Using Crowdfunding to Raise Money for MS Clinical Trial

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Using Crowdfunding to Raise Money for MS Clinical Trial

Post by vw35qrt »

Pledge drive underway on crowdfunding website to raise money for MS clinical trial from Tisch MS Center. Hope more donors sign up. Link below.

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Re: Using Crowdfunding to Raise Money for MS Clinical Trial

Post by David1949 »

This project is only $52,000 short of their $300,000 goal. There are 300,000 people with MS in this country. If each of us chipped in $0.20 we would cover the shortfall. Think how much we spend on other MS treatments; The CRAB drugs cost about $20,000 to $40000 per year per patient and they don't even offer a hope of a cure. Venoplasty for CCSVI costs $10,000 out of pocket and it is only helpful for about 1/3 of the people who get it. Surely we can get together enough money to fund this research which really does offer the hope of correcting the damage done by MS. Admittedly this is only a hope of a cure, but a hope is the best we have. I am going to match my previous donation again today. I hope you'll consider doing the same. There are only 10 days left. Lets push this over the top.
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Re: Using Crowdfunding to Raise Money for MS Clinical Trial

Post by want2bike »

There is already hope for the cure with Dr. Bergman's treatment. You do not have to spend much money if you listen to Dr. Bergman. There are many healers who tell us how to treat disease and they are not approved by the FDA. Why would anyone want to give money to a study done by the FDA. These are the people responsible for MS and all the other illness we see today because they have poisoned our environment. The only reason to listen to them is if you never want to get better. It is their job to keep you sick. That is how they make their money. Do you really think giving them more money is the answer? NO.

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Re: Using Crowdfunding to Raise Money for MS Clinical Trial

Post by HarryZ »

Why would anyone want to give money to a study done by the FDA. These are the people responsible for MS and all the other illness we see today because they have poisoned our environment. The only reason to listen to them is if you never want to get better. It is their job to keep you sick.
Despite all the comments by several readers and moderators I can't believe you continue to make statements like this. The FDA does not conduct studies....they approve them if the proper conditions are met and safety for the patient is demonstrated by those wanting to do the trial. You continue to make ludicrous comments and saying the FDA or anyone is responsible for MS brings ignorance and stupidity to a whole new level. I sure hope the moderators here look at your comments and respond accordingly. Your comments are a disgrace to this board!
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Re: Using Crowdfunding to Raise Money for MS Clinical Trial

Post by Kronk »

want2bike wrote:There is already hope for the cure with Dr. Bergman's treatment. (FDA) These are the people responsible for MS and all the other illness we see today because they have poisoned our environment. The only reason to listen to them is if you never want to get better. It is their job to keep you sick. That is how they make their money. Do you really think giving them more money is the answer? NO.
WOW... just wow... HarryZs comments are accurate and the frustration behind them is understandable... it really is sad to see someone so paranoid and consumed by conspiracy theories that you shun the entire medical establishment and throw all your hope to a chiropractor. Why you have such faith in this guy with no proven theories and no medical license is more than odd. But being that you have stated you do not have MS you have nothing to lose.

I don't want to attack, I honestly believe you may have a diminished mental capacity. But being that you cant offer any fact to back up your stories other than to "trust you" your track record is suspect. You don't have MS, yet spend a great deal of time sharing theories of how the gov't is poisoning us with disguised jets to spray chemtrails, your town lies to you about flouride, GMOs kill, medicine kills, vaccines kill, doctors and dentists are in a global conspiracy to keep us sick, etc. etc. Do you focus on pwMS because you think you are more likely to find comrades in your crusade? Its unfortunate, I wish you the best but i think your motives for posting on this site are wrong, and you should post elsewhere.

