MD vs DO

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Re: MD vs DO

Post by HarryZ »

THX1138 wrote:I'm sure there are some things we can agree and work to help each other on here and the thread is MD vs DO.
I couldn't agree with you more THX. It's too bad some people can't post opinions without having to resort to bashing and trashing the medical system by accusing them of being liars,killing people and only being interested in making money at their patients' expense. I will not sit idly by and ignore those kind of comments to be stated without challenge. They tarnish the reputation of TIMS.
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Re: MD vs DO

Post by lyndacarol »

THX1138 wrote:HarryZ wrote :
Like I have said many times, the medical profession is like most others in that you have your good ones that continually learn and have an open mind and then you have your not so good ones who place themselves on a pedestal, are not open to suggestions and can be arrogant....

I think the bottom line to all this D.O. vs M.D. talk is:
1) There are HUGE differences in doctors.
2) Be aware that D.O vs M.D. may have significant bearing on the healing ability of a doctor, but it all depends on the particular doctor.

And the bottom line to all this is:
Find a great doctor that helps you to heal and get better.
I agree with THX1138 100%!!! "FIND A GREAT DOCTOR…" And I believe we are here to "help each other."

This debate of M.D. vs D.O. has already been done elsewhere:

Posted by DrGeoff in General Discussion forum, "Detox diet" thread, 8/5/2014

Forbes article, "Osteopaths Versus Doctors" by Steven Salzburg, published 10/27/2010: ... s-doctors/

Forbes article, "Second Thoughts on Osteopathic Medicine" by Steven Salzburg, published 10/29/2002: ... -medicine/

My previous post on osteopathic medical training ... suggesting that osteopathic physicians, on average, may not be as good as doctors with MD degrees–received a flood of negative comments. In retrospect, it was too harsh.

First of all, I want to make it clear that osteopaths are doctors. They have a different degree, but a D.O. degree and an M.D. degree require essentially the same training. More important, as some comments on my last post pointed out, osteopathic physicians get their post-medical school training (residency) at conventional hospitals and medical schools. This training is identical for both groups of doctors.
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Re: MD vs DO

Post by vesta »

Harry Z please stop "bashing and trashing" want2bike. "Bitter" "you need help" "fanaticism" what is the purpose of these personal insults? There was nothing to object to in his post about DO's, it was informative and I'm pleased to learn DO's practice in the US. And I hope they don't try to make the same mistakes as allopaths. I hope want2bike continues to post articles about alternative natural healing, I appreciate them even if you don't. What I don't appreciate are your gratuitous insults every time he posts something.
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Re: MD vs DO

Post by HarryZ »

vesta wrote:Harry Z please stop "bashing and trashing" want2bike. "Bitter" "you need help" "fanaticism" what is the purpose of these personal insults? There was nothing to object to in his post about DO's, it was informative and I'm pleased to learn DO's practice in the US. And I hope they don't try to make the same mistakes as allopaths. I hope want2bike continues to post articles about alternative natural healing, I appreciate them even if you don't. What I don't appreciate are your gratuitous insults every time he posts something.
I will be more than happy to stop challenging Wanna when he stops bashing and trashing people like doctors or employees of the FDA by calling them liars and criminals who want to kill us. There have been relatives of employees of the FDA who participate on TIMS and do you think that they appreciate Wanna saying that all employees of the FDA are criminals?!

If you think that it is ok for him to make comments like that on TIMS then that is your choice but it is NOT mine. I have no problem with Wanna or anyone else giving their opinions on what may help MS patients but when someone finds it necessary to constantly bring up the trashing and bashing of the groups I mentioned then there is something wrong with the writer, don't you think?!

You obviously have not read any of my posts over the past 10 years on TIMS because I have always been an advocate of alternative medicine for MS. My wife used an alternative therapy for about 7 years so I don't know where you get the idea that I don't appreciate alternative medicine.

