Dont grouse,degauss.If you cant chillout,chelate!

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Re: Dont grouse,degauss.If you cant chillout,chelate!

Post by gristy56 »

dear Elliot B. You are quite right in thinking that the Eskimos have a zero chance of MS. That is because there is no smog of 50Hz at the poles. If there were heaven help em!

The report on MRI scares me! I do not have a list of refences to hand so you will need to Google the following:-
You may have had iron overload as a child. Symptoms may have been no more than urinary retention or constipation. The body would have allowed excess iron to be oxidised either as Fe2O3 or Fe3O4 depending on available oxygen. Wilson writes this oxidised iron is bio unavailable. It is destined for chelaton and excretion but the body has no automatic means of achieving this and consequently can be stored, including on the blood brain barrier. Are you with it?

Fe3O4, magnetite, forms cristal structures. Long and thin and are ferromagnetic. One end may be implanted in the blood brain barrier.The free end is in the blood, but because of lamina flow is not washed away.Instead it follows the lines of the Earths mag. field, a feature used by migrating swallows etc. (google it)

Due to sleeping (when the Earths field is stationary with respect to the individual) near to tiny electromagnetic fields at 50Hz, magnetite vibrates and wears holes in the BBB. This is demyelination. If you would like to set up a demonstration for you to copy using alternative materials for magnetite and myelin, I will be pleased to do so. Just reply....

I read that modern contrast agents contain magnetite. No wonder such opinions for MRI!!!!!

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Re: Dont grouse,degauss.If you cant chillout,chelate!

Post by NHE »

gristy56 wrote:I read that modern contrast agents contain magnetite. No wonder such opinions for MRI!!!!!
Incorrect. MRI contrast agents contain gadolinium.
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Re: Dont grouse,degauss.If you cant chillout,chelate!

Post by gristy56 »

Dont grouse, degauss. Follow the following protocol to cure some existing symptoms of MS.
Assuming you have put Steel wirewool in your pillow to stop further lessions forming.
Wear your hat containing the same. Recline to sleep on a Steel sprung mattresss. Lay a hand held hair drier of at least 400W on its spine with the handle pointing up to the ceiling on top of your hat. Switch on the power, then move it around on top of the hat.No more than about 15 seconds. Do not allow the hot air to touch your skin or youll burn yourself. Include your ears, face and under your chin in this time. Continue down all your body legs and arms and switch off.
Sleep on your back on the mattress.
The electromagnetic field will be around 100X that in the air normally and will cause magnetite to be rapidly launched into the blood stream.
Now remove the hat, and the magnetite will fall under gravity in the bloostream. The lines of the Earths magnetic field passing through you and the mattress will cause this to be spread evenly throughout the body. The nett effect will be to improve visual problems and balance difficulties. This is temporary without chelation, the final step,which will be explained in much detail very soon.
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Re: Dont grouse,degauss.If you cant chillout,chelate!

Post by Froggie »

If ANYONE says they can "cure" you, run far and fast away from them!!! Last I checked there is no cure for MS and just because you're in remission with few symptoms doesn't mean you're suddenly disease-free. If so, I have several bridges to sell you...
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Re: Dont grouse,degauss.If you cant chillout,chelate!

Post by gristy56 »

There is a cure waiting to be found. By saying there is no cure puts the hard work and dedication of thousands to nothing. Just because you havent seen it in lights in the sky does not necessarily mean others havent. If you are not willing to explore the suggestion made, just remain silent because you do not know!
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Re: Dont grouse,degauss.If you cant chillout,chelate!

Post by ElliotB »

We all know how beneficial penicillin is. Who knows what might have happened if Alexander Fleming, the person who discovered penicillin, had been scorned for his work. Who knew that 'mold' could save so many lives!

You get my point...
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Re: Dont grouse,degauss.If you cant chillout,chelate!

Post by Froggie »

I just despise those giving false hope to people that really need it. Being homeless taught me that. I agree with Elliot- I don't rule out the possibility of a cure. I think a lot of us understand the complexity of this disease and the science behind finding a cure. Using a pendulum to decide what to eat, placing your body upside down during a full moon or clearing the bad vibes from your system does not equate with suddenly being disease free. Keep an open mind? Absolutely. Adhere to nonsense? Not! And that is my two cents.
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Re: Dont grouse,degauss.If you cant chillout,chelate!

Post by Luvsadonut »

I'll take some hope over no hope any day of the week. I'm guessing you've heard of placebo.
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Re: Dont grouse,degauss.If you cant chillout,chelate!

Post by gristy56 »

Nobody has said anything offensive! 32 years of this f....... condition, i understand where members of this site are coming from, but despite that, sitting waiting for researchers in White coats to hit the nail on the head with a pill to cure MS doesnt inspire me. As a highly qualified electrical engineer (chartered in 1984 following a 2-1 Hons. degree from the University of Bath in 1979) credit me with the ability to think! I am simplyfying the recommendations made throughout this thread considerably. Just take one part of it and try it, like sleeping on a Steel sprung mattress. You will notice the reduction of leg and foot pain the first night. If you do or if you dont answer this post rather than try to state negative platitudes. I havent even started on the final part of this thread which explains how I am chelating MS out of my body. I swear to God it is working. I am not lying. Its too serious for that and I know to raise false hopes is very hurtful. If you are wondering why he hasnt posted the whole thread in one go, it is simply that Im impetuous and dont wish to be misunderstood. Im human! still. I do apologise. Bear with me please.
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