In any case I think the idea of funding trials through private funding is genius. It removes much of the potential conflict of interest inherent with funding from big companies and the company should be accountable to its investors, pwMS. I really hope this sets a benchmark for future research.
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Re: Using Crowdfunding to Raise Money for MS Clinical Trial

Post by want2bike »

We all should have the right to all the information. If you want to believe dumping a known poison fluoride which is a hazardous waste of the chemical industry in the water is good that is your choice. If you choose not to believe doctors and their medicine which is the third leading cause of death that is your choice. If you choose to believe shooting mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, antifreeze and a various assortment of foreign DNA into the blood stream is healthy that is your choice. If you choose to believe putting a mercury (poison) in your mouth is a good thing that is your choice. You will be doing exactly what the FDA has advised you to do. Some of us believe keeping poisons out of our bodies is the path to good health. I have a very good record for healing myself. All the symptoms I had were those of MS. The doctors couldn't figure it out. They told me it was old age and I should learn to live with it. They were wrong just like the FDA is wrong when they allow their friends to poison our earth. Their science doesn't work. If it did work we wouldn't have all the sick people. If you continue to follow their advise you will never get well.
Let Dr. Glidden explain it.

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Re: Using Crowdfunding to Raise Money for MS Clinical Trial

Post by NHE »

want2bike wrote:Some of us believe keeping poisons out of our bodies is the path to good health. I have a very good record for healing myself.
Then why do you eat apricot pits which are known to release cyanide?
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Re: Using Crowdfunding to Raise Money for MS Clinical Trial

Post by tzootsi »

Bergman is a chiropractor with some very good advice - vitamin D, good foods,etc, but I'm leary of anyone hawking '$20 specials' at his practice. Many of the things he preaches certainly can help MS, but I wouldn't say he has a cure. On the other hand the Tisch study seems to be very promising, and it's NOT being funded by 'big pharma' or any other suspect group.
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Re: Using Crowdfunding to Raise Money for MS Clinical Trial

Post by want2bike »

I eat apricot seeds to prevent cancer. The cyanide is released with contact with the cancer cells. It is not released by healthy cells. It is selective to the cancer cells. I can tell you from my own experience I have never seen any side effects to eating these seeds. My mother and sister were both diagnose with cancer and refused the conventional treatment. They both eat apricot seeds and neither have a problem with cancer anymore. This a solution to cancer which nature has given us. The FDA tells you that chemo, radiation and surgery is the only way but that is not real science. We get better when we get the real science and practice the things which make us healthy. ... anide.html#

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Re: Using Crowdfunding to Raise Money for MS Clinical Trial

Post by want2bike »

You do not have to go to Dr. Bergman to follow his advice. The information he gives is so you can get your health back. Do you really think if this study show a cure the FDA and drug companies will let us have it? There is too much money involved in MS for them to ever let a cure happen. This is a for profit industry and they are not going to destroy the business model. Sending these people money for a study is a joke. People been sending these jokers money for years hoping for a cure. If you do not want to call Dr. Bergman's treatment a cure that is OK. Follow his advise and you will get better. When all the bad symptoms go away I choose to call it a cure.
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Re: Using Crowdfunding to Raise Money for MS Clinical Trial

Post by Kronk »

want2bike wrote:Sending these people money for a study is a joke. People been sending these jokers money for years hoping for a cure.
Once again lumping everyone with medical training into the same basket and branding them as jokers, criminals, etc. If people can't see your obvious paranoia then its their own fault.

Eating and living healthy is important, but your view of the human body being perfect and just needing the right food is incorrect. Every body is different, some are born without necessary enzymes, such as in MSUD which cannot be healed with Meds or diet. Not all your opinons are wrong but the way you present them certainly is. Why must one choose between a healthy lifestyle and medicine? They can and do coexist which is why the worlds population is living longer and healthier than ever in history. ... id/525414/
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Re: Using Crowdfunding to Raise Money for MS Clinical Trial

Post by DrGeoff »

want2bike wrote:
If you do not want to call Dr. Bergman's treatment a cure that is OK. Follow his advise and you will get better. When all the bad symptoms go away I choose to call it a cure.
Now I seem to recall that you posted that all your symptoms went away when you had all your mercury-amalgam fillings removed.
If that fixed your health problem, then I suppose you could consider it a cure.
Following a diet from a "Buy my diet and cure your self from [insert medical condition here]" type advertiser is not a cure if it does not relieve your symptoms and remove all trace of a previous medical condition. So, for MS, you would have to remove all symptoms AND replace all the missing myelin. But then, if you did not/do not have MS, this could not apply to you.