And I repeat...if Wanna stops using the kind of trash-filled comments that he uses, he won't get one word of complaint from me. If he continues then so will I.
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Re: MD vs DO

Post by DougL »

harry please don't stop bashing wanna.

many people come here for advice and guidance and I am concerned that his spitefull attitude could lead others down a dark and dangerous path
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Re: MD vs DO

Post by HarryZ »

DougL wrote:harry please don't stop bashing wanna.

many people come here for advice and guidance and I am concerned that his spitefull attitude could lead others down a dark and dangerous path
Not to worry Doug...I have no plans to stop challenging Wanna if continues to use the trash talk that he has in almost every thread that he participates. And I agree...can you imagine what a first time reader would think if he reads comments that accuse docs as being liars who want to keep us sick, accuse all FDA employees as criminals and say all vaccines are poisons??!! Come to get advice and assistance about MS and you end up having to read that! There is no place for that kind of posting on TIMS and it only serves to degrade the board.
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Re: MD vs DO

Post by want2bike »

Yes I will continue to post information about how I feel is best to treat disease. I am sure people will continue to portray me as a quack but I am not posting for them. They are either members of the corrupt system which made me sick or people who do not want to change. Someday we all will have to answer for what we have done on this earth and I would like to think what I am posting may help someone. The FDA and AMA are responsible for most of the sickness and death we have in this world and I would not like to be a part of it. I will continue to tell people that they are responsible for their own health by what they are putting in their bodies. I will continue to tell people that doctor(MD) directed treatment is a leading cause of death in our country. They have no answer for the article in JAMA. Their answer is to attack me for posting it. We are becoming a nation full of sick people and it is not the stupid gene theory. It is MD directed treatment which is the only treatment approved by the FDA. They throw people in jail for treating a patient with nutrition. Once the people figure it out we will have very little need for MD. Yes the DO is a better choice if you need a doctor. Once you get the information and do the proper things you do not need any doctor. Your body is self healing.
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Re: MD vs DO

Post by HarryZ »

Yep, you sure have outlined your take on medicine, Wanna!! Judge, jury and executioner all in one. Must be satisfying to have all the answers and be smarter than all the scientists, researchers and doctors. You even go against what your favorite Dr. Mercola writes on his site when he recommends that everyone consult with their qualified professional for medical advice.

Just remember that I will be here to challenge you every time you attempt to spew your trash talk beyond giving opinions. You appear to be a very bitter person who is so caught up in accusing pretty much the entire medical profession for all the ills of the world. Fortunately the vast majority on TIMS see right through your antics and likely ignore whatever you post.
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Re: MD vs DO

Post by want2bike »

You know as well as I do Dr. Mercola has to say this to protect himself. They put these people in jail if possible. The trash you refer to is the real facts. Not the made up science given to us by the FDA. Yes, we can get well if we get the truth.
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Re: MD vs DO

Post by HarryZ »

want2bike wrote:You know as well as I do Dr. Mercola has to say this to protect himself. They put these people in jail if possible. The trash you refer to is the real facts. Not the made up science given to us by the FDA. Yes, we can get well if we get the truth.
Even Mercola has enough sense to use common sense as opposed to some people we know, right Wanna?
If you call doctors liars, criminals and wanting to kill and poison us real facts, then I really do feel sorry for your Wanna!

And don't you mean getting to "Wanna's truth" as only he sees it in order to get well. I'm but one example that totally destroys your myth and there are millions and millions more in my situation. You are grasping at straws and look very sad doing so in the process.
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Re: MD vs DO

Post by want2bike »

You have a misunderstanding of the MD's wanting to kill us. They do not want to kill us. The MD's are just doing what the AMA and FDA have trained them to do. These guy are in the pockets of the drug companies. There is no money in dead people and no money in healthy people. The money is made on sick people. They want to keep you alive on their drugs as long as they can. That is their business model. Unfortunately playing around with drugs is a dangerous thing. That is why they kill so many. Not because they want to kill people but that is the nature of drugs be it legal or illegal. Many of the drugs list death as a side effect. The doctors I have seen never explain the side effects. You have to read the paper work if you want to know the side effects. Have a feeling the doctor doesn't know the side effects of the drugs he prescribes and probably doesn't care. If they wanted healthy people they would explain the value of nutrition. The drug companies and the medical system would be putting themselves out of business if they allowed everyone to get healthy.

