period of time. My symptoms have lasted 2 months, more similar to a relapse, which is usually caused by stress or other factors, not right after exercise, if I’m understanding correctly?

Again, I appreciate your time and thoughts on this🙏🏼
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Re: Very concerned.. Could this be MS?

Post by Scott1 »

Your MRI is not far away. I'd wait to see what that shows. What you have described could be many things, not necessarily something to do with MS. If it shows nothing abnormal (and that rules out MS), I would still be asking what is going on.
From what you have described so far, I wouldn't be jumping to any conclusion.
It would be interesting to hear if something is noted.
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Re: Very concerned.. Could this be MS?

Post by NHE »

Welcome to ThiIsMS Scaredmama,
A diagnosis of MS is a diagnosis of elimination. That is, ruling out other conditions which can cause the same symptoms. What other tests have you had done?

A B12 deficiency can cause many of the symptoms that you've mentioned including lesions seen on MRI and should be tested. A complete B12 analysis includes tests for homocysteine, methylmalonic acid and red blood cell folate in addition to B12. I would not accept an MS diagnosis without getting these tests done to rule out a B12 deficiency. You may be interested in reading the following topic for more information. ... 24857.html

Note that it's important to realize that many laboratory ranges for B12 have lower end values tagged as normal, but which actually represent a deficiency. You really want serum B12 to be between 500-1000 pg/mL. Sometimes the laboratory ranges can drop as low as 180 pg/mL. This is nonsense bordering on malpractice.
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Re: Very concerned.. Could this be MS?

Post by Scaredmama »

I have had bloodwork done, which all came back within normal range. B12 is 769. So being that there are no underlying vitamin deficiencies or pinched nerves, it all leaves me with more anxiety and fear of MS, being the only last option it seems.
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Re: Very concerned.. Could this be MS?

Post by NHE »

Scaredmama wrote: Tue Jul 20, 2021 2:18 pm I have had bloodwork done, which all came back within normal range. B12 is 769. So being that there are no underlying vitamin deficiencies or pinched nerves, it all leaves me with more anxiety and fear of MS, being the only last option it seems.
Did they check folate and homocysteine?
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Re: Very concerned.. Could this be MS?

Post by Scaredmama »

Yes, folate is normal at >19.9.
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Re: Very concerned.. Could this be MS?

Post by NHE »

Do you take any supplements? If so, which ones and dosages?
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Re: Very concerned.. Could this be MS?

Post by Scaredmama »

Yes, I take Raw Iron 22mg and Vit D 5000IU. Also, a multivitamin with Vit A, B12, Folate, etc.
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Re: Very concerned.. Could this be MS?

Post by NHE »

Hi Scaredmama,
Scaredmama wrote: Wed Jul 21, 2021 5:16 am Yes, I take Raw Iron 22mg and Vit D 5000IU. Also, a multivitamin with Vit A, B12, Folate, etc.
That amount of vitamin D3 can cause magnesium depletion over time. This can lead to painful muscle cramping and spasticity. Your multivitamin may have magnesium in it in the form magnesium oxide. However, that form isn't absorbed well and tends to function as a GI tract irritant leading to a laxative effect at higher doses. You may wish to try a more absorbable form such as magnesium glycinate which is magnesium combined with an amino acid.

In addition, does your multi contain folic acid or methylfolate? Folic acid is an inexpensive synthetic version of folate which is not readily utilized by our bodies. Dietary folate is converted to methylfolate which is then used to regenerate B12. Folic acid inhibits this process. Methylfolate is more bioavailable to the body.
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Re: Very concerned.. Could this be MS?

Post by Scaredmama »

Hello all,
I received results from my brain MRI which stated Normal examination, No evidence of demyelinating disease. Does this rule out MS?
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Re: Very concerned.. Could this be MS?

Post by NHE »

Scaredmama wrote: Thu Jul 22, 2021 2:53 amI received results from my brain MRI which stated Normal examination, No evidence of demyelinating disease. Does this rule out MS?
It's a good step in that direction. However, a typical MS MRI includes both the brain and the cervical spinal cord. If your MRI just included the brain, then it leaves open the possibility that there could be lesions on the spinal cord.
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Re: Very concerned.. Could this be MS?

Post by Scaredmama »

I was told by my doctor and many others that a brain MRI rules out MS, with a small percentage chance of spinal cord lesions only. This leaves me with continued anxiety and no reassurance until I have a spinal MRI. I was hoping this brain MRI would be sufficient to give me peace of mind, but I seem to have been misinformed.
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Re: Very concerned.. Could this be MS?

Post by NHE »

Scaredmama wrote: Thu Jul 22, 2021 5:32 am I was told by my doctor and many others that a brain MRI rules out MS, with a small percentage chance of spinal cord lesions only.
This is correct. There has been some discussion on the forum of a few members being diagnosed with only spinal cord lesions.
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