I'm not sure, but it sounds like MS

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I'm not sure, but it sounds like MS

Post by Trina »

On Jan. 6 2011, I went to the ER with extreme feelings of weakness, fatigue and loss of balance. Blood and urine samples were taken. In the end, I was diagnosed with high blood pressure. I was not confident that I was diagnosed correctly, but all I had to go on was her diagnoses. She placed me on high blood pressure meds, which is when I started to notice many other symptoms. Since starting meds (I only took them for 13 days), I have been experiencing a blurriness in my right eye that has persisted. I also experience constant feelings of weakness, fatigue and sleepiness. I constantly feel lightheaded but when my head is held back, the dizziness gets worse and my head begins to feel heavy. I experience constant muscle tightness. My left leg and foot tingles and gets numb for no obvious reason. I occasionally have an electrical-like charge that shoots down my spine and sometimes have muscle spasms in my left leg. I have been experiencing some of these symptoms for quite some time whiles others are new. I am only 31 years of age, so there must be reason for all of this. Could this be MS?[/b]
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Good be...????

Post by ppicklee »

First of all, Welcome Trina! Way to start off -- getting right in there posting and joining. Good for you!
The things you described could be "MS", but you would have thought they would have checked something like that. I am puzzled as well. Try and find a good neuro and perhaps maybe he is CCSVI literate. Do not limit your self to having MS. Research. Ask questions and maybe even write those down.
Keep posting here and let us know how you are doing. Again, WELCOME
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Thank you : )

Post by Trina »

Thank you for your comments and suggestions. And thanks for the welcome.
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Post by chrishasms »

God don't suggest CCSVI right away. Do you have any idea how many people don't get relief and spend 10k for nothing.

Horrible advice.

Go to your GP. They will need to write you a referral in most cases to a Neuro. They can also be proactive and order you an MRI so you have one already done and with you when you see the Neuro. You can call every neuro in your provider book but you will end up on H like did, with a neuro who didn't know much about MS, and totally told the wrong things medically. Tell your GP you think you have MS and explain it and they can help you.

Then when you are doing something they suggest you do, you can then look into treatments like CCSVI, Revimmune, or something else.

Plenty of people get steroids once, go on one of the shots, and never have an issue again.

Then again I hope you do not have MS more than anything.

Now back into the wood work I go. Sometimes I see stuff that just drives me crazy.
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Could be...???

Post by ppicklee »

Great advice Char. The operative word I used was "literate" and that is exactly what I meant. What I was advocating most is researching. Trina is very smart. Before I go anywhere (like the doctor as an example) I make sure and write things down that I want to ask. Nothing wrong with that. Maybe Trina wants to ask other questions as well as mention this ER visit. Maybe more than MS. Could be a plethora of other things. I am not advocating anything. Not steroids not CCSVI not anything and probably you aren't either. Like I said, I'm sure Trina is very smart and even smart people can get flustered now and again. Trina if you need help getting around this site, just ask.
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Post by Trina »

Thanks everyone for your comments. : ) Insurance is an issue right, but as soon as I get that squared away, I will definitely make an appointment to see a GP and then a Neuro. When you have no way of seeing a physician, you become desperate for answers. Again, thank you.
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