Allergy to Pennicillin and .....

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Allergy to Pennicillin and .....

Post by gto_lady04 »

I am very interested in this abx approach to MS, but I need some questions answered.

First I have an anaphylactic reaction to pennicillin, so I cannot take it ever again. So how can I take this treatment, are there drugs that will work that are not akin to pennicillin???

And every time I take vitamins they put right to sleep, almost every vitamin I have ever taken has done this to me. It must be something in the genes of my family, I don't know just hypothesizing.

This vitamin thing happens to my brother, my son, and me. My son lost 2 weeks of his senior year because of this, the doc even tested for mono and found nothing. He could not get his head off the pillow, and as soon as I realized that he had just started vitamins I made him stop and he was better within 2 days.

Same type reaction with me and my brother. So this is not a fluke.

Can someone help with these issues for the CPn protocol??

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Post by SarahLonglands »

Hello Monica,

Well, to start with, neither doxycycline, which is a tetracycline or azithromycin which is a macrolide are related to penicillin. Neither is metronidizole, or flagyl as it is commonly known. Amoxicillin is not necessary to the treatment because N-acetyl cysteine does the same job of breaking open the elementary bodies, without even being an antibiotic. It is also very protective of the liver and is now recommended in all the regimes.

As far as vitamins putting you to sleep, why not take most of them last thing at night or near enough last thing at night to digest them? Or take some earlier with Alcar (l-acetyl carnitine) which helps greatly with fatigue and so should stop you falling asleep. I looked up your previous postings and noted that you are on LDN, which quite a few people on abx are as well. I'm not, but there is no reason why you should not take both.

You can, of course, look up CPn Help where you can find out much more information, both from doctors and patients.

An Itinerary in Light and Shadow Completed Dr Charles Stratton / Dr David Wheldon abx regime for aggressive secondary progressive MS in June 2007, after four years. Still improving with no relapses since starting. Can't run but can paint all day.
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Post by gto_lady04 »

Thanks Sarah,

I'm no doc so I wanted to ask about the pennicillin reaction before even talking to the doc. I have no intention of stopping the LDN. I know that is has made my life wonderful again.

I also believe that it is just another agent that is helping to fight the virus that is waging war in my head!! :P

And the vitamin thing, maybe I need to make myself a little clearer. The use of vitamins for me in the past has been just like for my son. They become debilitaitng, I do not mean that lightly!!! I can sleep for days on end when taking vitamins and cannot raise my head from the pillow. It is not pleasant.

When I was pregnant my doc told me to stop taking the prenatnal vitamins because it was obvious that they were causing me to be way to tired!!!!

I really would like to find out why they do this to me but I have no idea where to even begin to look for the answer.

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Post by SarahLonglands »

Right, I understand a bit more now. No vitamin is absolutely compulsory if you can't take it, but they do help. The abx are the important part. You might try just one n-acetyl cysteine, which isn't a vitamin per se. If that doesn't knock you out, try two a day. They are probably the most beneficial adjunct to start with. I'll have a talk with David to see if he has any ides as to why this should be.

Sarah :)
An Itinerary in Light and Shadow Completed Dr Charles Stratton / Dr David Wheldon abx regime for aggressive secondary progressive MS in June 2007, after four years. Still improving with no relapses since starting. Can't run but can paint all day.
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Post by gto_lady04 »

As I said the vitamin thing happens to my brother, my son(age23), and myself.

Another tidbit of information about us – I have MS (dx Oct 2000) and my brother had Lymes Disease (I beleive about 10 years ago) he was treated and is now fine. Docs are watching my son, he had colonoscopy when he was 16(1998, so we did not no of my MS at the time, but I had it then just didn't know it), they thought he might have Crohn’s. Negative for Crohn’s, and left it at IBS, he has not had any really serious trouble with this for a couple of years. Then he had a serious bout of abdominal pain (he was in absolute agony) that put him in the hospital when he was 19. Thought it was appendix, but NO, they couldn’t explain it, the pain just stopped as suddenly as it started and that was about 4 years ago.

So as I say the doc's are watching his history (but my son does not know this, it is between me and the doc). And if the abx work for me I will probably get him tested to see what we find for him, before he gets into anymore health issues.

The interesting part of this to me is the three of us have the same reaction to vitamins. But know that my brother has been treated for Lyme's I'm not sure he still reacts to vitamins in the same manner, I'll have to ask him.

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One more question

Post by gto_lady04 »

I was reading some of the articles over at CPn and it made me start thinking about something else that I have known about my MS.

I have had un-dx MS for a very long time, probably since pre-teen years, this is just from looking back at my history of different illnesses, most were unexplainable. They never made since until I was dx with MS.

Now back to the point and the question. Just before the episode of illness that led to my MS dx, I had the Hepatitis B vaccine series. I do not think that the vaccines gave me MS, but I do believe that it brought it to the forefront. Within months or weeks of the first vaccine I started to get so tired that I had to start taking naps everyday, and I have never had to do that before. I was a very energetic person, hyper in fact.

So here is the question or thought that keeps popping into my head --- Isn't Hep B a live vaccine and wouldn't CPn be sent into some kind motion or would it be fighting to complete with Hep B, or wouldn't having the 2 viruses in my brain cause some system malfunction???

I don't know---I just truly believe there is some kind of bad :evil: relationship there between the two of them!!!

Thanks for letting me ramble! :?

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Post by SarahLonglands »

Hello Monica,

This is all very interesting, especially about your son. I think the best thing is for you to write all this down and send it to David, whose address you can find at the bottom of the first page of his web site: He will have some very interesting stuff to tell you. Now, he is taking next week off, to work on some papers, so if you can, try to make sure he gets it by about 3.00 Friday, GMT, we being five hours ahead of East Coast time. If you can't manage that, click on the email button at the bottom of one of my postings and I will forward it to him at home.

Take care,

Sarah :)
An Itinerary in Light and Shadow Completed Dr Charles Stratton / Dr David Wheldon abx regime for aggressive secondary progressive MS in June 2007, after four years. Still improving with no relapses since starting. Can't run but can paint all day.
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Post by gto_lady04 »

Thanks Sarah,

I have done just as you asked, I am anxious to hear what he thinks of this conglomeration of my family and our trials and tribulations, so to speak.

Thanks again,

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