If I Could Do it Over

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If I Could Do it Over

Post by Slumby »

If I Could Do it Over

First, I would make it an assignment, a duty, to go outside and walk. Every day. I lived in Southern California! I had a favorite spot to walk...but I had issues. But to just WalK. Because if you want to hold onto something, you keep doing it. And SwimminG. I went to a weekly MS class sponsored by NMSS...i had some difficulty swamming in the deep end. Swimming is a super excellent, awesome way to excercise your whole body all-at-once.

This includes a membership to a gym to use thier Elliptical machines. Even after recieving the televised advice from Montel Williams (and thinking yes) (he was diagnosed in 1999 like I was). I found public staircases to walk up & down. *And* a referral to physical therapy. To work closely with a physical therapist.

But I did none of these. What I didn't do, is sit in front of the TV, and the computer, all day every day. I was in denial and a deep level. It was disguised though. I did not consider myself to be in denial… Until I move to Oregon and the doctors here would tell me that I was in denial. I didn't realize how soon it might turn to THIS. No, that it WOULD turn to this. I just accepted each stage and did not fight. It was depression. Not until I started to take care of my depression did I realize all that I could do. But by then, I am not able to walk, to turn myself in the bed and now my arms are starting to curl in and are too weak to Brush my teeth… Almost. Add a psychiatrist to a physical therapist, and a neurologist.

I could go on with the opportunities that came my way but I did not take advantage of. These things, these interactions with people, are painful for me to look back on. I am looking back at a lot of things in my life that are painful, a death bed type of thing is happening in my brain these days. This disease for me (these days) is being trapped inside my body. Trapped inside my wheelchair. And it is far from over. I can see myself ending up like Annette Funicello.

I am still not sure if I regret not taking one of the injectable drugs. In the beginning, I used Avonex for about a year. Before I moved to Oregon, I was using Betaseron… This drug you have to titrate up. If I was going to quit, I should have titrated down! Or, better than that… Don't quit!

So, what can I do now? I still have the top half of my body. I do some exercises with that in the morning. I need to start thinking about how to bodybuilder the top half of my body!

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14mg aubagio
Edss = 8
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Re: If I Could Do it Over

Post by 1eye »

Yes, Laura, fight on. If you can do these, sit-to-stand exercises will help build up your core.

Can you? EDSS 8 sounds like not. I don't know what to suggest, but keep trying. There is a machine called a Nustep which is a combination of steps, and arm movements, like a recumbent elliptacal. I am pining for even that as currently I have a collar bone that needs surgery.

Good luck with the fight.
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Re: If I Could Do it Over

Post by ElliotB »

"So, what can I do now?"

IMHO, it is NEVER too late!

I suggest you read The Wahls Protocol book by Dr. Terry Wahls as well as two books by Dr. David Permutter, Grain Brain and Brain Maker, and follow the advise they give.

It is NEVER too late to start!
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Re: If I Could Do it Over

Post by Scott1 »


Absolutely! Nearly everyone wanted me to say I was in pain, wanted me to rest, wanted me to shut up, wanted me to just vaporise.

Writing what you did is a start. Don't ever say you can't or you might as well say you won't.

Learn, share and go for it. When I had to learn how to go up and down stairs again the one person I needed was always there but just out of reach. It was up to me. Now I go where ever I want.

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Re: If I Could Do it Over

Post by NHE »

Hi Laura,
Have you ever tried a Theracycle? It has a motor to help move your legs. It would be good for getting some increased circulation going to help your muscles.

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Re: If I Could Do it Over

Post by Music »

Hi Laura,

You and I seem similar in what we can and can't do physically. This is what I do to stay somewhat flexible:

My caregiver does range of motion exercises, stretches and massage with me every morning. I also use a similar bicycle as the one NHE mentioned....just not as fancy. I sit in my w/c and cycle away. All this usually takes about 2 to 3 hours. The last thing I do is put my feet up on a stool for a half hour to reduce the swelling in my feet.

Hope this helps.
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Re: If I Could Do it Over

Post by StaryNight »

Laura...thank you for sharing this. I fight this monster daily and sometimes I fight it too hard where I wear myself out more than I already am out of fear of what this monster will eventually do to me. Thank you for posting this. Thank you so much. ( Hugs)
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