Just starting

A board to discuss the Multiple Sclerosis modifying drug Avonex
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Just starting

Post by jenf »

But I chose Avonex for the convenience. I'm hoping the side effects don't outweigh the benefits. I started with Copaxone, but the daily injections coupled with the injection site reactions were enough to decide to stop after only 3 months.

So today was my fist dose... The titration. I guess we'll see how my body handles it. I've read that the most common are flu-like symptoms and depression. I'm sure they're more, but those are enough if you ask me!

RRMS - dx 06/09
LDN - 4.5mg 06/09-present
Copaxone - 06/10-09/10
Avonex - 06/12-06/12

Late Stage Lyme - 12/10
Too many meds to list!!

Remember, today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday..
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Re: Just starting

Post by emme »

At least you are titrating. When I started, there was much confusion with prescription and the pharmacy. I started on the full dose. It was pretty rough. I asked my doctor about Copaxone, but he didn't think it was best for me. I wasn't worried about injecting. Whether daily sub q or weekly IM, it wasn't of concern. I have a son who is Type 1 diabetic--he takes four shots a day not to mention the finger pricks. I figured once a day was no biggie. I have been on Avonex three years. The sides effects are some better than they were in the beginning, but they are not gone. I hope it works for you. My sweet husband often reminds me to look at the big picture. I try--I have grandchildren that I want to be able to play with!!!
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Re: Just starting

Post by NHE »

Hi Jen,
Welcome to ThisIsMS. If you get bad side effects with Avonex, try taking some ibuprofen. I found that 400 mg at the time of my shot followed by another 400 mg dose about 4 - 6 hours later was effective in reducing the side effects.

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Re: Just starting

Post by jenf »

Thank you for the suggestions. I did try the ibuprofin and drank lost of water. That definitely helped witht the flu-lile symptoms. The avonex didn't last long. I made it through two titrations before I had my first inclination of depression creeping in. That was enough for me to through in the towel. I have a strong family history of medicinally induced depression and having been there before, I have NO desire to go back there! I'll take my chances until something safer comes around! So far, so good!

RRMS - dx 06/09
LDN - 4.5mg 06/09-present
Copaxone - 06/10-09/10
Avonex - 06/12-06/12

Late Stage Lyme - 12/10
Too many meds to list!!

Remember, today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday..
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