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Post by BlackBMW »

Hi All,

This is my first post as I just joined the Forum Today.

I started losing feeling in my feet (replaced by numbness) exactly 1 year ago. Since then the Numbness has adveanced up my ankles, up my legs and up to my waist. I now have a feeling of a band around my waist all the time, my legs are numb but not totally w/o feeling and my feet feel like my toes are twisting under when I walk. I went in for laser treatment on my feet, to no avail. Then I went in and had blood tests for diabetes, Lyme disease, and some other panels which were negative. I also passed a Electronic Nerve Stimulation test, twice.

I had MRIs of my Brain, Spine, and Thorasic, which did show a demylinization of my spinal cord in the T12 area, as well as some imflamation, if that makes any sense.

I had a Lumbar puncture about 3 months ago, which came out normal, although I did experience Terrible Headaches about three days later and had to go to ER for a Blood Patch.

Neurologist referred me to an MS Specialist, and that specialist says Its probably not MS. He had me get a VIT D test which was critically low at 18...I think. I am now taking Vit D to get that back up.

Anyways, now I am getting headaches again and ear ringing, particularly at night to the point that I cant sleep, thius the long winded post at 100AM.

MS Specialist says it's probably not MS, I wonder if you disagree?

Thanks for letting me explain, and Id be glad to post my MRIs if it would help.

Happy New Year.

Greg (BlackBMW)
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Post by LoveActually »

Hi Greg,

Welcome to the board although I'm sorry your journey has brought you here. I can't really say for sure if what you're experiencing is MS as I am no doctor and have limited experience with MS myself.

I also have ringing in my ears and I have been told that in my case, it's not related to MS. My ringing is 24-7 but it's much more annoying at night when all is quiet; it seems to be much louder but probably isn't. I'm wondering if you actually have ringing in your ears all the time but you only notice it at night. If you're able to fall asleep with music on (or maybe even the TV), this may help drown out the ringing.

My doctor diagnosed me with Tinnitus but I still have excellent hearing despite the ringing. He asked me "when you were younger did you turn your music up real loud in your car?" I just laughed and said, "I still do that now." He said, "there's your reason".

Sorry I couldn't be more help but I wish you luck. It's a frustrating and often times long diagnosis process.
October 29, 2009 - Dx with RRMS
June 22, 2010 - Dx's changed to Devic's (NMO)
January 4, 2011 - Dx w/Syringomyelia T4-T9, Migraines, and Possible MS (again - long story)
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