As a general observation, I believe that the reason so many of the people who advocate the so-called cures are opposed to any formal trial is simple. You can test - unblinded, single-blinded or double blinded trials - a whole lot of things. It does not have to be stem-cell treatment, but it can be just about any medication (beta-blockers up to DMTs), individual dietary supplements, some vision corrective lenses, and much more. You need to be able to measure a starting condition and finishing condition, and design a suitable trial/test/experiment. The problem with the so-called cures is that they are, by their nature, not amenable to any formal trial, as there are usually too many potentially confounding variables to control for. Knowing this, the advocate of the so-called cure will usually rubbish all trials - regardless of their funding - to distract attention from the problem with their own pet "cure".

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Re: Using Crowdfunding to Raise Money for MS Clinical Trial

Post by HarryZ »

Well Wanna....there are always 2 sides to every point of view so here is some info on the study of Laetrile, your beloved apricot seed cancer cure.
From the 1950s through the 1970s, Laetrile grew in popularity in the United States as an alternative treatment for cancer. For this reason, and despite the lack of scientific evidence that Laetrile was effective, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) studied it in 1978 through a retrospective case review (a study that looks back at cases from the past). The NCI sent letters to more than 400,000 doctors and other practitioners, asking them to submit positive results from cases involving Laetrile. While an estimated 75,000 people in the United States had taken Laetrile, only 93 "positive" cases were submitted, and in only 6 of those was there evidence of significant tumor shrinkage.

Despite this record of minimal response, a clinical trial in humans was conducted in 1981. It did not show any anti-cancer effect of Laetrile. This study of Laetrile on humans was performed between 1979 and 1981 at medical centers around the country. About 175 patients with different types of cancer were treated with a commonly used regimen of Laetrile plus metabolic therapy (see Metabolic Therapy). Published in 1982, it reported that one patient had major tumor shrinkage (a partial response) at first. Of the patients, 91% of their cancers had progressed (worsened) after 3 months, and median survival was less than 5 months. In all patients, their cancer grew within 8 months of starting treatment.

A 1991 NCI review of the evidence of Laetrile’s effectiveness stated that “scientific studies were conducted for more than 20 years, starting in the mid-1950s, looking for evidence of antitumor efficacy by Laetrile. In no instance was evidence found that treatment with Laetrile results in any benefit against tumors in animals.”

In contrast to the NCI findings, one of the leading proponents of Laetrile claims to have treated nearly 30,000 cancer patients in several studies of the drug with promising results. However, these results have not been reviewed or repeated by the scientific medical community. Available published information from credible sources does not support the reports of good results and cures from Laetrile treatment.
I know that your response to all of this information will be that they are all medical people so they must by liars, cheats and criminals. Your previous comments about medical treatments simply cannot and have not been proven and your only retribution is that everyone else are liars. If the proponents of Laetrile are so confident that there product is such a huge benefit to cancer patients, why haven't they scientifically proven this with their own trials? It's because they won't for fear of being branded, as you say, as cheats, liars and criminals. Nice try are in over your head and probably have some mental issues as well.
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Re: Using Crowdfunding to Raise Money for MS Clinical Trial

Post by want2bike »

In my story of healing I did not say all my symptoms went away when I had my amalgams removed. All my symptoms went away when I did a detoxification program given to me by Dr. Tom McGuire a mercury free dentist. Upon getting my health back I had to make the decision on whether to have the mercury in my mouth removed. I had the mercury removed because I didn't want to take a chance on getting sick again. A study in Calgary suggest that mercury is responsible for destroying myelin. Is it possible to damage a body beyond repair? Is it possible to have some incurable disease? Yes but the only chance you have is if you follow the correct information. My belief is that the body can heal itself if we eliminate the toxins and give it proper nutrition. If you choose to listen to the FDA and MD's that is your choice. They tell us diet has nothing to do with healing disease. Does it upset me that they are dumping poison in my water and poison in my food? YES. The real science shows they are wrong. Dr. Bergman give the real science of healing.

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Re: Using Crowdfunding to Raise Money for MS Clinical Trial

Post by want2bike »

You are right Harry. There are two sides to the argument. The FDA side and the real science side. G. Edward is an author who has accumulate the facts on laetrile and you choose not to believe him. If you want to continue to believe the FDA that is your choice.

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