I remember when my doctor told me I would be on blood pressure medicine the rest of my life. I never ask him if I could stop I just did it. Never experienced any bad effects by not listening to his advice. I consider myself very healthy without following his advice. Try asking your doctor if he was wrong in prescribing the drug and see what he says. My girl friend doesn't like going to her doctor since she stop taking her cholesterol medicine. Her doctor expects her to follow his recommendation. There is no discussion between her and the doctor. He expects her to do what he say. If she dies because of the drug is he going to jail? We have to get the information and decide for our self whether we want the drug. Let Dr. Bergman explain it very well.

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Re: MD vs DO

Post by HarryZ »

want2bike wrote:You have a misunderstanding of the MD's wanting to kill us. They do not want to kill us.
OK, I see. That totally clears things up!

There is no money in dead people and no money in healthy people. The money is made on sick people.
Well that makes total sense. Gee, why didn't I think of that?
Unfortunately playing around with drugs is a dangerous thing. That is why they kill so many. Not because they want to kill people but that is the nature of drugs be it legal or illegal.
Ah, but of course. Perfectly clear.
Many of the drugs list death as a side effect. The doctors I have seen never explain the side effects. You have to read the paper work if you want to know the side effects. Have a feeling the doctor doesn't know the side effects of the drugs he prescribes and probably doesn't care. If they wanted healthy people they would explain the value of nutrition.
Well, there you go Wanna. You've got the medical profession all figured out. The world is now a better place.

I think what is more dangerous than all of the above is anyone who believes anything you say, Wanna!!!
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Re: MD vs DO

Post by Froggie »

Thank you, Harry Z for stating what I've wanted to for a long time! If I may interject, a neurologist said one time that even if we go into remission and don't have symptoms, it doesn't mean the disease just magically disappears. Run far away from anyone that says they can cure you! I personally was not impressed with the DO that I first saw for MS. Not that all MD's are great either nor are they all "in bed" with the drug companies. You have to have a good relationship with whomever you choose to see. I sorely miss the nurse practitioner who was my former neuro's right hand woman. She was tremendously knowledgeable and compassionate. As for nutrition, why not embrace it with modern medicine? If you're in the middle of an exacerbation or worsening symptoms, would you rather see a physician or eat a salad? Beats my two pair!
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Re: MD vs DO

Post by Kronk »

Froggie wrote:Thank you, Harry Z for stating what I've wanted to for a long time! ...As for nutrition, why not embrace it with modern medicine? If you're in the middle of an exacerbation or worsening symptoms, would you rather see a physician or eat a salad? Beats my two pair!
Well Put! Why do you have to be one one side of the fence or the other? Why not sample from both sides and find a balance that works for you?

With the position Wanna has taken they are no longer able to see good or benefit in the medical system or drugs or anything that doesn't grow on a tree or is sold by Mercola. Nutrition is extremely valuable, but so is the medical system. It has its flaws but to say every doctor, nurse, surgeon etc. is in a global conspiracy to keep the world sick... are you freaking kidding me? But then this is the same person who said the gov't is disguising commercial airliners to poison the air we breath. Don't make the mistake of closing your mind to advances from the medical system or alternative therapies. But keep yourself grounded in reality, common sense and look for some credibility in what you read. Unfortunately alternative therapies have a very shaky past and lack credibility in my mind. They can make outrageous claims with a little disclaimer that absolves them of all wrong doing. The FDA doesn't allow that, so what industry do you think holds more crooks looking to turn a quick buck?
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Re: MD vs DO

Post by HarryZ »

I sorely miss the nurse practitioner who was my former neuro's right hand woman. She was tremendously knowledgeable and compassionate.
My wife had a wonderful nurse practitioner for her urinary problems. She was absolutely excellent in dealing with my wife's issues and far more sensitive than most docs.
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